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Makes me cry :..( Most alien??? NOT :..(

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posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 07:11 AM
I was very glad to stumble uppon this thread:
The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth
It contains plenty of beutifull pictures of our world, although there are somes fake ones too..
I was tempted to post my self a few alien pictures people do not know of, but i could not overcome the fact that the picture i am posting here is by far the saddest and should be the most alien too. However it has become a pityfull reality albeit still an alien one to me.

Here you go:


I do not know how it makes you feel but it makes me sick inside out resulting in tears springing of my eyes.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 07:14 AM
On my behalf i am doing the best i can to help minismise this "alien" phenomenon.
I am sure there are people who can be at least as effective around here since i am just a young proffesional trying to stand on his feet. Have a heart, be human and help in all ways. Just choose ones that really have an actual effect.
This can be done both by making sure help actually arrives to those in need and by changing the mentality of the political status qwo of the world.

Kisses to all,

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 07:49 AM
This image in the OP is just heartbreaking. I have seen it many times, and it still makes me cry.

There is also another tragedy (and some moral dilemmas) behind this photo taken by freelance photographer Kevin Carter:

In March 1993 Carter made a trip to southern Sudan. The sound of soft, high-pitched whimpering near the village of Ayod attracted Carter to a young emaciated Sudanese toddler. The girl had stopped to rest while struggling to a feeding center, whereupon a vulture had landed nearby. He said that he waited about 20 minutes, hoping that the vulture would spread its wings. It didn't. Carter snapped the haunting photograph and chased the vulture away. However, he also came under heavy criticism for just photographing — and not helping — the little girl:

"The man adjusting his lens to take just the right frame of her suffering might just as well be a predator, another vulture on the scene."

The photograph was sold to The New York Times where it appeared for the first time on March 26, 1993. Practically overnight hundreds of people contacted the newspaper to ask whether the child had survived, leading the newspaper to run a special editor's note saying the girl had enough strength to walk away from the vulture, but that her ultimate fate was unknown.

On April 2, 1994 Nancy Buirski, a foreign New York Times picture editor, phoned Carter to inform him he had won the most coveted prize for photography. Carter was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography on May 23, 1994 at Columbia University's Low Memorial Library.

A short time after receiving the Pulitzer Prize, Kevin Carter comitted suicide. He was 33 years old when he died July 27 1994.

The Braamfonteinspruit is a small river that cuts southward through Johannesburg's northern suburbs - and through Parkmore, where the Carters once lived. At around 9 p.m., Kevin Carter backed his red Nissan pickup truck against a blue gum tree at the Field and Study Center. He had played there often as a little boy. The Sandton Bird Club was having its monthly meeting there, but nobody saw Carter as he used silver gaffer tape to attach a garden hose to the exhaust pipe and run it to the passenger-side window. Wearing unwashed Lee jeans and an Esquire T shirt, he got in and switched on the engine. Then he put music on his Walkman and lay over on his side, using the knapsack as a pillow.

The suicide note he left behind is a litany of nightmares and dark visions, a clutching attempt at autobiography, self-analysis, explanation, excuse. After coming home from New York, he wrote, he was "depressed . . . without phone . . . money for rent . . . money for child support . . . money for debts . . . money!!! . . . I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings & corpses & anger & pain . . . of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners . . . " And then this: "I have gone to join Ken if I am that lucky."

Read more about the life and death of Kevin Carter here:

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 07:54 AM
That is very sad indeed.
Starvation could be wiped out fairly easily.
Thats a hard pic to look at.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 07:59 AM
It's just beyond words...

The trouble is, the vast majority of people are too self centric or just worried about their day-to-day to even notice this sort of suffering. I must say it happens to me too, something stresses me out and instantly it's all me me me. But it happens to even the best of us.

The best way to raise awareness would be for it to be in people's faces all the time, or just even to get people to open their minds a little to how other people live (or try to scrape an existence) all around the world. There's too much of a 'not my problem' culture in the developed world..

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by GEORGETHEGREEK

I thought when I scrolled down I would see an animal not a child. It brought immediate tears to my eyes and feeling I cant describe. These pictures make me so sad. It's horrible that people have to live like this.
I have sponsored kids in other counties like this from those commercials you see on TV. Now I dont believe those shows to be fake but it made me feel good to help out another family or child that needed it.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by ziggystar60

The girl had stopped to rest while struggling to a feeding center, whereupon a vulture had landed nearby. He said that he waited about 20 minutes, hoping that the vulture would spread its wings. It didn't. Carter snapped the haunting photograph and chased the vulture away. However, he also came under heavy criticism for just photographing — and not helping — the little girl:

The kid is alone. Probably abandoned by her parents and other relatives because she could not keep up. People want to blame the reporter, or foreign governments, but they also need to realize often the families of these kids really just do not care and will abandon them, or cull them as infants.

A lot of wicked bad stuff goes on in Africa, parents killing or throwing their children onto the street because they are suspected "witches". Parents abandoning their kids, father eatings first and letting the kids starve. Mutilating 5 year old girls to keep them pure and not carrying if they bleed out. Lots of bad stuff and it isn't just the "outsiders" that are to blame.

[edit on 19-4-2009 by Sonya610]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Sonya610

Long time I haven't seen you Sonya. Good to do so.

I've seen this photo several times before. I will always look at it when the opportunity presents itself. It is my duty to do so. The circumstances surrounding that situation as well as the aftermath are written in the history of humanity, and those stories that we didn't see that are equally sad are there as well. How do we feed, clothe and provide [hopefully] beneficial medicines for the needy of the world?

One at a time. We find one person, one family, and we sponsor them. We don't tell them so, and we shouldn't make a big deal of it, and we should always refuse a photo opportunity, because that allows others to feel that their taxes and other peripheral efforts are making a difference. We need to make a difference ourselves, without fanfare. Just help.

How to help those overseas from our locations? I don't have the answer to that. I choose to help those close to my location, and I ponder the message [if any] that I am writing [or not] in history.

That photo always brings a rush of tears to my eyes. I have seen similar, or possibly worse things -- in regard to numbers of individuals respect -- in my 51 years. It's not a contest; I'm not claiming bragging rights. All I can tell you............. I need to see.

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