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A challenge from my mother on Area 51

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posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by kidflash2008

Kid, you could easily be right. I think there's as much chance that there are aliens , than not. I just dont immediately close off the possibility there is or was ufo technology there( not saying you do either)

As for Bob Lazaar, Ive stated many times I thought he was a hoax until very recently. When I saw an interview with George Knapp claiming to have found the missing evidence that proves Lazaar worked at Los Alamos.

And if he worked at Los Alamos like he claimed, and the gov. erased that ( not well apparently). then I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss his further claims.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
Let me get this straight. You are claiming to have a friend who has actually worked inside Area 51. This should be good. And even accepting that, we should just believe you and your friend? The fact that he didnt see anything in his short 4 day stay there means ufos have NEVER been tested there? The fact that people who work there laugh the notion of aliens off simply means they know everything and UFO's simply don't exist there?

Ah, sure I guess. I know your clinging to a belief that resembles extreme religious views (that's where you decide what you want to believe and handicap your brain to see everything in that light). Sure, they could have done a whole bunch of Alien testing at 51..I guess. But I would recommend you move out from under your mother's wings and get some life experience before you cling feverishly to ignorance. My post was not intended to attack you in any way, but I guess you took it as an attack because what I had to say didn't fit in with your preconceived "big picture"

My oh my. Well ,since you said it, and your friend confirms it, whats the use in researching the 50 years prior??? Everything is all answered.

Ah, the harsh sarcasm of the young. You might be making a point, but your delivery needs a little work.

But of course Im not going to just believe that your friend was there. Every other person claiming that has been given the 3rd degree till it was proven false or the person stopped posting. I assume you have proof of this? Or will you be like every other hoaxer and claim proof, but never show it.

First of all, I could care less what you believe about my coworker or the business that I am in. From your posting habits, I would say you wouldn't understand what we do anyway (and that is not a slight, so don't take that the wrong way). Now, most of the ridiculous, idiotic claims that get shot down around here form those that spout that they have been to "Area 51" (that's not what is is called you know, right?) are fools saying such outlandish things that it is pointless to even argue with them, as they are obviously full of bs. So yeah, the average bloke on here saying they have been to "Area 51" is full of crap (see some of my other posts in this specific forum for more details) and your right to question them. But I have not come on here and made any outlandish claims. Nor have I, or will I offer any proof. There is no proof to offer. Other than travel arrangements, and a few hotel receipts in Vegas, I don't really think he stole the lunch room "area 51" salt shaker or anything. And only an ignorant fool would risk loosing their companies ability to do business in that environment by trying to take clandestine pictures of what is REALLY BORING STUFF to appease a board full of conspiracy enthusiasts. We, us grown ups, live and work in the real world, not some X-Files fantasy land.

Or perhaps will you say that you dont need to show proof and if we dont believe you on your one single solitary post, thats our loss?

First of all, I am far more than one single solitary post around here. Second, I am not asking for anyone to believe me about squat and could care less. I frequent a forum full of conspiracy folks who poo-ah anything and everything...don't you think I know that? If I was going to make a name for myself around here with the folks that treat this subject like a religion I would have taken my coworkers trip and made it into something it wasn't. That would have been fun, but unfortunately I'm not a teenager anymore and don't get my kicks from fabricating half-truths to complete strangers over the internet.

Either way, if you come on the area 51 board claiming to have knowledge beyond a normal civilian, knowing someone who has actually stayed on the base, back it up with proof, or dont and keep the mouth quiet.

Look, I don't want you to come off looking foolish here, so put yourself in a grown-up business man's shows and just think for a second before you post such utter tripe. What possible proof would be good enough for you folks anyway (an not that I care, lol) ? I am involved in a specialty niche are that gets me involved in some military projects, so what. I know that is hard to believe, but it is not like it is on T.V. or in your mind. The reality is that the majority if everything is very much mundane and boring. My co-worker went out there to handle some things that could not be done over the phone or by video conference and that is about it. It had nothing to do with anything that is mind blowing.

Now, we do military work (well, in all honesty the military doesn't do any "work". we do work for General Dynamics, Raytheon, etc, that is for military use. Most (I would say 99.9999%) of everything is done outside of a military base as far as the stuff that we are involved in, and it is very rare that we would have to do "field work". It just so happens, that the few times a year we do field work, because of the stuff our products go into, are at secluded locations. One, out of the 3-4 times a year we do, just happened to be at the base that all the conspiracy enthusiasts think is at the center of some "cosmic watergate". To think for a second that we would compromise security by doing something as stupid as taking a picture of a crappy hanger surrounded by sand with a pretty generic looking ******* ***** sitting in it getting worked on would be pretty foolish of us. First, it is no proof at all of anything related to the conspiratorial nature that the internet has grown up around concerning "area 51" and second doing clandestine photo work of the area could jeopardize our business contacts with whom we were working for out there and get us no further business from them. And make no mistake about it, although security was pretty lax out there after he got on base (he cold have done pretty much anything he wanted to according to him) the folks that we work for take things like this very seriously (more so than the base personal working alongside them) because if they get pegged for bringing in a contractor that breaches protocol (if that's what you want to call it, I'm not a spook and don't know the term you would like me to use) it is bad for them, really bad for terms of contract penalties I assume.

Plus, my co-worker who went there would care less about this stuff anyway, and was just glad to get it over with. Hell, the way he tells it I really got the better end of the deal in Thailand

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Attacks at my age and all. Your post seems genuine. Im sorry for coming across defensively. However, in my short 25 years, I have had many experiences in this crazy world...

From being cast on sitcom on CBS, to leaving it for my daughter I had at 19 (cast on the show at 21, mom moved her out of state at 19, I followed to keep contact with my girl after 2 years of unsuccessful custody battles in court).. To now, I am getting my PhD in archeology.

With this new knowledge I have in archeology, it has taught me to hold judgment on anything. I have just decided not to say yes or no to anything... This , for me, includes area 51 and ufos...

[edit on 22-4-2009 by bknapple32]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

Knapple, why don't we focus on what can be proven? I feel Ignore has a point here. Let's say that YOU worked out on the base. Furthermore, lets say that you worked on recovered non-terrestrial craft projects. Contractually speaking, you wouldn't even be able to prove to others (working on other parts of the base) that you did. How would you go about 'proving' it to the people on this board without jeopardizing your life/and or career?

[edit on 23-4-2009 by NightVision]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
reply to post by kidflash2008

Kid, you could easily be right. I think there's as much chance that there are aliens , than not. I just dont immediately close off the possibility there is or was ufo technology there( not saying you do either)

As for Bob Lazaar, Ive stated many times I thought he was a hoax until very recently. When I saw an interview with George Knapp claiming to have found the missing evidence that proves Lazaar worked at Los Alamos.

And if he worked at Los Alamos like he claimed, and the gov. erased that ( not well apparently). then I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss his further claims.

Got a source for the Knapp interview? I'd like to see what he's saying now, please.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Gawdzilla

Check out his small 30 second interview in the ufo hunters episode on area 51....

i cant quickly find a link for it, but i know its somewhere in this forum

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by NightVision
reply to post by bknapple32

Knapple, why don't we focus on what can be proven? I feel Ignore has a point here. Let's say that YOU worked out on the base. Furthermore, lets say that you worked on recovered non-terrestrial craft projects. Contractually speaking, you wouldn't even be able to prove to others (working on other parts of the base) that you did. How would you go about 'proving' it to the people on this board without jeopardizing your life/and or career?

[edit on 23-4-2009 by NightVision]

You are right. My point was, if you are going to say something as extravagant as saying, "i know someone who worked at area 51.." It brings a whole onslaught of scrutiny in the ats world. And he got mad at me from questioning the claim. As if I'm the first person on ats to scrutinize some one for claiming inside knowledge of area 51.

I've conceded that Ignore had very relevant points and that I was wrong on some. But to have the spotlight shined on me for questioning the claim of working at area 51 is harsh. I can bring up countless threads that go 25 pages deep of people asking for proof of such claims, and they are applauded for trying to deny ignorance.

I, on the other had, was called a child.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

Understood. May I suggest this: instead of furthering any discussion regarding your differences with IgnoretheFacts, why don't we steer this discussion (or even perhaps create a new thread) toward how one would get critical and verifiable info. about ET technology out of Area 51 or any other secure base? I for one have many plausible theories. Not quite sure of the legality of speaking of such an issue, but I'd still like to discuss it.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:51 AM
My father is an 8 year Air Force veteran and was stationed at Nellis AFB for quite a few years. He has told me many stories about going to area 51. Although he has told me stories about seeing the very first stealth fighters and having an crypto security clearance (which is, from what he tells me, is the highest clearance you can have... He always mentions that there is stuff he can never tell me because of a document he had to sign to be silenced. When I ask him if there are aliens are UFO's at the S1 site, he will never give me a streight answer. It's like he wants to tell me and believe I can not say anything, but he must know about how much trouble he would be in. I think he has seen them and they ARE there. The look in his face says they are, without any words.

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