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Obama defends memo release during visit to CIA

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posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 05:24 PM

Obama defends memo release during visit to CIA

Obama told the CIA employees that the must perform their work ethically because they are guarding America against attacks from "people who have no scruples." He said that he understands that intelligence officials sometimes feel as if they are operating with one hand tied behind their backs.

But Obama said that upholding American values and ideals in the face of those enemies is "what makes the United States special and what makes you special."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 05:24 PM
Another sign that Obama's mind works mysterious ways arrived, as he draws a peculiar line between the need of working "ethically" when dealing with "people who have no scruples." Did he acquire this "wisdom" by dealing with AIG execs and other scruples-free folks who have caused more damage to the country than hundreds of bin Ladens could do?

Obama's view has sent a message of weakness to the militant Muslim world. He is afraid of terrorism, coz his mind and guts are too weak to deal with another 911, so he tries to create an image of a nice guy. This sissy policy doesn't work with the hard-hitting folks who take delight in kicking the US ass.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by stander
Obama's view has sent a message of weakness to the militant Muslim world.

Yep. The only thing that the radicals understand or respect is a powerful enemy. Any sign of weakness and they'll act like sharks in water that has blood in it. They'll nail the weakness.

Oh .. and as far as ethics goes ... Obama is a LAWYER - POLITICIAN. He's sued citibank to force it to make bad housing loans. He cuddles up to nafarious crackpots and underworld figures. He's been caught in more lies then we can count.

Obama telling people those people that they have to work ethically is just him trying to cover his butt because he made a very bad decision and weakened us with the terrorists.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:54 PM
On one hand he says they must work ethically, but on the other hand he says that they will not be brought up on charges because of the fact that they tortured prisoners. All the while saying that he believes it's a good thing that their torture tactics were made public.

It's not about what he's trying to portray to the Muslim militant world, no matter no what he says to the world they know what happened and will continue to happen to those prisoners.

It's about what he is trying to do to the American public. He is trying to desensitize the American public to the use of tortue tactics used by militant terrorist groups being used by Americans.

By saying it's a good thing we found out, and in the next sentence saying but they won't be held accountable, in reality he is really saying, hey America torture is a good thing accept it .

Gee wonder why he would want to send a message like that

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