posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 10:13 AM
What a hotbed of intellectual cut-and-thrust Towson university must be.
Seriously, B-T I think other factors might be at work here such as lobbyists, the fragmention of American media, the sorts of issues that were to be
addressed, the control of the media and so forth. And the characters, personalities, or even looks of the men. Nixon notoriously hated TV after the
"shaving shadow" debate with Kennedy: Ford and Johnson and Bush 1 had pretty sympathetic media, Carter was destroyed by the media.
As he is a Republican in 2003, I can't say Bush's absence is entirely unremarkable.IT's a largely hostile media and a sound-bite 15-second max
audience. Why waste the energy?
Incidentally, the first thing Blair did was to halve Parliamentary question time. These are not old-style politicians nurtured on debate and public
gatherings: they're rich lawyers who can afford to pay for TV faces and have little to fear from equally feeble opposition politicians.