posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 05:48 PM
"Mess with one of us, mess with all of us" Sounds like something Texans would say. (With no disrespect to Texans intended in saying such)
Sir (sic) Robert Allen Stanford (he was never knighted but it is rumoured that he has ties to the buying and selling of fake English Titles to rich
Americans) is definitely a character. The $8 Billion dollar scandal with his Stanford Financial Group is pretty widely known mainstream.
I'm sure there isn't much that the S.E.C. hasn't already uncovered in their investigation into the Stanford Financial Group that Wayne Madsen's
source had. However, there is the issue of Libel and Slander that is most likely the source of this. He was most likely ordered to divulge the
identity by Court Order and refused, putting him in Contempt...thus leading to his arrest for not divulging the identity of his source. The good news
is that a Court Precedent was recently made that gives Bloggers the same protection of the identity of their sources as are extended to Journalists.
His lawyers should be able to plead their case without much worry.
However, I wasn't able to find any details about his arrest or his court case or any court documents on the link you provided. I'm a little curious
now and want the full scoop.