posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:15 AM
lol this is nothing new, this has been happening for ages. we were warned by presidents by people in power that there is a force behind it all taking
everything from us etc. warned us about the fed.. aka banking agencies and all that good stuff.
to make the picture a bit more clear it is not just our government. i don't know if you are aware of ww2 history but germany was mislead, taken
control over then once in the right position they started assinating the rest of the government people who refused and were against hitler's agenda.
then we get to britain and france giving over territory to the germans. little by little they gain power n territory and figured hey what the heck
lets get poland. no one helped them, everyone claims to want freedom n peace in this world and for everyone etc etc bs bs. same goes with the genocide
in darfur and the rest of the bs going on in this world at the moment.
even in all this everyone sits back sure there's a protest here or there once in awhile. its not going to do anything because like i said before
about them, this is like a game of chess for them. every piece they move they already have backups in place setups in case that piece is taken down or
surrounded etc... basically they throw things at us when they have fallback plans or even to lead the people into a direction they want them to. such
as aggression.. rioting.. anger... hate... or use the same old tactic that has worked on humanity since beginning of time... religion. the usual good
and evil tactic lol i still dont get how they still get people to walk right into that one but hey they know what there doing.
as for our founding fathers giving them all the power im not to sure about that... it seems like there breaking the constitution down little by little
for a reason. to break down the walls that keeps them from doing what they have been trying to do for ages. the government was for the people of the
people etc etc etc but as you can see that idea has been wiped off the face of this planet long ago.
yeah we have been brain washed since our birth basically its so built in everyone its almost impossible to escape which is sad. the potential this
world has is being limited by them... we could be so much more... so advanced that we would make ourselves now in this moment look like the stone age.
if we focused on making our world better and focused on moving forward instead of spending trillions of dollars on false wars. on useless and
sometimes "unknown" things.. (yes i say unknown because our money sometimes "dissapears" and they do not know where it went) funny stuff.
we would have cures for every disease, we would have unlimited energy.unlimited imagination and yes i say imagination because that's where it begins
also... they put limits our on imagination as well i would explain how for some who don't know or understand what i'm saying. but i don't want to
make this any longer then it already is lol anyways.. imagination is the beginning step of all this as i'm sure all of you know.. everything around
you someone has imagined it and created it. the buildings, drawings, books... etc etc you get the picture. they have dumbed down society all across
this world... we are so far behind, so far from what we have naturally been and were suppose to be.
can you imagine a world with unlimited energy? clean water? all across the globe? a world without famine? without genocide? a world where you probably
wouldn't even have to work because food would be so abundant water and power free and clean for everyone? the only reason you would work is because
its something you love and want to do, something that gives you true pleasure, not something you do because it makes more money then the thing that
actually makes you happy. can you imagine being happy?
i know it all seems like a dream something we could never achieve etc.. but its not and it never was... it was our evolution. it is possible.
but look where we ended up... truly sad.