posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 12:05 AM
Maybe a few weeks to a month ago there were 2 charts i spotted on the yahoo home page, one was unemployment % chart that showed unemployment rate for
the entire country and you can click on a state and it showed you unemployment rate per that state.
There was also another chart about 2 months ago, was also on the yahoo homepage i believe, it showed foreclosure % and it showed darker and lighter
areas where there was more or less foreclosures and the rate of those areas.
Im beating myself for not adding these 2 valuable pages to my favorites, but i was hoping if there is anyone that might be familiar with such charts,
or maybe something similar that they can share please? i could mostly find statistics but nothing fancy like charts, pictures are worth a thousand
words and something you just wanna look at it and not read a bunch of stuff on where and how...