posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 06:26 PM
There has been an increase in triangular-shaped UFO reports coming in over the past couple of days. While the reports are scattered from all across
the U.S., there are some similarities in descriptions. Many people are reporting that the lights seem foggy, hazy, and dim, while the objects appear
to be somewhat transparent. The trend continued yesterday (April 16), including the following reports just received......
Poughkeepsie, New York - 4/16/2009
Several witnesses reported seeing an object with the appearance of an inverted "V", with the point traveling forward. It was made up of five
individual lights on each side. The lights appeared to form a single object and traveled at a very odd speed, sliding across the sky with no
resistance. The object also appeared to be transparent as the witness couldn't distinguish between the night sky and the object, other than the
lights moving in the V pattern.
Los Angeles, California - 4/16/2009
Witness observed a huge triangular-shaped object ,with dim (foggy) lights along the edge, fly overhead. The witness emphasized the size of the
object, claiming that it had to be 5-6 times the size of a conventional commercial airliner. The object traveled very slowly towards the west, and
the witness could not detect any noise.
and more.....