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What I know...

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posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 05:47 PM
I have some information that i would like to share with all that will listen.

I have a source but i cannot disclose it.
I want to share this with all who will read it, and believe in something they cannot see, cannot prove.
Have faith.
It is selfish for me to keep this information for myself.

Here goes:

If the US government could deny alien presence for ever, they would. They will announce all they know when it is too obvious to deny.
But before this, WWIII must finish.

World War III is a process that began when Russia occupied Georgia and declare two provinces as 2 new states. That is, for creating a "cushion states" to reply to the missile reposition of the more and more extended European Community.

Second point, the Pope, who is the real "black Pope" is a fanatic of Nazism.

Third point, the most known: Iran and North Korean behavior.

It will be a short, but strong war.

Reincarnation is real.
Everybody has a soul, and their soul chooses them. Souls have many different origins. Due to this, a person can be half human and half alien, because they could have a soul from an ET origin, despite both human parents.

The Orion Empire Group, is a group made up of Greys, Reptillians, and some civilizations from Vega.
They are generally not very nice.

The most "famous" greys, from Zeta Reticuli are evil. They are the evil in the bible. They are all cloned from a chief commander, called Neon.
They are almost impossible to defeat, due to the cloning and how easy it is to use.
Greys from Zeta Reticuli are not originally from there. Their homeplanet is unkown to me, and is normally believed to be a planet somewhere in Zeta Reticuli, but it is NOT. It is simply a planet they found hospitable, and decided to base there new operatios there.
They have pets called Chupacabras which are used to spread disease about Earth.
Due to the cloning process, they are radioactive, and harmful to humans. And they are also interdimensional.

The Moon is an artificial satalite, built in order to have a control base to earth. It has bases currently used by 4 different civilizations.
It is off limits to Humans.
When it was made, or put into position, the gravitational pull, and Earth adjusting to it, created the Great Flood. The most common tale of this is Noahs Ark.
Why do you think we have never been back there?
On google earth, we have full access to the whole of Mars, but nothing for a relatively short journey to the moon?
There is a base from the Confederation ( the "good" guys ) who look out for Earth, and stop attempts from the Greys to enter out atmosphere.

The Universal Confederation is created by Olodeon, in order to protect planets like earth from invasion attempts from the Greys.

Sorry if it is abit back and fourth, it doesnt really have an order.
I don't know the ins and outs, just what i have been told.
I will get flamed, but i just want to inform people of the current events.
Whether you believe me is your choice.

Thankyou to all for listening, and having faith.


[edit on 15/4/2009 by JacobNH]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 05:53 PM
You offer so many far out possibilities here .. but yet offer no supporting evidence for any of it. I think you already know that's not going to cut it here.

That being said this thread belongs in skunkworks or the grey area.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Resinveins]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 05:57 PM
I don't have any evidence of this.
All i have is words.

But i just wanted to be nice, and tell everyone what i know.
Thanks for reading it anyway


posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:23 PM
I agree with u on some points and others Im not sure about. The fact is I have many things I just know and have known since I was very little, and I also have no proof to back it up except for the ppl who have witnessed what I told them and saw it later happen.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:23 PM
At least you're not peddling this as some evident truth like other similar posts. I'll assume you're being honest or that you honestly believe your source. I'm wondering what kind of source would have this much varied knowledge and at the same time have the ability to leak it to yourself.
I was grooving on it until you mentioned chubacabras- seems a bit too far-fetched for me and I'll entertain crazy wild ideas. It would be an interesting twist on the chupacabra tales.

Could you provide information about your source?

Other ATSers are gonna be pretty harsh on your claims I'm afraid. Good Luck.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:30 PM
Here's how it will go:

Crazy story that the OP Knows is true but can't give any proof.

Little bits of information start "leaking out" to keep the post alive.

Suddenly there is a prophecy or a date that something is supposed to happen by.

Op gets flamed for being another BGC>

I'm sorry Op, but are you serious. All this info that you got, can be found here on ats, you've just condesened a few stories and added them together. At least come up with something original.


posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by CherryDuck
Here's how it will go:

Crazy story that the OP Knows is true but can't give any proof.

Little bits of information start "leaking out" to keep the post alive.

Suddenly there is a prophecy or a date that something is supposed to happen by.

Op gets flamed for being another BGC>

I'm sorry Op, but are you serious. All this info that you got, can be found here on ats, you've just condesened a few stories and added them together. At least come up with something original.


Sorry m'dear, but nothing is gonna start "leaking" out.
I've told you all i know in the OP.

It is only natural that i learn more in time, and i will try and keep people updated on what i am told.

Yes it can be found on other places, but not everything i am telling you.
I'm not making it up. You don't have to believe me.
This is for people of open minds.

You are free to do/think of this as you will.


posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:57 PM
Is there any reason that you can't tell us your source. If you can't tell us who your source is, can you give a reason as too why your not able to tell us? ( I want to believe you, but am a skeptic at heart, and have read sooooo many poost's like this that end in the Op getting flamed and or banned.)


posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 07:08 PM
So far nothing you have stated is new by any stretch of the imagination. What I would like to ask you to do is to give us something current, something which speaks to us of the reason for your personal disclosure.

I cannot dispute anything you have said at this point, but tell me why now and why here on this particular forum for skeptics?

Please continue and know that you will be challenged, just see others remarks as just that and move on.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by JacobNH

so if you know WW3 will be a short but strong war, I assume there will be the launching of nukes involved?
So what happened to the idea that ufos disable every nuke missile launched?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by CherryDuck
Is there any reason that you can't tell us your source. If you can't tell us who your source is, can you give a reason as too why your not able to tell us? ( I want to believe you, but am a skeptic at heart, and have read sooooo many poost's like this that end in the Op getting flamed and or banned.)


A can provide a little bit more info on my source.
It was a contact.
A half alien, half human. His soul is Extraterrestrial, and originates from the Scorpio Constelation.

Originally posted by bl4ke360

so if you know WW3 will be a short but strong war, I assume there will be the launching of nukes involved?
So what happened to the idea that ufos disable every nuke missile launched?

I have never heard of UFOs disabling Nukes before.

[edit on 16/4/2009 by JacobNH]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:08 AM
So what does this all mean? How does knowing this benifit anyone? Are we suppose to do something about this or just wait to see if it comes true? Whats the point to your story?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Wisen Heimer
So what does this all mean? How does knowing this benifit anyone? Are we suppose to do something about this or just wait to see if it comes true? Whats the point to your story?

There isn't a point to my "story"
I am merely informing you of coming events, and teaching you.

How does knowing this benefit anyone?
That is like saying how does knowing Newtons law benefit anyone.
It is information. Knowledge.
Sure, this wont be as useful in everyday life as Newtons law, but knowledge is power.


posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 12:58 PM
You have asked for something new, and i can give it to you.

I can tell you about a member of the Confederation. A General.

His name is General Ur.
He is a mutant, about 1.95metres tall, from Antares in the Scorpion Constelation.
As a "human" he is one of the two "Angels" who destroyed Sodoma & Gomorra.

The city, Ur, in Babylon is named after him.
He was incarnated as the god Anubis, God Of Egypt.

His chief is a woman called E-la, who is on a mission on Earth.

My contact has given me this picture of General Ur.
You can analyze this picture, and i give you my word,
It is 100% real.
Trust me

There you go


posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 01:01 AM
that's a link to google mail??? can you upload to your acccount and post it please? I'd love to see some real evidence for something lol!!

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:28 AM
Ooooh shoot.
Sorry about that, haha.
Wrong link


[edit on 17/4/2009 by JacobNH]

[edit on 17/4/2009 by JacobNH]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:39 AM
this should be good . . .

OP i have a very open mind, but if this picture is an obvious fake, i will more than likely disregard your story completely.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:41 AM
To be honest,
When i looked at the photo, i thought it looked extremely fake.
But i trust my contact, and he insures me it is real.
So i think it is.

Get a good graphic analyzer to look at it or something.


posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 05:25 AM
Sweet photo......

We need someone to debunk this , has anyone seen this mask in a costume shop or anything ?

The only thing weird i can think of is... Why is he wearing black gloves?
Cool story and photo. I believe it all as much as a man with an open mind can.
Of course i am skeptic and will never fully believe anything till there is solid proof.

Nice one Jacob.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 05:28 PM
Yeah, haha it does look a wee bit like a mask.

But oh well,


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