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The timing of the Swine Flu 'outbreak'

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 01:47 PM
Hello people,

Have just joined and this is my first post.

Have read this website for ages but feel inclined to join and have my say....

The UK government is well known to hide news stories with other 'major' stories.

Is it just coincidence the 'outbreak' of Swine flu has been timed at the same time as the lesser released news story of a new system which would track all e-mails, phone calls and internet use, including visits to social network sites.

Here is the link and the Home Office PDF file advising us how our Civil liberties are gradually disappearing.

I would be curious to see how long this webpage and the PDF stay online for.

I hear people daily fearing this Swine Flu - All this is, is scaremongering tactics to hide other news. Unfortunately, in the UK, at the moment there is a high percentage of 'Jeremy Kyle' mindsets who believe whatever they see and hear on TV. Mindcontrol..but thats another topic...

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 02:06 PM
I get where you're coming from but this is a small story, especially when you consider the bill only allows for the contacts that the user has are monitored, not the content. Of course this is BS since they've been monitoring everything for years anywho so nobody really gives a hoot either way. If swine flu was a cover story it would be for something much bigger than the UK surveillance laws, not too sure what though, I guess we'll find out in time, keep your eyes peeled.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 02:15 PM
i am living in the uk but i dont feel it will turn out bad as if it is a major disease,
but i do feel this is a set up, anyone know hot this could of started

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 02:24 PM
S&F for you sir. When I first heard of this whole thing all I could think of was the timing...It is damn near perfect. How can we pump up the economy? By making some people sick, scared, and confused so they will buy cures, masks, food, water, etc and make big pharm rise in the stock market. Not only with that report released in Britain today, let's not forget what has been taking place on the US/Mexican border the last few weeks. How about torture and water boarding? People pissed off at the government.....DISTRACTIONS DISTRACTIONS DISTRACTIONS. I mean I could literally go on forever. It happens every single time TPTB are up to something.

This outbreak, if that's what you even want to call it is a joke. The only people who have died so far are in Mexico City, probably more so due to the fact of there lack of health care and the fact that the city is enormously overcrowded, leading to an increase in diseases. It has spread because it is one of the largest cities in the world and hundreds of flights come and go everyday. Of course the media isn't going to analyze any of these things though. They want people scared and spending money!!!

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by spitefulgod yes, our email contacts and phone calls have been monitered for a long time. i don't believe they are intercepted and read or listened to due to the high volume of bull ****. even though it is an invasion of privacy, these are the just small steps to take away our freedom. as for using the swine flu as a smoke screen? that could be a definate yes but for something much bigger than a person's right to privacy

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 02:29 PM
ok .. well.. the first thing I thought of when this virus hit was the lady that was on the radio talk show that was calling in about the truck driver that was carrying a load of what he 'thought' was a virus. This was about 2 weeks ago.

however, I've search like 5 forums and can't see to find it ...anyone know where it is located or may have replied..

Personally, I think there's a connection if my memory serves me right, I thought it was in Arizona or Texas he was drive through..

Please, if you find it, plz post it here while keep looking ..

thx !

here it is ..

[edit on 27-4-2009 by Komodo]

[edit on 27-4-2009 by Komodo]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Komodo
however, I've search like 5 forums and can't see to find it ...anyone know where it is located or may have replied..

Personally, I think there's a connection if my memory serves me right, I thought it was in Arizona or Texas he was drive through..

Please, if you find it, plz post it here while keep looking ..

[edit on 27-4-2009 by Komodo]

[edit on 27-4-2009 by Komodo]


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