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posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 08:09 PM
I've been reading about buddhism and how you can attain siddhis (certain tremendous powers) through intense meditation and yoga. Some siddhis are fairly common such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, extrasensory perception and telekinesis. Other are less well known:

Garima: is to be able to assume a mountainous size which means your form appears colossal, mountainous or cosmic.

Laghima: means to be very light. By practice of the mantra, no matter how weighty you are, you have the power to make your entire system very light, like cotton or flower petals. That is the secret of levitation and reaching anywhere.

Mahima: means to be very , very, very heavy. These are only the surface meanings. There are so many other celestial meanings to these most practical powers which come to you.

Prapti: means that whatever you wish for, either for yourself or for others, immediately you obtain the same.

There are many more, such as restoring the dead, or enabling a childless couple to have a baby. All these blessings and more are possible by the proper use of siddhis.

This link has a more comprehensive list:

I am very interested in this subject and was wondering if anyone has experienced any of these siddhis or know of anyone else who has?

posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 08:15 PM
Yoga is suppose to help you achive this states of the mind but the reason people in india achive this states is trought years of practice in other worlds you have to dedicate yourself to do this for years here in US people does not have time to do this, we are a busy nation. By the time this dedicated people achieve all this power they are so enlitened that they have not need for it.

posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 08:26 PM
makes you wonder if the world would be so messed up if the western world tried to incorporate some of these practises into our way of life.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:37 AM
There's no wondering about it.

Of course the world will be a better place if the ignorant Western mindstate is abandoned.


posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:50 AM
the only siddhi we should get is unconditionnal love..

oh and tell the truth is a siddhi

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 09:08 AM
You can achieve very amazing siddhis according to vedic texts by meditating and chanting certain mantras.

now i meditate and believe in chanting mantras, however to achieve a siddhi, a mantra has be chanted at least 25,000 times, during the time you are chanting, you have to abstain from salted food, sex, etc...that's why I have never attempted it.

however it chanting counts cumalative and doesn't have to be done a few years i might just achieve one of those siddhis....i'll let you know when I do.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 09:59 AM
Pantanjalis yoga sutras explains the siddhis very well but siddhis are there as gift and a distraction .....the distraction part is to see if youll use theese gifts instead of reaching the goal ...if you take up yoga as i have you will find that if you want to get to the goal you have to ignore the siddhis and especially never use them in front of others is like anything in the world of phantasmagoria is nothing more than a test to see if you prefer the things of this world instead of the ultimate goal of ever renewing bliss................
kutastha chaitanya

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 04:23 PM
i know yogis try to ignore siddhis as a distraction but
what about if you use the siddhis to benefits others rather than your self?

worldwatcher, what chants do you use and how often do you practice them? any tips? let me know if you get any results.

im going to look for some info on the net and get chanting.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 04:52 PM
There is no doubt that our western leaders use things like this. Also the secret societies which our world leaders come from have powers like the Siddhis.

Siddhis are just powers that come when you learn the laws of nature and our universe. It comes with meditation. I know those who are in power of the world use powers like these. Those in the secret societies teach powers like these, and they use black magick on our world.

Buddhism isn't the only way to get these powers, for buddhism is just one of the infinite number of ways. But buddhism has some great teachings.

I am developing some "siddhis" but I like to look at it as just spiritual evolution. I am on the middle path which doesn't specifically stick to one tradition or study, I incorporate all studies of mysticism and spiritual teachings into what I think would be best for me.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
I am developing some "siddhis" but I like to look at it as just spiritual evolution. I am on the middle path which doesn't specifically stick to one tradition or study, I incorporate all studies of mysticism and spiritual teachings into what I think would be best for me.

good philosophy, no point in following a complete set of beliefs if they don't all apply to you.
what siddhis are you developing and what methods you using?
my belief is that if you use siddhis for personal gain, it will lose its effectiveness (you may even lose the ability), if you use them for the benefit of others you will become better at using the siddhi and develop spiritually.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 05:43 PM
Well, my beleif about spiritual development is the same as some guy named Oazaki has said. It completely matches what my inner self "knew" about the subject but I did not realize it until I had read it.

Here I provide his text on what I had come to realize:

Cassiopaeans have this whole STS (Service To Self) vs STO (Service To Others) thing going on. Their basic idea in this respect being that one can serve self or others and that dependent on which you serve is your level decided, to an extent (you can�t be STS beyond 4th density) and is your whole being and orientation decided. Now, there is indeed something to what they�re saying on this one, namely that STO is all about expanding outwards rather than gathering and contracting (giving vs receiving) and that one *does* have to get beyond the mere satisfaction of petty personal whims and desires in order to really get anywhere esoterically (�access the higher densities� as I guess they�d phrase it).

However, I have to say that I find their classifications and understandings on this one to be very shallow indeed. Namely because there is, in reality, no such thing as STS VS STO. Why? Because in fact the ultimate service to self is to progress, thereby grow in insight, power and freedom, thereby be a lot happier, more fulfilled and more self-actualized. That is to say, first you must work on yourself, find out who you are, what you came here to do, what your purpose is. Then you must work on yourself some more so that you have the actual abilities and powers necessary to do what you are here to do. For example, if you�re here to come up with Unified Field Theory, you can�t do that till you can think clearly and accurately enough and until you have a good command of the various mathematical tools necessary. Similarly, if you�re here to win a gold medal in the Olympics, you can�t do so till you�re fast, fit and strong enough. Now, these examples aren�t really what I�m talking about here, they just serve to illustrate the idea that you can�t do what you came here to do until you�ve developed yourself to the extent that you are actually able to do it.

What I�m really talking about here, of course, is Spirit Purpose. Each and every individual came into incarnation to fulfil a particular Spirit Purpose, to accomplish a specific task. And that Spirit Purpose is your deepest desire in life, and what all your being, all your incarnations, and all your experiences point to. What they all lead you towards fulfilling. And the thing is that by realizing, accepting, living and fulfilling that *personal* desire is your purpose in the scheme of things fulfilled and do you serve all others and indeed the creation as a whole best.

So, you serve others through serving your Self. Though, of course, your Self refers not to your ego personality so much as to your Spirit. That having been said, in order to practically set about fulfilling your Spirit Purpose from this world, your ego personality and your Spirit have to become as one, or at least to align and both point in the same direction.
And also, of course, through so doing you are serving others not so much as a whole load of individuated ego personalities but as a whole load of Spirits, of multi-dimensional beings whose true interests and ends go way, *way* beyond what most people on earth would currently view as the summit of all their desires.

The point here is that you do NOT best serve others by seeking, first and foremost, to serve them. First and foremost your focus should be your own self, the development, awakening and increased manifested power of your own self. And such development is not a finite process. It�s not like you�ll get to some point where you�ve done whatever you had to do and then can get out there and just apply that development in the serving of others. No. You continually need to grow and develop for that is the nature of this cyclical creation. And, therefore, you need to continually focus on your Self first and foremost and NOT on others first and foremost EVER.

You are here to do what YOU are here to do and everybody else is also, in their turn, here to do what THEY are here to do. And you do not serve another�s interests by seeking to carry their burden for them.

And further, you need to grow and develop as a person to actually have something of worth and value to give to others. And the more you grow, the more you develop, the more that you have which is of worth and value to give to others. So to repeat: your focus is first and foremost yourself. Yet through that self-centred focus do you best serve others and indeed the universe as a whole.

So much for STS vs STO. Unless they�re just talking about service to self-as-ego-personality vs service to self-as-spiritual, multi-dimensional being. In which case they really are using very imprecise, quite misleading terminology.

Here is the link if you want to read more.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by no_name
I've been reading about buddhism and how you can attain siddhis (certain tremendous powers) through intense meditation and yoga. Some siddhis are fairly common such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, extrasensory perception and telekinesis. Other are less well known:

Garima: is to be able to assume a mountainous size which means your form appears colossal, mountainous or cosmic.

Laghima: means to be very light. By practice of the mantra, no matter how weighty you are, you have the power to make your entire system very light, like cotton or flower petals. That is the secret of levitation and reaching anywhere.

Mahima: means to be very , very, very heavy. These are only the surface meanings. There are so many other celestial meanings to these most practical powers which come to you.

Prapti: means that whatever you wish for, either for yourself or for others, immediately you obtain the same.

There are many more, such as restoring the dead, or enabling a childless couple to have a baby. All these blessings and more are possible by the proper use of siddhis.

This link has a more comprehensive list:

I am very interested in this subject and was wondering if anyone has experienced any of these siddhis or know of anyone else who has?

It's not hard to give a childless couple a baby... you just need consent

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Charlatan

It's not hard to give a childless couple a baby... you just need consent

or just give them a spare baby.

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