I found this reply from someone on the web, not sure if its their own work but an interesting read and this is an important topic to bring to
people's attention.
1. The Fed is privately owed by the Class "A" stockholders that have never ever been announced publicly. The Class "B" & "C" stockholders are
the member banks that all here all discussing.
2. Who really owns the Fed are the entities that put the assets in place to found the main Federal Reserve Bank of New York! Specifically the
Rothschild Houses of London & Berlin, the Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank, the Morgan House Bank(s), the Bank of England, while the Mellon Bank of
Pittsburg is a clearing house, etc.
3. Its Federal Reserve Notes are issued by this private corporation, hence are private corporation notes, though printed at the US Treasury under a
contract called the Federal Reserve Act Dec 23, 1913.
4. These notes are F.R.A.U.D.s, aka Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Dollars, which are debt notes bearing interest of 6% on the official debt of the
United States which is now over $10.5 trillion and counting every second. Yes Fed. Res. Notes are simply evidences of debt, certainly not lawful money
as specified in Article I Section 10 of the US Constitution, "No State Shall...Make Anything But Gold & Silver Coin A Tender In Payment of Debts"!
see debates August 16th & August 28th, 1787 Constitutional Convention.
5. Aside from being legal only as a convenient government contractor inside the District of Columbia only, if at all, in theory whatever is purchased
with these F.R.A.U.D.s or the credit issued by the Federal Reserve System technically belongs to this "Fed Corporation" including your own personal
house and car if bought with Federal Reserve Note cash or loan or mortgage!
6. This further provides evidence for their sister agency the IRS to tax all movements and known motions of their evidences of debt that they can
prove within their various Federal Reserve System entities! Hence your Taxpayer ID number since January 1st, 1984 is your Social Security Number,
which makes you a District of Columbia subject to that jurisdiction thereof! Hence taxable for the very air you breath wherever you may be as long as
you are alive or as long as that number exists earning income even after you are dead! That Super Slave number now makes you equal to the 1857 status
of Dred Scott's daughters and the 14th Amendment "persons" that cannot question the Official National debt as mentioned in the ratification
defeated 14th Amendment! see US Sup Ct cases. White vs Texas (1868). Boyd vs Nebraska ex rel Thayer et al (1890), Griswold vs Hepbern (1870), Dred
Scott vs Sanford (1857) & 14th Amendment clause 4. read Justice Field's dissent filed in Julliard vs Greenman (1884) and book by renowned historian
George Bancroft "A Plea For The Constitution; Wounded In The House Of Its Guardians" (1886).
7. The First Bank of the United States (1791-1811) and the Second Bank of the United States (1816-1836 charter) were 80% private and 20% government
owned. see Congressional World records of 3 votes of defeat against 2nd Bank of US charter for national jurisdiction in 1811 and VP Clinton's
statement upon breaking the tie vote! Read vote of 2 defeats and 1 win in 1816 2nd Bank of US charter inside DC only jurisdiction! Read President
Andrew Jackson's 1832 Veto Speech against the Third Bank of the United States Charter and vetoes of the next 4 US Presidents against same 3rd Bank of
US charters. The Bank of North America (founded 1783) is the oldest private bank in USA which Alexander Hamilton worked for. Read the terms brought by
military officer Alexander Hamilton to the Moore's House as conditions of surrender by British Gen Cornwallis negotiated Oct 19th-21st, 1781. Also
read Sec of Treasury Hamilton's "Report on the Establishment of a Mint" submitted to Congress February 28th, 1792 and the Mint Act of April 2nd,
1792 establishing a Constitutional Bimetallism Silver Standard. Read US House debates & votes in 1841 for gold & silver specie and against paper
money. President John F. Kennedy Executive Order #111110 written Monday June 3rd, 1963 issued June 4th, 1963 and affirmed by Congress Friday June 7th,
1963 its in the Presidential Papers book series records of every US President till date!
8. President elect & Constitutional Law Professor Senator Barack H. Obama Jr mentioned that this country (USofA) is now 221 years old in his victory
speech Tuesday Nov 4th, 2008 which indicates the USofA actually started in 1787 and not in 1776! He also always says "God Bless the United States of
America" instead of simply "God Bless America" indicating a corporation compact board meeting instead of the Sovereignty of the 13 States and its
Representatives which won the right to exist prior to 1783 under the Articles of Confederation. Remember Ben Franklin was asked on the steps outside
just as they signed off the 1787 Constitutional Convention what type of government did the convention create? He replied, "Its A Republic, if we can
keep it"! see book "The Making of America" by W. Cleon Skousen.