posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 07:15 PM
found the following in the chicago daily herald , unfortunatly it isn't on thier site as of now but this was run in todays paper [section 1;page
"Paul Mewman has appealed to Princeton University students to end a campus tradition in which participants binge drink trying to consume a beer an
hour for 24 hours . Newman'sday set for this saturday derives from an apocryphal quote attributed to the actor '24 beers in a case ,24 hours in a
day .coincidence? i think not ' On Newman'sday students have been known to show up for class inebriated or with beer poured into coffee mugs .part
of the events challenge is to make it through classes."
now i haven't tried this , but my wife insists that your body takes one hour per drink to sober up .
i can't see how you couldn't be drunk consuming that amount of alcohol in that time period .
any princetonians out there know anything about this 'event' ? when it started?