posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:46 PM
There was a user with the handle of "InterWeb" who said "Me and my mates are hard bastards, we run the show around the local town, we have started
a few wee wars and overrun a few wee governments..." and went on about how just because your money is worthless it does not mean they could not park
their cars in the neighbor town anymore.
To all of this another user, "shug7272" stated that, "Secondly if nobody takes our money where will we get the supplies for the military?"
I understand the logic behind our statement shug7272, but what you fail to recognize is that if the dollar is worthless and America would fight to
maintain supremacy, then they would just take the supplies needed to keep moving forward. As for the people not wanting to join the military, what if
you offer to feed them and their family if they join or restricted their food if they do not. Perhaps they could/would go as far as to endanger their
families if they do not fight for them. Holding one's loved ones is a very influential way to motivate one to do whatever you want them to.
Just some food for thought...