posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 09:25 PM
Is there anyone living in Japan on ATS who has experienced this?
I think that would really freak me out.
I would thank that if this were to ever come to pass there would be a "S" storm in the states.
Too many bad possibilites but then again that never stopped anybody.
I would think the uses are endless, video games, movies, television shows, radio, music.
I think it was Bruce Wayne who said to E. Nigma, anything that can project images into the brain could suck images out.
That Bruce Wayne is a hell of a guy.
Do you think he could actually be...naw forget I even thunk it
But seriously this type of technology should cause us all concern and I agree wtih a previous poster that jamming equipment, personal jamming
equipment will be the wave of the future.
Mobile privacy suites hooked to your PDA or cell phone and all that.