posted on Feb, 13 2003 @ 06:36 AM
If you move your head forward or backward, you may have the impression that circles turns slower or faster, acording to he distance and the sense of
your movement...
It has a relation with time perception, wich is, accoring to your movement or your activities consider as slower or faster...
A lot of MK-ULTRA experiment were about perception and optical illusion. Psy abilities and opticals illusions can be linked, eventually if your take
hallucinogens drugs such as '___'-23/25.
Stereovision is interestng because it's a way to enter a 3D psychic world (but it's not so easy to devellop stereovision ability).
I believe stereovision is the first step to devellop psychics abilities... It's a way to open the mind.
[Edited on 13-2-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]