posted on May, 29 2009 @ 05:07 PM
Say hello to VAT.
You can amend the constitution as much as you want as bush said 'its just a piece of paper' and the patriot act is making sure that 'its just a
piece of paper', cap the taxation on income, thats a fairly reasonable statement but say hello to the stealth tax, we've been privy to that here in
the UK for quite some time, we get taxed on quite literaly everything and itd be fair to assume that i will have to pay tax on the air i breath soon,
back to point, you can limit the tax on your income but you will still pay it in VAT as is being proposed now in your country.
What you actually need to do is audit the FED, shut it down, reinstate a true central bank with a propper green back, backed by something other than
nothing (as is the feds current operation), sell the feds assets right down to the lawn on their land (yes their land, as they are a private corporate
entity, not a federal entity) and you may well be on the road to no national debt. Well maybe after a centuary or two!
[edit on 29-5-2009 by wotjaban meefo]