posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 08:50 PM
I have two experiences, and I'm wondering if anyone has had anything similiar or
can point me to more info.
1-Last year I purchased a new cell phone to replace my cheap Nokia trac phone.
Within a week I developed a pain in my right hip (where I clip it on to my pocket)
and it bugged me for a couple months. I suspected the phone, so I swithced
to wearing in on my left hip and the pain follwed it. So I went back to my old phone and pain disappeared. What I noticed with the phone, was the
battery wouldn't last for more that 3 days and that was without using it. I brought it back
twice to Verizon tech and they replaced the battery, then the phone and the issue never changed. So could my body be absorbing the electricty?
2-Also last year, and I just resolved the issue (reason for the post) I developed pain in my right elbow. I was using a mouse ~5 hrs a day at work
for years and thought it was"golfers" elbow from over use. So I switched to left hand and pain went to left elbow. Then my PC at home I use the
right hand for ~1 hr/day and the pain was now in both L&R elbows. What I traced it back to was when I switched from
a roller ball mouse to a digital mouse in both PC's. Last week I pulled the old ball mouse back out and pain was gone in ~3 days.
So to question.....Is my body absorbing energy and causing inflamation in the area
of contact? Reason I say inflamation, I would climb into hottub and would see some pain relief from the expantion of the joint with warm water.
I also had a Contact Reflex Analysis practioner test me with the digital mouse plugged into her office PC and I had a Negative reaction with my hand
on the mouse(arm would drop) and Positve when I moved my hand away from mouse.
Any info apreciated. Thanks
[edit on 18-4-2009 by Pinktip]