posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:40 PM
This stinks! He most certainly found something, maybe something that broadened the culpability of Obama's buddies in the corruption of Freddie Mac?
Why do people start comitting suicide whenever a democrat gets into the executive? Remember Vince Foster? Wonder whom killed themselves during the
beginning of Bushs's term, oh yeah that guy James Hatfield that wrote the book about Bush's nasty coke habit killed himself and then later Gary Webb
killed himself too. Seems that journalists commit suicide when a repbulican wins and insiders commit suicide whenever a democrat wins, seems pretty
weird to me, maybe jsut coicidence? Who knows, but it seems pretty creepy that he killed himself after Obama and everyone are trying to shut people up
about the economy, they think perception of wrong or failure in companies or government as the threat, crazy stuff they are trying to pull off.