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Who Owns The Federal Reserve System 1988- It's time to take a second look at Ron Paul America!!

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posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 10:33 AM
I wanted to also add..which i forgot in the OP....HR 1207 now has a whopping 88 CO-SPONSORS as of yesterday.

That is a big number and it continues to grow.

With each new co-sponsor..the more of a chance this has to become reality.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Truthseeker31
Yes it is quite obvious he is being allowed to tell the truth to the people.

Otherwise he would've already "committed suicide" or died of a "mysterious heart attack". You know what I mean?

I've thought about that. If there is a big bad NWO then how has Paul survived? How did he get to where he is in politics in the first place?

It leads me to assume there is a NWO, but it is far less involved than people like to think and far less politicians are "in the know" than people think.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 03:29 PM
Ron Paul is controlled-opposition. He denies the fact that real terrorists (fiat-law enforcers & big bankers) rule the world-government, and he denies the fact that those same terrorists attacked our nation.

You'll never hear him say, "9/11 attacks were orchestrated by elements of the government" or the infamous tyrants in government.

He is a freemason/occultist, as well. Read about his family & close-friends, like Ronald Reagan. They've been involved in secret societies & mystery-religions.

People, who pose as our leaders in government are misleading the general-population because that's their mission.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by News And History]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 07:34 PM
I don't know how the Bilderberg group, trilats and CFR people will allow much more of this. He's kicking at their shins.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 07:57 PM
Make that 91 co-sponsors!

More and more seem to be coming aboard each day.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by David9176]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by David9176

David , David , David

your doin it again

You set your sights so high on those tea parties and what happened

Now this......

David, nothing pro active will come of this, I hate to be the bearer of

bad news for you

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 10:29 PM
The constitutionalst libertarian party would have been the same as any other party,and accomplished the same thing too.

We need a younger man who would do the same as he,he just doesn't have that many years left to make any real changes.....

I think Ron Paul has the right idea,and may actually want to make some changes.

But you must understand that the constitution was written in the interest of the masters of the time.

To be truly free we must write another one,which frees us from being peons,AND return america to a republic,not a republican form of government,but a true republic.

Democracy never works,just look at it's track record throughout history.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by chiponbothshoulders]

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Seany
reply to post by David9176

David , David , David

your doin it again

You set your sights so high on those tea parties and what happened

Now this......

David, nothing pro active will come of this, I hate to be the bearer of

bad news for you

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

Seany, I'd have choice words for you if this weren't a civil forum.

David, CONTINUE what you do. Go everywhere and spread the message. I heart you.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:59 AM

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Autonomous

Originally posted by bobbylove321
Ron Paul the biggest deceiver since Obama.

The guy's a liar. Don't fall for his lies...

History repeats itself over and over...wake up!

What are you talking about? Your line doesn't even make sense.

Since Obama? Even if you somehow thought Dr. Paul was a deceptive, your timeline is all screwed up. Ron Paul has been standing up for The People before Obama stopped using the name "Barry"...

You people are hysterical.

You blast Obama. You blast Bush, you blast ALL politicians are great deceivers, but you back Ron Paul.

Sheeple, Nazis, whatever. It doesn't matter what you label an Obama supporter, or what you label a Bush supporter, etc etc.

If you go off and show the same loyalty and admiration for Ron Paul that an Obama supporter shows for Obama, then you are the same damn thing....and worse. Not only are you now a blind sheeple as the term goes, but you've also crossed the threshold into hypocrite.

A politician by any other name....simply would not exist.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:12 PM
This bill now has 100 co sponsors!

The more the merrier!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Fremd

You people are hysterical. You blast Obama. You blast Bush, you blast ALL politicians are great deceivers, but you back Ron Paul. Sheeple, Nazis, whatever. It doesn't matter what you label an Obama supporter, or what you label a Bush supporter, etc etc. If you go off and show the same loyalty and admiration for Ron Paul that an Obama supporter shows for Obama, then you are the same damn thing....and worse. Not only are you now a blind sheeple as the term goes, but you've also crossed the threshold into hypocrite.

First of all, Ron Paul is a patriot- a TRUE Patriot, who is concerned about this country and its Constitution. Second, he is a doctor who has delivered thousands of babies, many for free, for mothers that did not have insurance or money to pay him. Third, he is consistent, and has been, all his life. Fourth, having admiration for a person who is honest, and concerned, does not make one a "sheeple" or a hypocrite .

You seem to love to use the words hypocrisy and hypocrite .
An ATS search of your entries using those two words comes up with no fewer than 19 posts where you call someone a hypocrite.

Furthermore, you are quick to name call, but you never seem to have a solution. Is it possible the picture on your avatar is a self-portrait?

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

First of all, Ron Paul is a patriot- a TRUE Patriot, who is concerned about this country and its Constitution. Second, he is a doctor who has delivered thousands of babies, many for free, for mothers that did not have insurance or money to pay him. Third, he is consistent, and has been, all his life. Fourth, having admiration for a person who is honest, and concerned, does not make one a "sheeple" or a hypocrite .

Really? So now your politician is a true patriot...but everyone else's politician is a scum bag piece of garbage?

Sounds like the same kind of argument we used to have back in 4th grade on the playground

"my dad can beat up your dad because my dad is the best dad in the world and your daddy is a looser"

Seriously...hysterical to watch people bash Obama (or any other politician) and then Praise Ron Paul.

I do not think Ron Paul is a bad guy....certainly not like i view Bush or Bush sr. or even Regan, but i do look at him as a politician who will screw you over the moment he gets a chance...and i'm certainly not going to say he's a perfectly wrapped gift from God...which you seem to be saying.

I am also flattered that you cared enough to seriously go keep checks on which words i use most often.

What im saying is:

It's hilarious to watch Self-Proclaimed intellectuals who go around saying "I am holier than thou, do not entrust your future with our government, we need change! Obama is evil! Bush is garbage! All Politicians are crazy and should not be trusted you sheeple!!!"

And then turn around and say "I LOVE RON PAUL HE IS GREAT"


there's another entry for the dossier you are keeping on lil ol me.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by Fremd]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 05:28 PM
We are now up to over 110 co sponsors!

That's HALF of the House!

Looking better by the day.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:53 PM
I found this reply from someone on the web, not sure if its their own work but an interesting read and this is an important topic to bring to people's attention.

1. The Fed is privately owed by the Class "A" stockholders that have never ever been announced publicly. The Class "B" & "C" stockholders are the member banks that all here all discussing.

2. Who really owns the Fed are the entities that put the assets in place to found the main Federal Reserve Bank of New York! Specifically the Rothschild Houses of London & Berlin, the Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank, the Morgan House Bank(s), the Bank of England, while the Mellon Bank of Pittsburg is a clearing house, etc.

3. Its Federal Reserve Notes are issued by this private corporation, hence are private corporation notes, though printed at the US Treasury under a contract called the Federal Reserve Act Dec 23, 1913.

4. These notes are F.R.A.U.D.s, aka Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Dollars, which are debt notes bearing interest of 6% on the official debt of the United States which is now over $10.5 trillion and counting every second. Yes Fed. Res. Notes are simply evidences of debt, certainly not lawful money as specified in Article I Section 10 of the US Constitution, "No State Shall...Make Anything But Gold & Silver Coin A Tender In Payment of Debts"! see debates August 16th & August 28th, 1787 Constitutional Convention.

5. Aside from being legal only as a convenient government contractor inside the District of Columbia only, if at all, in theory whatever is purchased with these F.R.A.U.D.s or the credit issued by the Federal Reserve System technically belongs to this "Fed Corporation" including your own personal house and car if bought with Federal Reserve Note cash or loan or mortgage!

6. This further provides evidence for their sister agency the IRS to tax all movements and known motions of their evidences of debt that they can prove within their various Federal Reserve System entities! Hence your Taxpayer ID number since January 1st, 1984 is your Social Security Number, which makes you a District of Columbia subject to that jurisdiction thereof! Hence taxable for the very air you breath wherever you may be as long as you are alive or as long as that number exists earning income even after you are dead! That Super Slave number now makes you equal to the 1857 status of Dred Scott's daughters and the 14th Amendment "persons" that cannot question the Official National debt as mentioned in the ratification defeated 14th Amendment! see US Sup Ct cases. White vs Texas (1868). Boyd vs Nebraska ex rel Thayer et al (1890), Griswold vs Hepbern (1870), Dred Scott vs Sanford (1857) & 14th Amendment clause 4. read Justice Field's dissent filed in Julliard vs Greenman (1884) and book by renowned historian George Bancroft "A Plea For The Constitution; Wounded In The House Of Its Guardians" (1886).

7. The First Bank of the United States (1791-1811) and the Second Bank of the United States (1816-1836 charter) were 80% private and 20% government owned. see Congressional World records of 3 votes of defeat against 2nd Bank of US charter for national jurisdiction in 1811 and VP Clinton's statement upon breaking the tie vote! Read vote of 2 defeats and 1 win in 1816 2nd Bank of US charter inside DC only jurisdiction! Read President Andrew Jackson's 1832 Veto Speech against the Third Bank of the United States Charter and vetoes of the next 4 US Presidents against same 3rd Bank of US charters. The Bank of North America (founded 1783) is the oldest private bank in USA which Alexander Hamilton worked for. Read the terms brought by military officer Alexander Hamilton to the Moore's House as conditions of surrender by British Gen Cornwallis negotiated Oct 19th-21st, 1781. Also read Sec of Treasury Hamilton's "Report on the Establishment of a Mint" submitted to Congress February 28th, 1792 and the Mint Act of April 2nd, 1792 establishing a Constitutional Bimetallism Silver Standard. Read US House debates & votes in 1841 for gold & silver specie and against paper money. President John F. Kennedy Executive Order #111110 written Monday June 3rd, 1963 issued June 4th, 1963 and affirmed by Congress Friday June 7th, 1963 its in the Presidential Papers book series records of every US President till date!

8. President elect & Constitutional Law Professor Senator Barack H. Obama Jr mentioned that this country (USofA) is now 221 years old in his victory speech Tuesday Nov 4th, 2008 which indicates the USofA actually started in 1787 and not in 1776! He also always says "God Bless the United States of America" instead of simply "God Bless America" indicating a corporation compact board meeting instead of the Sovereignty of the 13 States and its Representatives which won the right to exist prior to 1783 under the Articles of Confederation. Remember Ben Franklin was asked on the steps outside just as they signed off the 1787 Constitutional Convention what type of government did the convention create? He replied, "Its A Republic, if we can keep it"! see book "The Making of America" by W. Cleon Skousen.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:54 PM
The Class A stockholders have control and thats all they needed since it was their assets used to start up the NY Fed Bank!
These people are already very very rich they use this system to prop up whom they wish and knock down who they wish!
They can make whom they want and ruin whom they want if you don't go along with their game!
No since they control the deck of cards and the jokers they can add more cards by telling their Fed officials what to do.
Take a good look at the way the Fed System is set up with the NY Fed taking control and most of the seats on the Fed Open Market Committee. Even Obama has tipped the current head of the Fed Reserve Bank of NY to join his economic team as of last Friday while former Chairman Paul Volcker 1979-1987 was standing behind him during his 1st press conference as President Elect!
But remember that The Fed Chairman is not appointed until his term is over every 5 years and not as new Presidential administrations enter every 4 years!
Then most of the Fed Board Members and Chairmen served in the NY Fed 1st.
I suggest you read a few books on the Fed such as:

1. The Federal Reserve Hoax (1963) by Vennard, Wickliffe B.
2. Secrets Of The Temple: How The Federal Reserve Runs The Country by William Greider
3. Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustice Mullins
4. Pieces of Eight by Ed Viera Jr

!!ALL of the above is not my work!!

A good documentary also would be "America: freedom to fascism" Ron Paul makes an appearence in it.

The fed describe themselves on their own website as a "independent entity within the government"

Independent - adj. Not depending upon the authority of another, not in a position of subordination or subjection; not subject to external control or rule; self-governing, autonomous, free.

[edit on 5-5-2009 by Horus12]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by David9176
We are now up to over 110 co sponsors!

That's HALF of the House!

Looking better by the day.

Not to burst Bubbles, Don't get me wrong I back Ron Paul all the way on literally everything he is trying to do. I would esp back the Destruction of the FED in a heart beat.

But At this point sit back and think on this with an economic sense .. For the Past 100 days (lol only that much ;(, ) Our fuhrer has spent all that he could be, He doesnt look like he has tired from the spending yet.

We have had Ghietner Atleast Three times so far Artificially Pump money out into the market/economy.

And yet we have not see the impact of inflation due to this.. China has Directly Called us out on it. We know for sure the M3 account of the FED is hidden from public, We would never know if there actually is others.

Auditing the FED at this particular time, May seem Sensible, but also may bring to light our Real Economic Crisis.. and the inflation jolt may be to much to bear.

With current events I view this as a double edge sword... We will get what we asked for. (I am in no way approveing or backing the fed, just pointing out the pit it probably created for us)

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