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Where Is All Of His Support?

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posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 02:58 PM
Although I also question his approach to the economy, I really think that any other candidate would have also “made things worse.” Not because his or her policies were inherently flawed, but because the economy is a great hulking beast and once it gets moving in one direction…it aint gonna stop.

Like I said, although I question his approach to dealing with the economy I have yet to hear an alternate plan of action that sounds any better.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 02:58 PM
Although I also question his approach to the economy, I really think that any other candidate would have also “made things worse.” Not because his or her policies were inherently flawed, but because the economy is a great hulking beast and once it gets moving in one direction…it aint gonna stop.

Like I said, although I question his approach to dealing with the economy I have yet to hear an alternate plan of action that sounds any better.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by jfj123

He's only been in office a few months. Give the guy a break.
And what he's been asked to do is stop an avalanche with a teaspoon, ball of yarn and a candied yam.

If you or anyone thought that he could fix 8 years of governmental destruction in just a few months, their deluded.

Mcgyver could do it though in the presidents defense he also has a swiss army knife. Sorry couldnt resist it was just to good of a setup.

That is so funny, it was the first thing that popped into my head. McGyver could fix anything!

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

If you or anyone thought that he could fix 8 years of governmental destruction in just a few months, their deluded.

Eight years? Only 8? I think you've been deceived. We all have. I invite you to consider that this has been going on for much longer. It's all happened before too, if one were to look closely enough. It's all there, but it's not in the history books our children read in schools. Schools, too, are controlled by our government.

Choose never to be satisfied with what information's given to you. Get it yourself. It will be up to us in the end.

Check this video out, if you haven't already. Get a different perspective.

Dose of Perspective

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
reply to post by jfj123

In those few months Obama has taken a bad situation and made it worse. And as far as having only a ball of yarn and candied yam to work with ... that's simply not true. He is in the most powerful office in the world (allegedly).

Originally posted by maria_stardust
Remember, Obama's administration inherited this mess, not created it.

Remember, Obama's administration made it worse and HAS created a much bigger mess then he inherited. The excuses that he just inherited it and the plea to give him time don't fly. He's making it worse.

Sure he can't fix everything in four months .. but he isn't even going in that direction. He's going further south.

Soooo. exactly how has he made the situation worse? I noticed your post was clearly absent of real hard information. Just a rant.

And for the record, he DID inherit this mess, and that is significant to note. It's about accountability, and the moment we start forgetting that, the easier it will be for the Bush administration, Hannity, Beck, and Gingrich to re-write history.

You may not like history or the concept of precedent, but near as I can tell, the way we've historically gotten out of major depressions or recessions has been through spending. The Depression ended maybe not because of the New Deal spending programs (which many argue simply didn't go far enough) but definitely because of military spending. Key word there being spending. Keep saying it to your self. SPENDING. That's what Obama's doing.

Not only that, but he is correctly spending on things that will improve our future state (infrastructure, education, etc). Not on new unfounded wars, not on Halliburton, but on the US.

You may wanna rebut with the tired argument of "we're mortgaging our childrens' future with debt" What righties fail to remind you of is that runaway spending started on Bush's watch, BEFORE the recession; little outrage over that from rights. That's point 1. Point 2 is that you cannot exercise fiscal restraint in an economic emergency. You put out the fire, then you close the wallet.

Soooo, how exactly is Obama worsening the economic situation?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
i may dislike a democrat in office more than anyone on this site. but i am with most of the post's above we really need to give the man alittle more time. and before anyone bashes me for supporting this man i didnt vote for him. sure he hasnt made good on his promises, but what president has? sure his cabinet are tax evaders and extremists, but it hasnt been no where near long enough to make judgement calls on his actions as leader of this nation.

yeah gee wiz, Lets wait 8 more years until we do something about it. If i remember correctly, Obama was the one during the elections giving the people promise after promise but yet you want to wait. I tell you go ahead and wait, but I won't wait

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by secretstash

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by jfj123

He's only been in office a few months. Give the guy a break.
And what he's been asked to do is stop an avalanche with a teaspoon, ball of yarn and a candied yam.

I have been deceived by the "change"
Things are still going in the same direction but there is just more hate fear and bigotry amongst the people - because our lives are purposely being destroyed...I read this article today that enumerates Barack's achievements since the beginning and it is just sad.

"The honeymoon is over - Barack Obama has proven himself to be nothing more than we predicted all along - another stooge for the global banking syndicate that has controlled every U.S. president since JFK, and nothing more than a black face on the new world order - sworn to continue and intensify the same agenda that the Bush-Clinton-Bush dynasty advanced before him.

Upon Obama’s election we made a cynical but unfortunately accurate prediction of how the much vaunted promise of “change” would actually manifest itself. The fact is that the “change” began and ended on the day Obama won the election.

- Illegal warrantless surveillance and wiretapping of American citizens will continue under Obama.

- Top Bush administration officials who ordered torture and those that carried it out will be protected from prosecution under Obama.

- Top Bush administration officials who deceived America into a war will be protected from prosecution under Obama.

- The expansion of the military empire through continued occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and further military incursions into Pakistan will continue and expand under Obama.

- Banker bailouts, reckless spending, inflation of currency through overprinting and global regulations stifling the free market, all of which were initiated under Bush, will continue under Obama.

- The militarization of the United States and the architecture of the police state that was set up under Bush will be preserved and expanded under Obama.

- The attack on the second amendment right to bear arms will continue under Obama.

“The egregious spending will continue, government will balloon in size, American soldiers will be used as cannon fodder for more interventionist wars of the military-industrial complex, U.S. citizens will continue to have their phone calls tapped and their rights curtailed,” we forecast last year, “and the Federal Reserve will continue to rule the financial system with an iron fist while the middle class is squeezed out of existence.” "

The article...Obama's first hundred days

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