I have some information that i would like to share with all that will listen.
I have a source but i cannot disclose it.
I want to share this with all who will read it, and believe in something they cannot see, cannot prove.
Have faith.
It is selfish for me to keep this information for myself.
Here goes:
If the US government could deny alien presence for ever, they would. They will announce all they know when it is too obvious to deny.
But before this, WWIII must finish.
World War III is a process that began when Russia occupied Georgia and declare two provinces as 2 new states. That is, for creating a "cushion
states" to reply to the missile reposition of the more and more extended European Community.
Second point, the Pope, who is the real "black Pope" is a fanatic of Nazism.
Third point, the most known: Iran and North Korean behavior.
It will be a short, but strong war.
Reincarnation is real.
Everybody has a soul, and their soul chooses them. Souls have many different origins. Due to this, a person can be half human and half alien, because
they could have a soul from an ET origin, despite both human parents.
The Orion Empire Group, is a group made up of Greys, Reptillians, and some civilizations from Vega.
They are generally not very nice.
The most "famous" greys, from Zeta Reticuli are evil. They are the evil in the bible. They are all cloned from a chief commander, called Neon.
They are almost impossible to defeat, due to the cloning and how easy it is to use.
Greys from Zeta Reticuli are not originally from there. Their homeplanet is unkown to me, and is normally believed to be a planet somewhere in Zeta
Reticuli, but it is NOT. It is simply a planet they found hospitable, and decided to base there new operatios there.
They have pets called Chupacabras which are used to spread disease about Earth.
Due to the cloning process, they are radioactive, and harmful to humans. And they are also interdimensional.
The Moon is an artificial satalite, built in order to have a control base to earth. It has bases currently used by 4 different civilizations.
It is off limits to Humans.
When it was made, or put into position, the gravitational pull, and Earth adjusting to it, created the Great Flood. The most common tale of this is
Noahs Ark.
Why do you think we have never been back there?
On google earth, we have full access to the whole of Mars, but nothing for a relatively short journey to the moon?
There is a base from the Confederation ( the "good" guys ) who look out for Earth, and stop attempts from the Greys to enter out atmosphere.
The Universal Confederation is created by Olodeon, in order to protect planets like earth from invasion attempts from the Greys.
Sorry if it is abit back and fourth, it doesnt really have an order.
I don't know the ins and outs, just what i have been told.
I will get flamed, but i just want to inform people of the current events.
Whether you believe me is your choice.
Thankyou to all for listening, and having faith.
[edit on 15/4/2009 by JacobNH]