posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 10:46 PM
Originally posted by scghst1
What do you think?
I think that is a fallacy to try to equate something that happened in a Hollywood movie to a real life situation.
Closing the borders completely would be near impossible. But closing the official border crossings would slow the exposure rate of non-infected
persons by limiting travel between countries. There would be less people coming and going so less chance of a person infecting more and more people. I
don't believe it would completely contain the virus but it would slow the progression.
In the movie, it made complete sense to close off the city of New York even though it didn't work. It's like cutting off your hand to free yourself
from a trap. Just like in Outbreak when they completely quarantined the entire city even though there were still people uninfected. It's not a great
decision to have to make but sometimes tough decisions have to be made for the good of all. But again, those are just movies.
Also just because it may be airborne doesn't mean some guy in going to sneeze in Mexico and the virus is going to travel on the jet stream to Africa.
It doesn't work like that.