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We can all relax! Obama says no "cause for alarm" about swine flu

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 10:49 AM
Barack Obama is charismatic and sounds great on TV so I know I'm gonna believe him!!

Despite all the one-world-government actions, lies, continued destruction of the middle class and all the just really bad things, it's time to party! The worst flu, and most genetically complex* flu we've ever seen is no "cause for alarm"... Phew!

p.s. don't tell the family members of those who have suffered...

[* - no citation and not sure on this but I'm being dramatic here...]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 10:52 AM
I know I could use a laugh this Monday morning (In the USA).

Any funny people out there??

This thread is an attempt to have some fun, use some irony, take a little time to laugh at the brutal atrocities we see every day; but please be polite and aware.

Why did the politician cross the road? I have no idea, hopefully YOU will

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:16 AM
Its not as bad as the media is making it out to be.

The US only has 40 Confirmed cases, no deaths.
We still need to Confirm how many in Mexico died from Swine Flu. (IF any one has this info please post it.)

Googling around to back up my source shows it to be correct.

We are in the normal flu season still. 250,000+ die each year from the flu. But for the next few weeks, any flu is swine flu untill its a Confirmed case, as far as the MSM is concerned.

[edit on 4/27/09 by Cyprex]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:19 AM
This swine flu works to Obama's and the government's advantage.

What unemployment?

What economy?

What bad legislation?

What trillions?

Attention has been diverted and the government is free to do its will while we focus in on the Swine flu.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:21 AM
lol obama couldn't even balance his own checkbook 7 year's ago when he was flat broke.

Now he can balance america's future lol

now he says the flu is ok no worries...

So apparently in bizzaro world or obama town he is saying run for the hill's...

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by jam321
This swine flu works to Obama's and the government's advantage.

What unemployment?

What economy?

What bad legislation?

What trillions?

Attention has been diverted and the government is free to do its will while we focus in on the Swine flu.

thats why they sent it out man, and by they i mean NWO/Illuminati scum.

either that or there going for mass population control, or depopulation..

it's all part of there agenda, smoke and mirrors man

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Yeah I would like to get some info from Mexico city, some eye witness people, at ground zero, to give us a detailed explanation, the media is on catch up, yet the news should be in Mexico, right now.. We should have camera's in the hospitals and we should see the people with the illness on the hospital beds, that way we can get a understanding of the severity of this swine flu. Telling me not to worry. HA,,, Media does not know what to think.. They remind of nutcracker soldiers, just following along in a line.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:31 AM
He's an absolute moron.
If Obama says 'no cause for alarm' ... then that tells me I'd better go stock up.

'No cause for alarm' my backend ....

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The damage is already done, people are panicking, people are worry and the they will forget about all the economic woes and will turn to government to come to the rescue as usual.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:15 PM
You all forgot about the Transparency! When Obama talks all is transparent, just like fiscal responsibility and financial recovery and the terror memos and all that great stuff that he has made crystal clear. We can assume the same candor applies to his reassuring remarks about swine flu. Plus that he played golf while getting the hourly updates. After all he can easily be reached by phone if they need him.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:46 PM
This is absolutely nuts! The fear we are being feed is causing panic that we can't even measure at the moment. I'm starting to get paranoid, not really sure who or what to believe anymore.

We are buying a house just out of the city of Edmonton and moving within the next month. I have close family in the Military and They have in the last 2 months been given "Special Training" but they couldn't even say what it was for, they seem very agitated recently, My older brother who is Air force, this week is in Ontario on a special coarse, He stopped at my Mom's place on route to the training exercise, and basically said things are going bad, My mom called me shortly after sounding very depressed about his visit, asking if i could maybe come home to visit this month before things get out of control.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:52 PM
The main reason why he is telling everyone not to worry is because he knows he and his family can be in a biologically isolated environment with stockpiles for a couple years in less time than it takes him to suck down a cancer stick.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:27 PM
When Obama said "no cause for alarm", did anyone notice that he had an ashen look to him? He didn't seem to be well at all. If I were him, I'd be a bit nervous after shaking hands with that architect who passed away the next day down in Mexico.

I'm also a bit concerned because while I'm writing this, I'm fighting a low grade fever I've had for 4 days now. Doctors are instructed to see any patients right away who exhibit any signs of the flu.

If I'm feeling better though I wont go. It may be nothing.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by quemo

The other night on C2C Ian Punnett asked the guest (sorry don't know who) when we need to start worrying about the swine flu. One of the answers was "When the President says we don't need to worry."

Hope you get feeling better, quemo. My Mom is in the Dallas area and started having a terrible cough today with a low grade fever. You just never know....


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