posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 07:10 AM
I apologize if this has been posted. I did a search and came up with nothing.
So I was on youtube looking for a clip to post in a thread and I came across
I did a search and came up with
this. Note the last line:
During Google's earning conference call Thursday, CEO Eric Schmidt suggested YouTube may eventually charge fees to supplement ad revenue.
The guy in the video is obviously trying halfheartedly to defend youtube, and is using the other half to pull a shameless plug.
As for the link, I'm not a regular youtube user, so I don't really care either way. What do youtube users here think? I can see them wanting to make
money, but there has to be another way that doesn't involve charging users. As I understand it, the youtube community is huge. Surely with that many
people they could come up with a way to make money for the site. It does not seem right to drastically change something that so many have been so
loyal to for so long without consulting the very people that made the site as popular as it is.
Anyway, to my main point. The first thing I though of was the string of threads I've seen in the past months of people saying various "truth
seeker" (or whatever they want to be called) accounts being deleted. I'm pretty sure most everyone here is aware that most companies are owned and
operated by a handful of corporations.
Anyone else think they did away with the people that would in some way offend or expose projects or partner companies of the sponsors? Was it a
calculated move in preparation for the new sponsored redesign?
[edit on 4/17/09 by Magnivea]