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John McCain Says 9-11 Terrorists Came From Canada!

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:57 AM
dont believe john mcaine. hes an idiot

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 10:30 AM

posted by jd140

While the terroists who carried out the 9/11 events flew into our country. There are those who we call 9/11 terroists who helped plan it. From what I have gathered, those are the ones who are being referred to.

No, those who actually carried out the 9-11 attacks were Americans and likely Israelis also. Those who pretended to be the 9-11 hijackers had US visas and stolen identities and trained on US military bases and deliberately left personal information lying around. Some were CIA assets and some were MOSSAD assets.

The FBI has no idea publicly who the alleged 9-11 hijackers were in reality, and refuses to correct their original disinformation; even though Usama bin Laden is NOT WANTED for 9-11.


FBI tactics and blundering and disinformation and denial and outright lies

Adnan Bukhari
Between 5:00 and 5:30 on the morning of September 12, FBI agents backed by a SWAT team stormed Bukhari's leased house at 4036 57th Terrace and arrested him - citing that identity cards of him and an Ameer Bukhari (mistakenly thought to be a brother) were found in a rental car the hijackers had left in Portland, Maine; though it later turned out that Ameer had died a year earlier, and had no relation to Adnan.

Agents evacuated nearby houses, citing concerns that Adnan Bukhari's house was rigged with explosives, and took him to Miami for questioning. While searching his house, they announced that they had found a copy of Ameer Bukhari's pilot license, and a "hazardous materials manual". After passing a polygraph, he was released and later cleared of any wrongdoing.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Atta's own father believes his son is dead... and is actually a terrorist sympathizer.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:24 AM

posted by CameronFox
reply to post by SPreston

Atta's own father believes his son is dead... and is actually a terrorist sympathizer.

But on 9-12 Atta's father claims he talked to his son on the telephone. Of course he knows he was dead afterward; but he also knows that Mohamed Atta did not die on an aircraft crashing into the North Tower. Atta Senior also knows that his beloved son did not die on a suicide mission to murder thousands of innocent people and he knows that GOD Almighty knows and he can peacefully take that to his grave.

And I doubt that Atta Senior sympathizes with the terrorist traitors who carried out 9-11; they murdered his son and thousands of innocent people and Atta Senior knows they did, and you know it too don't you CF?

Don't you get it yet, CameronFox? Your precious 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY is self-destructing faster than you can re-script it.

The Magic Passport allegedly found on Vessey St below, even though officially the aircraft poor Satam Al Suqami was allegedly trapped inside, hit the northeast tower wall almost dead center and was absorbed almost completely by the massive core structure. So how did the passport supposedly inside his pocket escape the exploding burning sealed fuselage; unless he was holding it out the open cockpit window before the impact?

Of course it was just another piece of planted evidence, wasn't it?


Original official photo

How did so much evidence initially point to the Bukharis, and how did Adnan Bukhari's name reportedly appear on Flight 11's manifest?

The words "fabricated evidence" spring to mind.

The Bukharis innocence caused a major rethink of Flight 11's hijackers, and this rethink resulted in the implausible scenario of Atta abandoning two rental cars in two airports.


Mohamed Atta spoke excellent German - good enough to correct other students' texts - as well as fluent English and Arabic.
Atta and two other suspected hijackers reported their passports stolen in late 1999.

[Rudi Dekkers, owner of Huffman Aviation] knew that Atta had lived in Hamburg, Germany and one day [in 2000] spoke to him in German as a way of friendly communication. Atta was stunned and quickly walked away.

An imposter could pretend to be Atta, but he couldn't pretend to speak German.

[Atta senior] had no knowledge his son had ever been in the United States. More absurd to him was the idea that his son had enrolled in a Florida flight school. “Did he ever learn to fly? Never. He never even had a kite.” Added Atta senior: “My daughter, who is a doctor, used to get him medicine before every journey, to make combat the cramps and the vomiting he feels every time he gets on the plane.”

The father of Mohammed Atta, the alleged ringleader of the September 11 attacks, said in an interview published yesterday that his son was still alive.

"He is hiding in a secret place so as not to be murdered by the US secret services," Mohammed el-Amir Atta, 66, told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag. He also vehemently denied that his son - believed to have flown the first plane into the World Trade Centre - had taken part in the atrocities, blaming them instead on "American Christians".

The interview painted a picture of a tortured man who has not come to terms with his 33-year-old son's death or with the huge crime laid at his door. He said he feared the US would try to poison him.

Speaking from his Cairo home, Mr Atta described hearing about the attacks after returning from a holiday on the Red Sea on the evening of September 12. "My daughter called and said she was going to drop in. She stood at the door and said 'turn on the TV'," he said. Amid images of the jets crashing into the Twin Towers, he saw his son's passport photograph.

"As I saw the picture of my son," he said, "I knew that he hadn't done it. My son called me the day after the attacks on September 12 at around midday. We spoke for two minutes about this and that.

"He didn't tell me where he was calling from. At that time neither of us knew anything about the attacks."

Mr Atta said he did not condone the attacks, but could understand the hijackers' motivation. "Every day our Palestinian brothers are being murdered, their houses destroyed. If their relatives were to fly a plane into the Empire State Building I couldn't hold it against them," he added.

Mr Atta called his son a "gentle and tender boy", who enjoyed reading history and geography books and was nicknamed "Bolbol", or nightingale, by his parents.

[edit on 4/26/09 by SPreston]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by SPreston

The Magic Passport allegedly found on Vessey St below, even though officially the aircraft poor Satam Al Suqami was allegedly trapped inside, hit the northeast tower wall almost dead center and was absorbed almost completely by the massive core structure. So how did the passport supposedly inside his pocket escape the exploding burning sealed fuselage; unless he was holding it out the open cockpit before the impact? Of course it was just another piece of planted evidence, wasn't it?

Great post SPreston!

It's claims like this 'magic' passport that really bring it home to me that the majority of people will believe just about anything just because the MSM says so. When will people get the guts to question things and not accept them as gospel?
Pffft! Yeah right, this passport survived intact after going through a fireball of burning fuel....My behind! Funny that this passport forms the basis of so many people's delusions about the whole 9/11 affair. OOOH there's an arab on there! Let's send thousands of troops over there to rape their countries...
Poor Show.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by purehughness
reply to post by SPreston

The Magic Passport allegedly found on Vessey St below, even though officially the aircraft poor Satam Al Suqami was allegedly trapped inside, hit the northeast tower wall almost dead center and was absorbed almost completely by the massive core structure. So how did the passport supposedly inside his pocket escape the exploding burning sealed fuselage; unless he was holding it out the open cockpit before the impact? Of course it was just another piece of planted evidence, wasn't it?

Great post SPreston!

It's claims like this 'magic' passport that really bring it home to me that the majority of people will believe just about anything just because the MSM says so. When will people get the guts to question things and not accept them as gospel?
Pffft! Yeah right, this passport survived intact after going through a fireball of burning fuel....My behind! Funny that this passport forms the basis of so many people's delusions about the whole 9/11 affair. OOOH there's an arab on there! Let's send thousands of troops over there to rape their countries...
Poor Show.

From the second that plane impcted the outside of that building, it was no longer "sealed"
There was no explosion until the center area of the plane (the fuel tank) hit the building. Everything in the front 1/3 of the plane would have been riding the front edge of the blast wave along with whatever momentum it was aleready carrying from traveling at several hundred miles an hour.
Human bodies have a fair amount of mass. They break and splatter as they hit things at several hundred MPH. They would have pretty much been gooey bags of mush by the time they hit the core of the building on the leading edge of the wave. Anything that was big enough to not get caught up in the folds of the clothing would have probably been beat out of the pocket. A passport is light and flexible. It is free to bounce and float on the air and ride the front of the wave. Not the fire, but the compressed are throughout the entire floor that was compressing from the instant the plane hit the building. Compounded by the actual explosion..
Take a look at any video from the impact and you will see lots of debris flying out the other side of the building AHEAD OF THE FLAMES. This is the exact same phenomenon that explains windows blasting out ahead of the top of the building as it collapsed. It is VERY possible for that passport to survive, intact.
Now you see? I understand all of that and NOBODY had to explain it to me. Not the MSM or the official report (which I haven’t bothered to read) or anyone.
Now, you can still speculate on how the passport got there or who was carrying it or anything else you can dream up, but the survival of that little book is by no means anything but an ordinary occurrence.
You are now free to “out” me as a DA if you need to but I have done nothing but inform, not disinform.
I do not work for the government in any way shape or form. I am a self employed telecomm technician.
Honestly, I don’t know why I waste my time but it’s worth a shot. My only hope is that someone new will come along and not get suckered in to the paranoia that permeates the “Truther” religion.

[edit on 27-4-2009 by Grimstad]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Grimstad

Just imagine; this unblemished Satam Al Suqami paper passport has allegedly been through a fiery 466 mph crash into the structural steel wall of the WTC North Tower


Go ahead; look at this high resolution official government exhibit of the Satam Al Suqami paper passport allegedly found in the street below, in detail. Go over it with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass. Do you see any indication that it went through a fiery crash into a steel tower? Do you see any indication it escaped through sharp jagged shredded aluminum? Do you see any indication that it landed on the street 95 floors below? Do you see any indication that it received normal wear from its alleged owner? No? Why not?

Original official photo

If the hijackers actually existed (which they don't), they would have been inside the sealed aluminum fuselage of the alleged Flt 11 Boeing 767. When that aluminum fuselage hit the structural steel exterior wall sections and steel and concrete floor sections at 466 mph, all that aluminum would have instantly compressed and shredded with poor Satam Al Suqami and his paper passport trapped behind it.

It looks like that 767 fuselage nose cone would have hit dead center on the floor section (95th?) two floors above Edna Cintron's head. Unless poor Satam Al Suqami was a daredevil riding out on the wing, he and his passport should have stopped right there in a big smear, along with the rest of the imaginary hijackers and imaginary passengers and imaginary flight crew, also allegedly trapped inside the aluminum fuselage.

Of course that unblemished unsinged perfect Satam Al Suqami passport had a much easier role in the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY script positioned in the pocket of a sneaky FBI agent, waiting to be found as yet another piece of 9-11 magical evidence.


You need to cease fooling yourself and others. The FBI was out in force; planting evidence and censoring evidence and confiscating videos and confiscating photos and cameras and threatening witnesses. You know that they needed to do this because 9-11 was an Inside Job wasn't it? But it is all falling apart now, isn't it? The 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY is unsalvageable and you need to escape the sinking ship. Why else are thousands of architects and engineers and physicists and other professionals now risking their careers and their reputations 7 and 1/2 years after 9-11 by coming out against this fantasy tale?

It is now inevitable.


[edit on 4/27/09 by SPreston]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Sorry I don't buy the US government is behind 9/11 theory. As this turned from a political story into a 9/11 conspiracy I will leave it to you guys.

Have fun being smarter then everyone else.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by SPreston

First of all, there is nothing “structural” about the wall. It’s mostly glass and the metal that is there may not even be steel. Its cosmetic. It’s not supporting the building. The outside of the building hangs on a steel skeleton. There is absolutely no supporting elements visible in those pictures. I already explained how it is possible for it to survive. I’ve also seen how JFK’s “magic bullet” is possible but that doesn’t squelch all those theories either. Oh well.
You choose not to believe. As a matter of fact, I’m willing to bet nothing I ever say will sway you one bit. I was merely explaining the possible, where others proclaim impossibility.
Opening my mind to possibilities is not fooling myself. Holding on to beliefs contrary to those possibilities would be.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:27 AM

posted by Grimstad
reply to post by SPreston

First of all, there is nothing “structural” about the wall. It’s mostly glass and the metal that is there may not even be steel. Its cosmetic. It’s not supporting the building. The outside of the building hangs on a steel skeleton. There is absolutely no supporting elements visible in those pictures.

Cosmetic? Exterior structural steel wall sections weighing 4 tons each with aluminum cladding on the exterior surface. These welded and bolted 4 ton sections and the heavy steel and concrete floor sections are what the alleged 'hijackers' inside the sealed fuselage would have smeared against; including poor Satam Al Suqami and his unblemished paper passport.
More 9-11 MAGIC?


Isn't that self-destructing 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY a complete study in contradictions and impossibilities?

Evidence Of Explosives Hurling 4ton Wall Sections on Winter Gardens Roof

And yet the alleged Flight 11 with Satam Al Suqami and his perfect unblemished paper passport allegedly trapped inside the fuselage, while the wings and engines allegedly crunched through dozens of these 4 ton structural steel exterior wall sections, and the fuselage apparently smashed right into a heavy steel and concrete floor section, which should have smeared poor Satam Al Suqami and his unblemished perfect paper passport into a sticky goo, along with everybody elae who was supposed to be in the aircraft.

But lo and behold, like magic, the unblemished paper passport appears ready for trial, looking like a brand new never used paper passport, and without any sticky goo from poor Satam Al Suqami sticking anywhere on it.

Was it a miracle . . . . . . or was it just another sneaky FBI agent?


Cosmetic? Oh really? Each piece weighs 4 tons. Many were hurled over 500 feet in all directions by explosive forces inside both towers.

A loyal WTC firefighter victim family member presents conclusive evidence that explosives blew 4-ton exterior wall sections 600 feet away from the North Tower to land upon the glass roof of the Winter Gardens building.

C.S.I. 9/11 by Josef Princiotta

Dozens of the heavy 4 ton pieces were hurled over 500 feet away onto the Winter Gardens and American Express (WFC3) buildings by explosions inside the North Tower

Quite a few of those 4 ton exterior wall sections forming the 4 walls of each tower

Building debris from the top-down explosive demolitions hurled in all directions by explosive forces inside both WTC towers

[edit on 4/30/09 by SPreston]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:58 AM
Great pictures Above

Came from Canada, yeah right, McCain is a first class fool and his age is effecting his brain. They came from Saudi Arabia. Didn't they actually live in the States for a while and pretend to try to be able to fly planes. didn't one of them have an American girlfriend too.

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