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ATS Sensationalizing Flu Scare?

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posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:56 PM
well seeing as how now they authorities are thinking that this flu has been kicking around mexico for MONTHS and that there is a possibility untold thousands of people have had it, it may turn out to be no big deal in the end.

of course this is only the best case scenario of possible scenarios, but still, we (ats) has a tendency the act like the 'jury is in' and we know all the facts, when in fact we often are still largely in the dark.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:18 PM
I just figured i stop in here today and show you guys how my day went..I did some exercising
then I went for a walk..
Then i ran into a buddy and we found a box
We found some mushrooms in the box and I did this

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 09:24 PM
good gawd. Flipped past CNN News and they have a whole special on germs and the evil behind them.

Here's my question.



Well I think you understand. I hear that there is 159 fatalities in mexico. What's the big deal about that? If this were as big as the media is making it, there would not be a mere 159 deaths at this point. There should be rampant infection, sickness and possibly more deaths. We're talking a 24 to 48 hour incubation period.

I call puckey!

I would appreciate someone offering some real data that describes what theyhave seen or know about this influenza....otherwise, its another government scam.

My sense is they are doing this to continue their evil plans of isolating us from each other. Their messages have always been about dividing whether on issues or beliefs. I think this is the next step. Alienate your neighbor. Be stand offish because you may contract something from them. This is just another means of their evil intents for intimidation and fear, and dividing us further....for ultimate conquest.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 09:30 PM
the other reason to worry is when you the Secretary of Homeland Security as part of the government team that is dealing with this "problem". What exactly does Homeland Security do for us again?? We know they don't care about illegal immigration.

Its also interesting that the government team provide us with no technical details regarding the influenza, protection measures and other informative data. Its always do what we tell you because we know best. THEY OFFER NOTHING WITH REGARDS TO DOCUMENTATION, EVIDENCE OR SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION on these matters. Its always this fuzzy nonspecific information.

I say...where's the beef? show me the money. Quit hiding the sausage which you are so good at Mr. Government.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by allclear
good gawd. Flipped past CNN News and they have a whole special on germs and the evil behind them.

Here's my question.



Well I think you understand. I hear that there is 159 fatalities in mexico. What's the big deal about that? If this were as big as the media is making it, there would not be a mere 159 deaths at this point. There should be rampant infection, sickness and possibly more deaths. We're talking a 24 to 48 hour incubation period.

I call puckey!

I would appreciate someone offering some real data that describes what theyhave seen or know about this influenza....otherwise, its another government scam.

My sense is they are doing this to continue their evil plans of isolating us from each other. Their messages have always been about dividing whether on issues or beliefs. I think this is the next step. Alienate your neighbor. Be stand offish because you may contract something from them. This is just another means of their evil intents for intimidation and fear, and dividing us further....for ultimate conquest.

It’s no small issue when the WHO issues pandemic warnings. It is important to understand what a Pandemic really is.

The Spanish Flu was the worst pandemic in world history. The flu that year killed only 2.5 percent of its victims, but more than a fifth of the world's entire population caught it, and so it's estimated that between 50 million and 100 million people died in just a few months.

We do not currently have any natural immunities or a vaccine for the swine flu, so the entire populous is susceptible and thats the real issue here. If it spreads fast and lots get it then deaths could mount up in a very short time. E.g. Pandemic

Even if you get sick your very very unlikely to die. Fact is any fast spreading flu for which no vaccines or natural immunities exist can cause Pandemic.

If you really want find the villains in this country look no further than the popular media. Food for thought..

[edit on 28-4-2009 by Donkey_Dean]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Don't miss this video:

Dr. Len Horowitz's explanation about exactly who is behind this flu outbreak. Horowitz is an excellent researcher. But I think promoting his product, as well, was not a smart move, public relations-wise. That said, I bought OxySilver some time ago just to have around because it's Horowitz's formula.
Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009: SPECIAL REPORT by Dr Leonard Horowitz:

Article mentioning Novavax and Novartis vaccine competition:
"Novavax is eager to show how its technology can compete with the big, egg-based vaccine plants being constructed by Novartis and Sanofi Aventis, Singhvi said. ‘I think we are catching up.'”

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:34 AM
Don't you know they (the WHO, UN, IMF, WB, etc.) have all been created by the elitist for the elitist. YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED AGAIN! The WHO is nolonger reputable. It is just like the CDC. Bought and paid for.

World markets rally as swine flu fears diminish
World markets rally as swine flu fears diminish, better than expected US economic data

* Pan Pylas, AP Business Writer
* On Wednesday April 29, 2009, 5:43 am EDT

Buzz up!
* Print

LONDON (AP) -- World stock markets rallied Wednesday after better-than-expected U.S. data fueled hopes that the world's largest economy was showing tentative signs a recovery is imminent and fears faded -- for now -- over the economic impact of a possible swine flu pandemic.

After two days of declines, the main Asian and European markets posted broad-based gains, with airline stocks -- slammed in recent days amid worries about the disease's toll on travel -- up sharply.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:37 AM
buy buy buy. That's what they want. They want you to buy and stimulate the economy. Buy worthless stuff on fear and intimidation. Once you stop jumping the gun, and get the facts, then we will be a smarter society. In the meantime, they have you exactly where they want you. Jumping.


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
It is true. when a major breaking news story occurs, you are garunteed to see atleast a few conspiracies about it. All of which never come true.

For the most part, it is just wild speculation, fantasizing and theorizing... and alot of it is not based on any real fact.

We see alot of it here, because of the nature of this website. There are tons of open minded people on this site, but what alot of people don't realize is that if you open your mind to far, your brain will fall out!

In other words, when people theorize about this kind of stuff they often forget to use common sense, logic and facts. Because of that, the resulting posts consist of alot of fantasy, fear mongering and a major lack of anything solid.

If there is one thing that I have learned over the years it is this, Keep your mind open, but not so much that your brain falls out.

Great OP, You have said exactly what alot of people are thinking and you said it in a way that doesnt come across as a personal attack towards anyone who actually believes something is going to happen here.


Peace and love!

I think the bigger problem here is not the issue that ATS members over sensitize breaking news and other topics, it's the conviction, anger and rejection of anyone attempting to introduce calm and rational thought INTO those threads. Just about anyone who makes a comment to one of these sky is falling threads is treated like the stupid fool who can't count to one or a government hack who is spreading disinfo.

It kills any real conversation about whatever issue is at hand. To find a meaningful, thoughtful and rational thread is virtually impossible now. Has anyone noticed that?

One thing I do (except when I get really annoyed and I can't help myself) is avoid the suspect thread altogether.
Once I feel my blood boil a bit I just move on. Granted that doesn't always work and I find myself responding to someone who clearly has lost all grasp to reality and then I feel bad later for taking it out on someone who just cant help themselves.

I am REALLY trying to only respond to those I feel can actually hold a conversation without spitting at the mouth and trying to ram their version of reality down my throat. It's getting harder to do every day as ATS is overrun by these posts and seemingly there is an endless supply of people to prop them up.

I really wish we have a rating system to work with, one that took into account a personal "bias" whether that is toward the farfeched or not and also takes into account posters you'd deem untrustworthy. If a thread is hijacked by people you have marked untrustworthy that thread gets moved down your personal list. Your friends values could also influence it.. etc..

Unpopular idea.. I know, it's been told to me in no uncertain terms, but it would make this a more pleasurable weekday jaunt.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:07 PM
I beleive we should be able to not only star peoples post but also give them a thumbs down..then in turn can been worked into a average approvale rating of fellow posters..Good idea?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Ever year or so we get new flu strands. This holds the same for Swine Flu. Every year or so it changes as well as ALL other flu strands. If you are reading this is some super strand..No it's not. It a flu strand Type A and there are different kinds of this strand out there but it is still type A an is no different within it's class it is still the flu. And it will not kill any more people than any other type A flu. The media is having some down time...There isn't alot of bad news going on. No more banks crashing no ufo's landing on the white house lawn. So when the media needs to meet its contract terms with advertisers to drive viewing numbers this is what turns up. Rating scare tactic reporting of a COMMON flu that the media can't get yelled at for over blowing because..well they are warning us of "flu" dangers. But this is ratings driven for the media. If they wanted to they could report this for all types of flu's not just type A swine.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Day 5

The infectious spread of FLU threads have been unstoppable. No amount of alternate thread topics have stemmed the tide. It's hopeless

I feel the end is near....

Day 28... i am so so scared... my cats are sneezing but the dog is OK. yesterday i buried my hamster mr sqeeky. my neighbors have been very quiet maybe they are all dead. nobody has been moving their cars for a few days now. the corner grocery store was open and jenny was still sleeping with her head on the scanner so i couldnt do my self checkout. i left a check, she'll cash it when she wakes up... ok i know she's not sleeping but i'm going crazy ok??? i hope to see some other people around soon. my cable went out yesterday and google stopped updating their pages last week. luckily the porn sites are still going strong and i found this secret password site which will keep me occupied for the next few weeks. but then what? i can't live like that anymore. found a handgun next to an elderly gentleman at the gas station. wondering if it will protect me from zombies... is this the end? I feel the end is near...

i hate pork!

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