posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 07:37 PM
Originally posted by spines
I don't think it is that they are both biased, or who is more so. FOX has an approach that works for the audience they are targetting and MSNBC
works for theirs.
In my opinion: Two sides of the same coin.
[edit on 4/25/0909 by spines]
[edit on 4/25/0909 by spines]
This is one way of looking at it, and I think a fair one, that they just pander to their audience.
But thinking deeper, how did they build that audience in the first place? By being biased towards their target audiences opinions. Someone in some
position in those networks decided "There is a market here to be tapped".
In FOX's case I think it's because there was an idea that the media was liberal, so starting a station that would appear more conservative was
tapping into an audience that felt they were not getting what they needed in other stations.
With MSNBC, I think they saw FOX, and realized, people like blowhard shouty opinionated people, and there wasn't so much of that on the left, thus
Olbermann and others were born to fill the gap.
Once they have made this initial decision, and targeted some audience, and gained it, they have little choice but to continue on in this fashion in
order to keep them.
I see them both as biased, at least on the opinion shows, after all, that's what opinion shows are about. This then causes a bleed into the actual
news coverage, as that needs to be slanted towards the audience that channel has built on the opinion shows.