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Surviving the Swine Flu

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

That's a pretty neat prep to isolate yourself from the threat -- avoiding crowded places and so on. Have you already decided who you send to work? Your cat or your dog. How about both?

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by stander

I'm self employed and work from home on the computer, have done for 2 years. I'm lucky that I don't have to go out to work and nor does my partner. So I guess that part of my advice is ony really suitable for people who are s/e, on the dole/sick or who have enough savings to quit work. Of course my business would go pear shaped if the crap hit the fan . There would be a huge increase in people signing on the dole I reckon and who could blame them, better sense to infuritate the tax payers and reign in the belt than risk your health every day in crowds at work. I understand a minority would be able to go the stay at home route but it's an option for some so worth mentioning

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:46 AM
My grandfather survived the the Spanish flu by eating a diet of raw garlic and raw onions. Those big yellow and white ones, he ate them like apples

After it was over he went back to his regular diet.

I guess with that stuff in your system on a daily basis nothing could survive the brutal strength of that mixture. A natural killer of bad stuff

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Ben Niceknowinya

Vitamin C in proper Ascorbic Acid form and Collidal Silver, I make my own Collidal Silver, not that the latest flu bothers me, I think it's the usual mass hysteria perpetrated by the media. No doubt it'll end up like Bird Flu, Foot and Mouth etc, pure BS but the sheeple will lap it up.


posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 01:09 PM
Hopefully this is the right thread for my question, and hopefully it is not out of line. I would like to ask about the infectivity of this new influenza virus. I live in an apartment building with some other people in other apartments on floors above me. There is an air ventilation shaft, it makes sense that this would be a way to get infected, so I would have to seal this off somehow.

My question is about the drain in the kitchen and the bathroom (sink, toilet, bathtub). It seems that all those drains connect to the same pipe, and that the drains of the other apartments connect to this very same pipe as well. Is it possible to get the virus via these drains? So, let's say someone above me is infected and he flushes the toilet or coughs into the sink, are there little non-visible cough/fecal fragments going throught the pipes and coming into my toilet? Would the virus, having entered my drain this way, be airborne in the bathroom (and the kitchen) that way? Or how would I contract it if this is the case? I heard that with SARS, one single infected person in an Asian city infected more than 100 people in an apartment building this way (with fecal droplets).

So if this is a way to get the virus - What should I do? Would it be enough not to use the bathroom and the sink or would the virus spread throughout my entire apartment airborne that way? Any advice on that matter?

Many greetings

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