posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by peede
Yeah, do that. Try to keep a video camera around from now on, so Republican08 can take a fair stab at debunking your stories. After all, one of the
most crucial parts of having this amazing, magical experience is having all your evidence shot down by someone who clearly knows better than you, the
person who was actually there. Plus, instead of just taking in the experience using your own senses, imagine how much better it could be while trying
to operate a camera, viewing the craft through the lens or tiny screen if digital, while keeping the ufo in focus and keeping in mind to select the
proper lighting settings, etc that today's modern camera is equipped with. Oh yeah that's sure to enhance your experience to the max, and let's not
forget the cherry on top, the whole purpose for recording the now get to experience a whole slew of experts explain how they believe this
video was hoaxed or how you were mistaken and it was something mundane.
By not trying to make sure to keep a camera around, you are essentially stealing ego points away from folks who would enjoy the little boost they get
from feeling superior as they shoot down all your evidence... so, I dunno, try to be a little more considerate in the future. It's the human thing to
do. Basically, if you have even one shred of humanity within you, you will try to make sure to keep a video camera near by.