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Taliban controlling Pakistan, the trigger for starting nuclear war?

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posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 07:41 PM
Taliban moving closer and closer to Islamabad...

U.S. concered of Talibans movement in Pakistan

Military of Pakistan

Imagine if Taliban got control of some of Pakistans nuclear arsenal...

Pakistan and WMD

US plans $2,8 billion military aid to Pakistan

Could a major sivil war inside Pakistan be the trigger for WW3...? I think so, and whats happening there now is very disturbing.

What you think?

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 08:35 PM
This subject has been on my mind for some time now. I think that there are many who should be concerned about the Taliban possibly taking over large parts of Pakistan. They are in the process of doing it. And there are many in Pakistan who have always supported the Taliban, especially in Pakistan's military and in their espionage agency, the ISI. This may be why they've had such widespread success inside Afghanistan before, and especially now inside Pakistan itself. And India itself may get dragged into a conflict with Pakistan over this issue because Pakistan has used many of these Taliban and al-Qaeda people to fight along the disputed border with India. And some of these people were among those who aided the Mumbai terrorists late last year and earlier this year get that operationgoing. I would like to thank the original poster for having posted this thread.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 08:47 PM
never really thuoght about this before, the relevancy i mean but i suppose your right. it does fit the whole theory dont it. strange times

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 09:05 PM
We know that Taliban got strong ties to Al-Queda. Taliban controlling some part of Pakistans nuclear arsenal would be Al-Quedas wet dream. If they got it, they will use it...

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:04 AM
The Pakistani government actively funded and trained the Taliban, but now the master no longer can control his servant.

If the Taliban come close to taking over Islamabad, I expect the US to bomb them, then invade to secure Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Rigel 3]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:42 PM
What scares me, is the timeline is set for another attack on American soil. 1993: Bombing of World Trade Center. 2001: 9/11 Attack. 2009:??? The worst part is, al-Qaeda and bin Laden are yesterday's news. Just look at this thread, and the War on Terror forum in general. There is hardly any interest left. Which is all a terrorist organization could hope for. I just hope our security forces are remaining vigilant.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Naturally Smooth
What scares me, is the timeline is set for another attack on American soil. 1993: Bombing of World Trade Center. 2001: 9/11 Attack. 2009:??? The worst part is, al-Qaeda and bin Laden are yesterday's news. Just look at this thread, and the War on Terror forum in general. There is hardly any interest left. Which is all a terrorist organization could hope for. I just hope our security forces are remaining vigilant.

Not to forget that people focus on the swineflu atm...True that Afganistan, Irak, Pakistan, al-queda, Taliban and not least Osama Bin Laden, doesnt interest the public my speculation is that this situation in Pakistan is so bad, and will need drastic actions, that atleast my media (Norway) choose not to report on this. Cause an attack from the west (US, Nato, Israel?) is imminent. If Taliban get partial control over Pakistans WMD, we have to react...
I may even believe that India will do something drastic before US or EU...No way they will sit on their ass and watch Taliban taking over.
Either way, it wont be good.
Scared of the swineflu? Nah, not me...Scared of Taliban getting control over neuclear weapon? Hell yes...

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