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God is Not a demon, but Lord God might be..

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posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 07:42 PM
As stated in my previous post there is a strong possibility that the bible depicts accounts of 2 gods,
Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" Gen 1:26-27 God said "Let Us make man in Our His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and feamle He created them".
Gen 1:29 Basically God states an example of a vegetarian diet

On the day that God rested the dark Lord created another universe, or reality in one day (the 7th day) Genesis 2, and created his chosen people. The old testament is riddled with rape pillage and plunder all being directed and orchestrated by the Lord to his chosen people.
Genesis 2:16; "...he shall rule over you" commands male superiority over female,
Gen 2:4 " the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens..." (note; opposite to Gen 1:1; heavens and the earth) Gen 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground ...Gen 2: 20 ...But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him...the rib...Lord God made into a woman..." (note: woman made much later than man and neither were made in the image of God as in Gen 1 Male and female He created them Gen 3:21 the beginning of the blood sacrifices pleasing to the Lord God...Gen 8:21 the smell of burning flesh was a "soothing aroma" to the Lord

God says to Noah do not murder (Gen 9:6), but the Lord God promotes the killing rampages: Exodus 15:3-11 "The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is His name...

1Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all the churches of the saints."

here is what the Lord gets up to when humans were all getting on well together, Gen 11:1-9 "...Come let Us go down and there confuse their language that they may not understand one anothers speech. So the Lord scattered them..."

Consider Noah
Genesis 6:13-22, God said to Noah build the ark, and "two of every sort...male and female..two of everykind will come..."
Genesis 7 the Lord then said to Noah, You will take " of every clean animal...two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female..." Note the Lords command identifies the male and his female detailing the authority of male over female whereas Gods command shows equality within the sexes.

There is written accounts of the two Gods with an angel of the Lord and an angel from God.

Most of the bible specifically separates the accounts of these two "Gods"

I believe the earth is our home. It is the most beautiful planet in the entire universe. I believe that Anastasia from the ringing cedars book series covers the perfect nature of earth exquistly.

It is the dark side that wants us to believe earth is not our home. The dark side that wants people to believe in a home other than earth. Earth is mother, earth is a living creation designed for us her children to support us feed us and offer us home and refuge in the universe. Only a dark Lord who does not like women very much would perverse human thoughts to rape and plunder the mother earth and then get people to disrespect her and wish they were living some where else.

Our God or father of the Genesis 1 (not genesis 2!) created us in the image of God male and female, equal. With love and respect, I love earth my mother and my home. I hope that people begin to project loving thoughts to her and respect the home she has provided.

Our planet is beautiful it is the human being that is manifesting so much pain, and their fixation on ego and pain. Even some movies depict murder rape, pain, torture and people say, "thats entertainment" WTF?
It is Not earth our mother and father that is doing this, it is perverted humans manifesting perverted concepts and saying thats life...or that was fun, after watching a movie like SAW.

Some are like sleep walkers living a nightmare and projecting their nightmare onto others. As in the Matrix movie...wake up.

[edit on 25-4-2009 by flashesofblue]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:23 AM
It is really hard to say, because kings and such were called gods back even in the time of Jesus.

I personally disregard the majority of the killing stuff. I am either not wise enough to understand it, or it is not truly from god. I know that I am not to do any such things.

Other parts I know are true from understanding, and in those parts I see the father speaking. And when I say understanding, I mean on very very deep and personal way, to where there is little doubt. But for me the order is a bit different than most, I learned then seen it in the bible after. I had read the bible and stuff before, but it never made sense before then as I didn't have enough wisdom and understanding for it. Thus why I said before I just don't know about the other stuff.

But like the tower of babel story, I thought that was bad at first, but after I looked at it a bit deeper I can understand it.

The world was united under 1 culture and 1 language. We got along and so forth because of it. We were starting to head out in the universe. Now, what would have happened when we came across other "alien" races and such? We would have warred with them, tried to enslave them and so forth because they were different. Because they didn't have the same culture, language and so forth.

And this is proven in the story in what happens after. Our languages were confused and so forth, and suddenly we were no longer united and started to war and enslave each other because of our differences. Nobody forced them to do that, they did it because they were different, and the differences could be pointed out and then they no longer related to each other.

So, the wars are kept here on earth among those who would war, rather than out in the universe where they would be big. We being evil do evil things. We choose to war and we support wars and such by our own choice.

The majority of our resources on this planet are put towards war. The rest just kind of trickles into society as a side effect from the advancements. And one day we will reunite with all these war resources and the tower of babel will happen again.

Same reason we were removed from the "garden" in the first place. To protect all the rest of life that isn't evil and such. The moment you add evil to a non evil society, the entire society changes. Suddenly you need cops and government for protection, and those things in themselves are by nature "evil". Leave your house for a long time, and you'll probably end up robbed. In a society without thieves, it's not a problem and so you don't need those functions.

Can't know the differences between good and evil without experiencing both, so here we are.

As for the bit about earth and such. You are only focusing on the flesh and physical. It's really just "information". Just a thought, and in the blink of the eye it can be anything.

Even by conventional science the earth is going to be fine either way. It came from a hot ball of fire to what we have today on it's own, to think mankind is going to have any real effect outside destroying it's own environment and ways of survival is just silly. "save the earth" people irritate me, not because I hate the earth, but because they could atleast be honest about what they are trying to save - their environment and themselves. The earth is going to be fine either way.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by badmedia
Even by conventional science the earth is going to be fine either way. It came from a hot ball of fire to what we have today on it's own, to think mankind is going to have any real effect outside destroying it's own environment and ways of survival is just silly. "save the earth" people irritate me, not because I hate the earth, but because they could atleast be honest about what they are trying to save - their environment and themselves. The earth is going to be fine either way

We can't kill the Earth of course, but we should at least try not making it worse. You might be given the wrong impression the Earth is huge compared to humanity. But the habitable zone is just small enough for humans to make an impact, be it for good or worse.

I've gone around the world to say, it isn't the same everywhere. It's not even the same a decade earlier. But we can make it better, why not even try?

[edit on 29-4-2009 by ahnggk]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by ahnggk

Well i'm not in favor of trashing the earth or anything. I am against pollution regulations and such because I think it legalizes pollution for "certain" people, when all pollution should be illegal. One person has no right to pollute another persons property/environment. I think it should be a crime to pollute at all, and anyone who pollutes should be forced to pay a hefty fine to those whose environment they polluted(restitution for a criminal case).

But the whole save the planet stuff in general is a scam. Don't pollute, end of discussion IMO.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by flashesofblue
On the day that God rested the dark Lord created another universe, or reality in one day (the 7th day) Genesis 2, and created his chosen people.

This somewhat fit in my theory of the galactic nature of creation.

If I fit this to my theory. The good God is the creator of the Andromeda Galaxy and He and the Son and everything good currently residing in it. The dark God and/or the 'Prince of the Air' have created the very galaxy we live in - The Milky Way Galaxy - so don't be surprised if every alien race in our galaxy is bad and conspiring against us.

Soon, the Andromeda Galaxy will eat up the Milky Way (galactic merger), and all evil will be vanquished but not before the Earth is destroyed and the human race gone extinct. Look up 'milkomeda' in google.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

thats amazing... I had a look at the site. Interesting.

Personally though I believe that our earth is a sacred site and we are sacred as human kind. I feel that some of these internet sites try to create the illusion that earth is bad so that people have an exuse to perpetuate the negativity, and to not believe in the sanctity of our planet and to make exuses up as to our possible extinciton. This I can not see happen as earth will protect those of us who love earth.

How about considering the concept that if a minor or demi god created those of Genesis 2 calling himself LORD God that that being could possibly have been Jesus Christ. In the realisation of what he asked his chosen people the Israelites to do as in the murderous atrocities documented in much of the OT, God sent his son Jesus to earth to check out the consequences of being human and therefor Jesus realising the error of his ways as being a Jealous and wrathful LORD God to his chosen people the Israelites decided to take their sins on his shoulders and die, since he was the one who told them to commit so many sins, against the wishes of God who clearly says not to murder.

Just maybe Jesus , or LORD God could be a twin, with an evil twin brother... God only knows.

However I do not believe the earth will be destroyed or our humanity extinct. We are Gods people (since the blood lines of both creations Gen 1 and Gen2 were mixed with Noah) therefore God will not allow our extinction. We are created ultimately perfect, and we need to wake up to ourselves, the perfectness of our earth, in the perfectly created universe.

Om Nama Shivaya

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by flashesofblueHowever I do not believe the earth will be destroyed or our humanity extinct. We are Gods people (since the blood lines of both creations Gen 1 and Gen2 were mixed with Noah) therefore God will not allow our extinction. We are created ultimately perfect, and we need to wake up to ourselves, the perfectness of our earth, in the perfectly created universe.

Om Nama Shivaya

According to the Bible, we aren't going to be extinct, we'll be resurrected... But our current human form will become extinct and it has to happen because our corrupt bodies can't live in God's kingdom and it's 'fast' approaching so we'll die anyways.

The Earth will die and cast away from the face of God. It's described both from the Bible and from supercomputer simulations.

Revelations 20:11
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

From simulations

"The first sideswipe will occur less than 2 billion years from now. During that first interaction, there’s a 12% chance that the Solar System might get ejected from the disk of the Milky Way, and spun out into the tidal tail of material that will stream out from the Milky Way. And there’s a remote chance, less than 3%, that the Sun will jump ship, joining up with Andromeda, and leaving the Milky Way entirely."

The Great White Throne is in Andromeda. Have a look at Andromeda pics, what does it look like?

[edit on 4-5-2009 by ahnggk]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

Ok you have a very strong and scientifically/astrologically proven point, however... what if like God just morphs us and our planet into another dimension right in time to avoid the intergalactic space highway and the probable extermination/extinction of earth and Co in the collision of Andromeda and co?

I feel at times Revelations is so open to interpretation that its like not even worth giving my opinion on, because not many people or religions can agree on many points written within the cryptic message that John wrote. God did however make it very clear in Gen 9:8 that he would not destroy the earth again ( ok He did say not by flood, maybe he just neglected to mention it would be some intergalactic collision...). the LORD God of Gen 8:21 says that He will not destroy every living about that, I like it God loves us, wont destroy us and thats that then.

Yeh, we will be like magically repositioned into another magical dimension very similiar to our current solar system.... I love my fantasy world of hope, fairy tales and the belief that we as a race, created in the image of God is so loved, and my beloved earth that we will live happily ever after, in some dimension, but never again destroyed.

Why do people fixate on the negative message of death and destruction to all...its so dramatic, so hollywood, so medieval, so sad...

[edit on 5-5-2009 by flashesofblue]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by flashesofblue
what if like God just morphs us and our planet into another dimension right in time to avoid the intergalactic space highway and the probable extermination/extinction of earth and Co in the collision of Andromeda and

Some will be changed for sure and even avoid death before going to God's kingdom, I don't have a handy verse for that right now, so yes, that's something to be happy about.

But the poor Earth will not have the same fate:

Isa 51:6-lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

2 Pe 3:10-but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

This is before the New Heaven and Earth comes down which I think is in Andromeda.

And about the same time the Andromeda and Milky Way are merged, the Earth would've been burned up by the Sun. The merger will also spawn new stars and planets due to mingling of giant gas and dust clouds of the two galaxies. This might be where the New Earth will come from.

It's definitely not going to be a changed Earth, but rather a completely new one. This Bible Prophecy confirmed by scientific predictions

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