posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 03:41 PM
THis makes me think, about our garbage removal industry, if ii can call it that... when i was a kid, in the early 1980, i used to go with my father to
the dump. It was a small, muddy area you could just dump everything trees n shrubs, household garbage, sofas, you name it, and bulldozers would just
push it into a pile, then put it in a truck, and would go across the street, to the city incinerator. IT was eventually shut down, becuae it was a
huge health hazardm rats the size of kittens ran around(i once saw a city dump worker with a shotgun, asked my father whats he doin witht he shotgun,
his answer...for tthe rats!) and it was very common, for black soot 3 ro 4 days after incineration to rain down on street, cars people and our local
Starting around 1990, that changed. A warehouse was built nearby, and thas where you left yuor trash, but it had to be seperated,wehn unloading.
From thier, they seperated recycables, and anyting else was truckedf out to a few citys north of me(brideport CT) to burn to make electricity. As of
last year, my city (stamford CT) was teh first city to try a new trash technology. They basically layed off ro replaced garbage men, and we now have
to use big 80 gallon containers, we cannot use garbage cans anymore.A special truck with a mechanical arm, picks up household refuge this way. It goes
to a moving belt(that has fialed 2 times already), laoded on truck and goes to Ohio for burial. The place that was the dump,. is now totaly cleaned
up..thiers a walkway with numerous dumpsters, and each dumpster is lable household trash, cardboard, newspaper, leaves/tress, metals ect ect. They
have just started last year accepting fluorescent bulbs, which they keep in old rusty oil drums.
As for our sewer water, solid wastes have undergone new technology.The city here, uses human solid waste, for its metahne, to make electricity. I
joke you not! A freind of mine years ago, had an uncle who worked for the city. Decades ago, they used to seperate human solid waste from the water,
then truk oad it for incineration.
I really think, we shuold go back to incinerating to ake electricity. They say it gives of alot of pollution. Ive driven by the incinerator quite
a fw times on the highway. It barelty even smells, and ive never seen it giving off smog like smoke, never. Kinda makes me think, what the city and
the powers to be are up to, seems like a system designed to milk taxpayes dry. plus! incineration will always be the only real way to guarantee
cleanliness and total elimination, as well as keeping things a non health hazzard.