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“We The People “Will you fight for your Freedom or sit back and take it?

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by jd140
If our rights are threatened and thats a big IF. then everyone one except a very small select group will do anything.

With the exception of 5 maybe 10 people on this site all will take it.

Those from the survival posts will run into the woods and hide. The conspiracy theorist will gather together and talk about what the think is going on and what might happen. The religous group will await the end of the world while their counterparts will point and call them stupid.

The mythicial animals guys will await the seven headed beast that is described in Revelations to rise from the see. Unless that happens, they will be on standby.

The only ones who will do anything will be those who conveinently are ex mililtary who know squad movements and other combat techniques. So I imagine in the unlikely hood that our rights are taken away then the DHS would be correct in calling veterans likely terroists.

let me guess JD your 1 of the 5 - 10

but let me add to your list

the ex-military types will stand around with their thickest finger appendage

inserted in their rearest entry point waiting to be told how to think

and told what to do

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:02 PM
If you mean that in the esoteric sense, you couldn't have hit the nail better on its head.

Everything, good or bad, has a purpose. Take the holocaust for example...or 911. Both incidents, while horrific in nature, galvanzied the world population in a positive way. Not because we came together as a nation...or even because we went on the offensive in both situations. Events such as those are "positive" because they seem to remind humanity that there is something bigger than itself.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by CIAGypsy
If you mean that in the esoteric sense, you couldn't have hit the nail better on its head.

Everything, good or bad, has a purpose. Take the holocaust for example...or 911. Both incidents, while horrific in nature, galvanzied the world population in a positive way. Not because we came together as a nation...or even because we went on the offensive in both situations. Events such as those are "positive" because they seem to remind humanity that there is something bigger than itself.

Yes we are constantly being affected by good and bad forces. Soon I'm afraid will bad will win. It will be quite chaotic.

Most of humanity does not believe there are more powerful forces bigger than themselves. I'm glad you agree.

Losing our civil liberties and rights under our constitution happens so gradually and is used to manipulate the people. It was never intended to do this.

I'm thinking soon will will no longer have a Constitution, rather a big global Treaty that makes and enforces the laws. I don’t see any freedom in that.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Seany

I think Homeland Security listed the the ex-military as a possibly terrorist threats.

Can you believe that? They trained them to kill and now they are worried they will turn anti-government. I'd like a few on my team when SHTF!

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
Yes we are constantly being affected by good and bad forces. Soon I'm afraid will bad will win. It will be quite chaotic.

Worry never helped anyone. Accept it for what it is. You are likely correct that something rather unpleasant, from the perspective of human freedoms, is just around the corner... However, life is cyclic. What started out as bad ultimately turns around for the greater good - thus the lifecycle of a nation. Eventually, someone(s) will take a stand against tyranny and we will start the cycle all over again. The best you can do is take stock of your own values & morals and determine what role YOU will play in the cycle.

If it makes you feel better, I used to feel just like you. I used to get very frustrated that no one seemed to care what was happening. In some ways, it's like watching a train wreck about to happen with no power to stop it. I could stand there, jumping up and down, screaming, waving...anything....but no one ever paid me any attention. Or if they did, I was discounted. Finally, I began to realize that you can't convince people. Sometimes they have to lose what they have in order to appreciate what they lost. There is a lesson there....perhaps a divine one.

Originally posted by wonderworld
Losing our civil liberties and rights under our constitution happens so gradually and is used to manipulate the people. It was never intended to do this.

I'm thinking soon will will no longer have a Constitution, rather a big global Treaty that makes and enforces the laws. I don’t see any freedom in that.

Our nation looks NOTHING like it was originally intended. The entire purpose of the Constitution & Bill of Rights was to LIMIT government....not give it more power. Slowly that vision has been eroded by politicians who prey on the human psyche which wants to feel secure. They trade their freedom in for an illusion....and are never the wiser....

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

I agree, however see a new era being born. I would love to stay Patriotic.

Our forefathers who fought and died for their freedom would be rolling in their graves if they could see what has happened to our Country.

Not even a global petition work stop it. I for one dont like to feel helpless regarding our future.

I guess I will prepare, even more for it. I'm hoping this scenario wont be listed as the last dark age.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by wonderworld

Our forefathers who fought and died for their freedom would be rolling in their graves if they could see what has happened to our Country.

I made the exact same statement just yesterday to someone else. I can understand your frustration...and I agree with you. It's hard when people don't understand the value of what they are allowing to slip away. Compound that anger when you know and truly understand exactly what our ancestors paid for those freedoms that others now take for granted.

The best we can do now is prepare for impact.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by CIAGypsy

Originally posted by wonderworld

Our forefathers who fought and died for their freedom would be rolling in their graves if they could see what has happened to our Country.

I made the exact same statement just yesterday to someone else. I can understand your frustration...and I agree with you. It's hard when people don't understand the value of what they are allowing to slip away. Compound that anger when you know and truly understand exactly what our ancestors paid for those freedoms that others now take for granted.

The best we can do now is prepare for impact.

Preparing for the impact is the easy part since I'm prepared. It's fighting to keep those rights and Freedoms that is the difficult part.

No one questions authority anymore. they just play follow the leader. I'm starting to think perhaps a global petition would be effective but the G20 has too many grand plans.

The sheep will be led astray I guess.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:24 PM
The sad part about it is the general thought that we are powerless against it. The generation and the past generations have been raised to believe that we are weak, that we NEED this ultimate protection that the governments can provide to us. This was never true in the past, it is no less true now.

What angers me most isn't that we are in this situation in the first place, but how many people have all ready given up and practically walked to their own demise. The sense of, dare I say "Patriotism" and urgency for freedom has taken the backburner to, honestly, materialism. As long as your home and your stuff is safe, no one should care. As long as you can continue to go out to bars and shop at malls, everything will be fine. This is the exact mindset that TBTB hope that everyone has, and is expecting everyone to have.

I only joined ATS days ago and yet I can say that I would be one of those five to fight. It wouldn't be a matter of technology or military strength, but willpower and faith in oneself. It would be a battle of wits and intelligence rather then a full on assault, and should the fight every actually break out, it would take those that are prepared for the bloodshed, the innocent bloodshed that would occur.

I have made preparations for what I feel are going to be the darkest times this world has seen, but not for myself, for those I love. For the ones I leave behind and fight for. For my nieces and nephews and the next generation so that they might have a chance to live in absolute freedom and peace, something that most of us didn't have the leisure of doing.

Do I have military training? Not a lick. The only things that I know are the methods I have taught myself and the methods that others with military backgrounds have taught me. All it takes is one or two people to get the ball rolling, to help people to believe in themselves once again. Before you know it, those two people become an army, lead not of the absolute power that TPTB hold, but lead by inspiration alone.

That is what I foresee in my future and I look fully ahead to giving my life if need be. If it will help even in the slightest, if I know that my sacrifice might help to secure the future for others, then I can go out in peace, and hopefully I will have inspired enough people to fight in my stead. From each one that falls, 5 more will take up arms and defend their rights as human beings.

So the question those who want to hide or run away need to ask themselves is simple. Is it all about you? Do you honestly think that the world YOU occupy is going to magically become utopia in your lifetime? Or is it about the future so that you might create the steps that may lead your sons and daughters to that utopia?

The coming months and years will mark the true crisis of our lives and what I feel is the crisis for this world. There will only be a short window in which you can decide to act, or do nothing. Do you become a part of the history books of future generations about how the world was saved from tyranny and given a chance it deserved to thrive... or do you become a part of a forgotten past that only serves to tell the story of how humans fell victim to absolute control and threw away whatever hope may have existed in the world?

The choice might come to some of us sooner than others but like it or not, it will come. Will you decide at that time or will you decide now and prepare yourself?

The clock is ticking.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by gwydionblack
The sad part about it is the general thought that we are powerless against it. The generation and the past generations have been raised to believe that we are weak, that we NEED this ultimate protection that the governments can provide to us. This was never true in the past, it is no less true now.

What angers me most isn't that we are in this situation in the first place, but how many people have all ready given up and practically walked to their own demise. The sense of, dare I say "Patriotism" and urgency for freedom has taken the backburner to, honestly, materialism. As long as your home and your stuff is safe, no one should care. As long as you can continue to go out to bars and shop at malls, everything will be fine. This is the exact mindset that TBTB hope that everyone has, and is expecting everyone to have.

I only joined ATS days ago and yet I can say that I would be one of those five to fight. It wouldn't be a matter of technology or military strength, but willpower and faith in oneself. It would be a battle of wits and intelligence rather then a full on assault, and should the fight every actually break out, it would take those that are prepared for the bloodshed, the innocent bloodshed that would occur.

I have made preparations for what I feel are going to be the darkest times this world has seen, but not for myself, for those I love. For the ones I leave behind and fight for. For my nieces and nephews and the next generation so that they might have a chance to live in absolute freedom and peace, something that most of us didn't have the leisure of doing.

Do I have military training? Not a lick. The only things that I know are the methods I have taught myself and the methods that others with military backgrounds have taught me. All it takes is one or two people to get the ball rolling, to help people to believe in themselves once again. Before you know it, those two people become an army, lead not of the absolute power that TPTB hold, but lead by inspiration alone.

That is what I foresee in my future and I look fully ahead to giving my life if need be. If it will help even in the slightest, if I know that my sacrifice might help to secure the future for others, then I can go out in peace, and hopefully I will have inspired enough people to fight in my stead. From each one that falls, 5 more will take up arms and defend their rights as human beings.

So the question those who want to hide or run away need to ask themselves is simple. Is it all about you? Do you honestly think that the world YOU occupy is going to magically become utopia in your lifetime? Or is it about the future so that you might create the steps that may lead your sons and daughters to that utopia?

The coming months and years will mark the true crisis of our lives and what I feel is the crisis for this world. There will only be a short window in which you can decide to act, or do nothing. Do you become a part of the history books of future generations about how the world was saved from tyranny and given a chance it deserved to thrive... or do you become a part of a forgotten past that only serves to tell the story of how humans fell victim to absolute control and threw away whatever hope may have existed in the world?

The choice might come to some of us sooner than others but like it or not, it will come. Will you decide at that time or will you decide now and prepare yourself?

The clock is ticking.

Well then Welcome to ATS.. I’m fairly new, as well but having been reading from this site for a year before I joined. You have great insight on the matter.

It has happened so fast. The global economy crumbling, world leaders coming to the rescue. They have caught us in a vulnerable situation, on our knees begging for money. We have lost out global status.

I as well have asked “Where are all the Patriots.” I find it odd my neighbors hang their flags out, yet don’t have a clue to changes that are occurring, nor are they interested. I’m sure it wont be the US American flag we will see in our states. I’m sure it will be a Unite for Peace flag.

I agree and think it’s more of a silent protest and many are preparing. I have also prepared for my family. If it came down to it we could survive. I as well have done this for my family, not so much for myself.

You make a good point. I for one don’t like feeling helpless. You mention this could be the darkest age the world has ever seen. None of us would have imagined something like this in 2007.

I guess I am also guilty to taking our Freedom for granted. We all felt safe from war, until 9-11. I have no military training either but bought a couple Army survival books, as well as many others.

Hopefully we wont need to flee from our home but I am prepared for that one, as well. Youre right we have a limited amount of time to decide how to react when SHTF. I’ll go off of instincts, when the time comes.

Most will initially panic. This one I’m working on. Being psychologically prepared in advance is crucial to survival. Those running around like lost sheep will be guided in to the wrong direction. Actually they already are.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 02:28 PM
I agreed with most of the posts here on one level or another... I especially liked jd140's summation. I gave ya a star for that one, it was tongue in cheek all the way.

Here's the thing... I'm one of those "potential" terrorist vets. Yeah, I'm pissed about the label. If you take away the "vet" part though, I'm still several more of the "criteria" in the DHS threat assessment. I don't have any militia affiliation, never have.

With all the talk of liberty, the pandemic, the MSM hyping everything, the economy... There's a lot to be concerned about in my estimate.

Go next door and talk to my sensible "cat lady" neighbor... Her direct quote was "Oh, I've been waiting for this 'revolution' they've been talking about since the '60's... I still haven't seen it". She's been through it all before if you take it from her.

I don't know IF the S will HTF... I think it will, but I'm no seer.

IF it does, I'd like to think I'm going to be one of the few that "get away", but how could I be sure of that?

I have friends with the same sort of idea, living nearby... but the realistic odds are that not ALL of us would reach one of our planned recconoiters...

That's right. You heard it here first. I have local friends with a similar mindset.

Chalk up another strike against me on that "threat assessment".

I know that WE, a few people, have a static plan. A loose group of ideas for dropping off the radar.

There are lots of contingencies, lots of options. The important part is that the "plan" is static, and can easily be modified.

I have absolutely what will be the event that puts this plan in action, but I'm concerned it will be soon.

I'm sure a good portion of We, the People will be able to survive for at least a little while.

That is, IF TSHTF.

[edit on 29/4/09 by cbianchi513]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Right on , and 2 others ... I am not military , heck the closest i have got 2 war is call of duty 4...

But tac. goes along way... I have thought of plan a , B , and c ...
Run to the hills ... get a R.V. or stand my ground... Stand Our Ground is the only way ...

Small patriot groups of 7, or 8 Strong... Must have Short Wave Single Side Band Communication..
We must fortify homes , and Dig in strong... (Bottle neck Kill zones ) in attic look outs sandbagged, and Hard...

Good point to remember , Waco times a thousand... Hot zones as they will be called (individual American homes ) will be targeted by the C-130 guns and leveled one by one ...

But not before they have first tested the target, and lost persons and cant secure the target ( Hard Target. )

So my question 2 all is , Are you going 2 be a hard target or soft ? Hard targets For All ...

I will get my quota , Quack Quack , MAKE A STAND !
Are You going 2 RUN from a Duck !!!

By the way , NYC Pigs On A Wing ...

2nd post . thanks...

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by cbianchi513

I for one am concerned about these new executive orders, that allow them to take our fod and property. Ammo and guns will most likely be banned globally.

Recently Homeland Security has issued a National and state of emergency. The first time in history over a medical flu problem.

I assume their will be a day we leave behind everything we own and head to a more remote secluded area.

These people will have night vision and heat seeking devices to locate people in hiding. I as well plan on being one of those who gets away but for how long I'm not sure.

I think it would be helpful to join forces with 2 or 3 other families that are also prepared. They are far and few between. Most of my family elders think this is hogwash and depressing to talk about.

A couple X-military guys would also he helpful.

The Constitution of the United States of America

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I suspect this portion and the Entirety of the Constitution will soon be gone and replaced by global treaties!

Calling all PATRIOTS.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Red 4 Dawn

Right on , and 2 others ... I am not military , heck the closest i have got 2 war is call of duty 4...

But tac. goes along way... I have thought of plan a , B , and c ...
Run to the hills ... get a R.V. or stand my ground... Stand Our Ground is the only way ...

Small patriot groups of 7, or 8 Strong... Must have Short Wave Single Side Band Communication..
We must fortify homes , and Dig in strong... (Bottle neck Kill zones ) in attic look outs sandbagged, and Hard...

Good point to remember , Waco times a thousand... Hot zones as they will be called (individual American homes ) will be targeted by the C-130 guns and leveled one by one ...

But not before they have first tested the target, and lost persons and cant secure the target ( Hard Target. )

So my question 2 all is , Are you going 2 be a hard target or soft ? Hard targets For All ...

I will get my quota , Quack Quack , MAKE A STAND !
Are You going 2 RUN from a Duck !!!

By the way , NYC Pigs On A Wing ...

2nd post . thanks...

Thanks. I have thought of that plan myself. To fortify homes , and Dig in strong. I had it all planned until I realized the thought of tear gas or burning us out.

Ive got a bomb shelter from hell. The only problem is a couple vents that go through the concrete. The only other option is to sell my house and build an underground earth home.

Our military can bomb holes in mountains so it probably wouldn’t be to effective. My camper may suffice if I dug a trench deep enough to hide it.

All new tires have RFID chips in the sidewalls. They even asked for my ID for the warranty and stuck me in their database. Had I not given them ID they probably would have made not of my license plate.

I also agree we need Single Side Band Communication. I do like your plan of 7 or 8 strong. I’m afraid they are preparing in advance for us to make a stand.

If it was just me I would stop and take a stand. With children the RV method may almost sound better. Especially since you mentioned Waco.

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