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New information in the death of WTC7 survivor and witness Barry Jennings

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posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 12:53 PM
There is an update in the investigation of the mysterious death of WTC7 survivor and witness Barry Jennings. Please Digg and spread around:

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 01:12 PM
Thanks for posting this Bonez,

How can the BBC discredit the Loose Change documentary featuring Barry Jennings when this same company reported the pre collapse of WTC 7?

This alone should let people know that they are in on the disinformation and shouldn't be trusted by anyone who seeks the truth.

s n f

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 01:23 PM
This is an important story and I'll be following any developments on it closely.

Here's the interview between Dylan Avery and Jack Blood:

Google Video Link

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 01:37 PM
Let me preface by saying that, having looked into the whole 911 thing from both sides, I don't buy the conspiracy angle. I believe that a bunch of psychotic terrorists masterminded and carried out the attacks. But I wouldn't be so arrogant as to dismiss government/agency involvement entirely, given the volume of good people who believe in it.

to clarify a point: There was a partial collapse of WTC7 some time before total collapse. This is clearly visible on news reports. I don't have the youtube link -- look it up. The collapse occurs on the far side of the building, from the POV of the news camera. You can see a portion of the far-side facade collapsing (ie a portion of the top of the building falls away).

Using the 'pre-reporting' of the collapse as evidence of conspiracy is thus highly misleading, and should be stricken from the canon of the Truthers.

Also, look up Jenning's interview with the BBC as part of their debunking of 911 conspiracy theories.

Why would a PI discontinue the search?? Possibly because there is a conspiracy. Or possibly because, once he had looked into the track-record of the person who had hired him, he concluded that his work might be twisted and misrepresented. Maybe he felt that his future credibility might be damaged by association with a controversial moviemaker. For Avery to suggest otherwise may be disingenuous. Personally, I'd have absolutely nothing to do with the man.

Anyone with an open mind should always look at the debunking material (there's no shortage of it) alongside the 'Truther' material, much of which is extremely weak.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by eniac
much of which is extremely weak.

Thank goodness that's your own personal opinion. There are thousands of engineers, architects, demo experts, scientists, physicists, firemen, policemen, pilots, lawyers, medical professionals, government officials from this very country, religious leaders, tv and music stars, governments of other countries, and countless millions of ordinary people around the world that would beg to differ.

Oh and the witness testimony, the physical evidence, and the video evidence would all beg to differ also.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 02:39 PM
What does Michael Hess have to say about Barry statements?
Does Hess tell the same story, and whay have we not heard his account He was there.
If Hess is not talking, I would have to assume that Barry story is true.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Yes, I agree with that and the photoes of the engine parts have "rust" all over them. Airplane engines would not have rust on them they are kept meticulous oil and lubricated
My opinion is, those airplane parts and engine came from an airplane bone yard and were planted on the street while everyone was distracted

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by impressme

YouTube video of Michael Hess talking about the explosion and then being trapped and confirming what Barry Jennings stated:

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by impressme

Then you do not spend much time around jet engines and trying to diagnose "rust" from a picture only proves that. Jet engines are rarely shiny objects, nor are they as highly lubricated as you think. Finding the evidence of oil or other lubrication on the majority of the exterior surfaces of a jet would suggest a major leak, not a well maintained engine.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by impressme


[edit on 18-4-2009 by Swampfox46_1999]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:06 AM

posted by eniac

Why would a PI discontinue the search?? Possibly because there is a conspiracy. Or possibly because, once he had looked into the track-record of the person who had hired him, he concluded that his work might be twisted and misrepresented. Maybe he felt that his future credibility might be damaged by association with a controversial moviemaker. For Avery to suggest otherwise may be disingenuous. Personally, I'd have absolutely nothing to do with the man.

Possibly because there is a conspiracy? You give the most likely reason; then blow it off with your own personal beliefs. Personally we are not interested in your opinion of Dylan Avery. This is not the first potentially dangerous to the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY eyewitness to die mysteriously. The first was former FBI agent and Usama bin Laden expert John O'Neill who could have been a real danger to the 9-11 perps.

As the OFFICIAL Fantasy Tale unravels and sinks inevitably into the quicksand foundation it was built upon; the incessant pleading bleeps of apologists like you just keep sounding more and more desperate.

The US government in their history of covert attacks against the US citizenry (Waco, Oklahoma City, Flight 800, JFK, RFK, MLK, WTC93, the Israeli Attack on the Liberty, etc, etc) have a long record of silencing witnesses and mysterious deaths. Private Investigators are working for profit and don't really like refunding upfront down payments. If he just felt uneasy working for Avery; then why take the job in the first place? Do you think PIs are incapable of checking out the person trying to hire them first, before saying ok?

And why refer the matter to law enforcement if there was no crime committed? What would law enforcement have to do with a natural or accidental death in the past? The account of Barry Jennings was in direct contradiction to the Bush Regime official story, and he was likely very dangerous to an operation with potentially billions in corporate profits at stake.

Did the FBI have a talk with the PI? Did he become frightened? Did he suddenly realize this was much too big for him, and he did not want to take on the US Government all on his lonesome? There is a history of the FBI confiscating and censoring videos and evidence and testimony, threatening eyewitnesses, and deliberately lying; all through this 9-11 coverup. It wouldn't be difficult for a good PI to dig it up.

New Information

Yesterday, April 15th 2009 I was contacted by “Loose Change” director, and narrator Dylan Avery who said that he had recently begun investigating the death of Barry Jennings, and had found some new information relating to his death.

It seems that there is a very good possibility that Jennings’ death could have been due to foul play. Though the investigations are on going, initial findings are somewhat alarming. The conclusion is still forthcoming, but I was shocked by what I heard.

It seems that Dylan had hired a private investigator to look into Jennings death which remains shrouded in mystery. His motive was simply to bring some closure to the life of Barry Jennings, and in doing so to honor the memory of this brave American. The Investigator ended up referring the case to Law enforcement before refunding his pay, and told Dylan never to contact him again. Very unusual to say the least. Dylan also paid a visit to the Jennings home. He found it vacant and for sale.

Personally, something is really beginning to stink here. Why would a highly paid PI refuse to continue his investigation? Why did he refer the matter to police? He is not talking. What is he afraid of. Was he warned to cease and desist? If so by whom?

These are some of the new questions revolving around the Jennings case.

In every major cover up from the JFK assassination to Iran Contra, we can see one common thread. The untimely death of eyewitnesses. Barry Jennings was not only an important and most credible eyewitness, but he openly refuted much of the government, and media version of events. He was a liability.

[edit on 4/19/09 by SPreston]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:03 AM
This has a rather distinct smell,y'all seems that there is a mop-up operation.Jennings family clear out and Avery's PI bails on the case and turns it over to the police perhaps he came face to face with the cleaners.

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