posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by mybigunit
All I have to say, is duh!
You mean you want a fair view of conspiracy theorists?
Ha! This does not fit in with the media's role of getting ratings.
You mean you want to see the conspirers who shot J.F.K.?
Ha! This does not fit in with the media's subservience with Government.
You mean you want to see that you get a fair trial?
Ha! This does not fit in with how the process goes, it's trial by media, then by courtroom.
Always has been, always will be, it's a cold manipulative world our Government controls.
The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
Look at this thread, and the extent that the global elite will go to gurantee they have no actual competition, in the banking world.
Anything and everything they can do, to make their opposition look bad, questionable, or bring the other person into question, and to get ratings on
top of it, that's their agenda.
This is how Government gets its power, not through people being in power, nor badges, but the combination of those in power and the badges to back up
the people below them, in conjunction with the corporate media whores who serve them obligingly and willingly.