posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:27 AM
Where do you see our world and the topic of UFOs in ten years?
“In less than 10 years, I expect that it will be common knowledge that extraterrestrial civilizations are interacting with people on Earth. There
will be open exchange of information, culture, technology, visitors and trade between Earth and other civilizations. People might continue to have
different perspectives on all this, just as people on Earth have different perspectives on similar issues for relationships between cultures on Earth.
But it will be as undeniable that we are not alone in the universe as the fact that Earth people do not fall off the edge of the Earth when they
travel across the ocean to other lands.”
What is your main aim with the Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission?
“The primary aim is just to inform the public about the best credible evidence regarding extraterrestrial intelligent beings and their visits to
Earth. To achieve that also requires that the public has a reason to be informed about the topic. It is not enough just to have information available.
A ballot initiative creates the circumstances where voters take on the responsibility of a lawmaker and deliberate and decide on an issue. It also
provides them with more detailed information than what they would get from mainstream media which has conspired to prevent the public from being
informed about this issue. When the public is informed, and making a decision that could affect their lives, their family, the economy, jobs, and
more, it will create a fertile ground for honest and intelligent discussion about our role in the galactic family.”
Why do you think the majority of the population believes in extraterrestrial life but the majority isn’t pushing for disclosure?