posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 01:21 PM
Our first Civil War started because the southern states became alarmed at the perceived radicalization of the Union under policies and political
leadership that encouraged northern commerce, while systematically disenfranchising the southern landed-gentry of the time.
The North benefited from all the infrastructure development and the virtual monopoly of market power. The south was 'locked in time' relying on
slave labor to produce for the land holders.
Once the south became economically prosperous, due to the invention of the gin, there revitalized political power (money) threatened northern
entrenched interests; and the northern businessmen politicians fought back by political maneuver. They capitalized on the growing acceptance that the
premise of slavery was anti-constitutional. The fight got ugly. 'We the people' paid for it.
Slavery was a counter-productive practice in the final analysis, but none rose to offer a suitable alternative that would protect the rich of the
south, so it's abolition was a direct threat against the holders of power in the south. Of course they fought back.
The media of the time, and the politicians as well, made great efforts to define this as a moral war, but that is not how it started.
Once Lincoln won the Presidency, based on the position that no state had the right to secede from the Union, it took away the South's last trump
card. They had been courting European friendships in a hope to establish a realistic 'fall back' position based on southern sovereignty, given
European support. It failed. The south tried to exploit their virtual monopoly of cotton, that failed too.
As usual, the war profiteers and banksters benefited handsomely from both sides (remember when borrowing for war, each side has to promise to pay back
the losing sides debt).
There will be no 2nd Civil War. If anything, it will simply be a revolution, those without a voice, against those with.