posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:28 PM
Well, I watched enough of the video to recognize it as the propaganda nonsense that it is, aiming to keep the sheople in the dark.
When they passed out the blame, they failed to mention the biggest names who deserve credit for this fiasco which is the current melt down of the
world's economy, ala 1929 style.
First of all, special recognition should go to Milton Friedman as the grand architect of this scheme that has bulked the masses with his economic
Ron Reagan should also get special recognition as the face and voice of the movement that destroyed our economy.
Newt Gingrich for his special role in executing the contract on America which lead to our economic downfall.
Then there is a long list of bagmen that should be noted, GH Bush, George Schultz, and Dick Cheney deserve special consideration.
Media frontmen Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and Combes, come first to mind.
All those who bought into the free market con job should at least get a letter, hopefully the bill for national debt built up by the people they voted
While the democrats have their role, they acted primarily as dupes, much like GW Bush, but of course this video aims to give them far more credit
than they deserve, hoping to make a lot more dupes so that the people they support can eventually return to power.