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Israel has military resources to destroy Iran's nuclear

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posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:12 AM
Anyone want to bet when ? I think it will be this summer, the Iranians have the same agenda as north-korea, inter-ballistic missiles eh uh rockets for launching space satellites ...

Israel has military resources to destroy Iran's nuclear sites – Washington sources

A prestigious Washington think tank – the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) - has concluded by means of detailed research and analysis that Israel is militarily capable of destroying Iran's nuclear program. This view is shared by the Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff, who asked recently if Israel could carry off an attack on Iran, replied tersely: "Yes."

Details from the CSIS report, first disclosed in DEBKA-Net-Weekly

- Study on a Possible Israeli Strike on Iran’s Nuclear Development Facilities, March 16, 2009 (URL).
- Iranian Nuclear Weapons? The Uncertain Nature of Iran’s Nuclear weapons, 2006 (PDF).

[edit on 2009/4/15 by reugen]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:16 AM
If they haven't done it by now, I don't think they are going to do it. I think that Iran is just a distraction at this point. Who knows what is really going on but if the Bush administration didn't aid Israel in attacking Iran, I don't see it happening under the current administration. I don't see Israel going at it alone either.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Maybe, but the withdrawal of US presence in Iraq will speed up the process. Israel need that route (airspace) for carrying out the strikes against nuclear sites in Iran. (refueling etc).


[edit on 2009/4/15 by reugen]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:45 AM
Another reason why I don't think it will happen. I am sure that Israel has been well aware of our plans for Iraq. If they didn't go forward during the Bush years, I just doubt they will now. The only way I see it actually happening is if TPTB decide that we need to kick off a real world war to get the economy going again. Then I could see Israel doing its part and bombing Iran.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:49 AM
I fail to see how the threat from Iran is any difference to the threat from Iraq in June 1981, and then Israel took action, you have to guess with the private approval of the Reagan Administration.

This begs the questions:

Just how serious is the threat from Iran's nuclear program to Israel?


What is holding Israel back if the threat is that serious?

Israel has rarely been a country to sit on the fence when its well being is at risk, and if the threat from Iran's nuclear project was such that Israel believes the Iran was in a position seriously create a nuclear weapon that could harm Israel, then we would see action from the IDF.

So, we either how to accept that the threat Iran poses to Israel is not that serious or that some one has some thing hanging over the Government, good or bad, that is focussing their minds on not attacking.

Right now, I would have to go with the not a serious threat option. Israel does not seem to be a country that cares that much about world opinion, so if iran's nuclear program was that serious, Isreal would have reacted.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 05:51 AM
With the development of Jericho III Israel will have the ability to launch a preemptive strike against Iran but I still think Israel will launch an air strike against Iranian nuclear sites this summer much like operation opera in 1981.

Jericho III data,

[edit on 2009/4/15 by reugen]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:37 AM
There is something that does not sit right for me.

Israel keep making noises about Irans nuclear program.
The US are trying to become Irans best friend and now asking for help and want to sit down and talk.

As much as Obama is trying to become friends, they appear to be trying to hard.
Is the US going to be the Judas that betrays Iran when push comes to shove?

I still think that there is going to be a suprise attack on Iran and Iran is going to retaliate and take out a US carrier or 2 and Israel will sit back and watch the fire works.

The US is going to be the victim even though they will be the ones giving the approval for the attack.
Russia and China will see the betrayal, although China will sit back and watch as Russia gets involved.
China will more than likely become the next world police and come in and play UN peace keeper.
They have the population and will also have the wealth to do it.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:04 PM
Not to get all religious and stuff, but....

It "WILL" require nuclear tipped ground penetrating missiles.

the processing plants are beneath major population centers-so many will die.

Back to religion... all the world seeks to destroy Israel, and it is saved at the last min....

Also, something like... behold, Damascus became a ruinous heap, never to be a city again.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:51 PM
The whole Iran/Isreal thing is the obvious choice, it won't happen. It's always the thing that you don't expect that happens. Iran just as North Korea did will get nuclear weapons. They're too far in bed with Russia and China for the West to do anything.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
As much as Obama is trying to become friends, they appear to be trying to hard.
Is the US going to be the Judas that betrays Iran when push comes to shove?

Judas? Really? You are saying that Iran is like Jesus?

I still think that there is going to be a suprise attack on Iran and Iran is going to retaliate and take out a US carrier or 2 and Israel will sit back and watch the fire works.

Iran is a third world nation. Take out a Nimitz Class carrier? That’s funny. If the US wanted to strike Iran, it would be just like Iraq... a month of bombing from the air and sea destroying any and all defensive and offensive capability. Then, a long bloody resistant by homicide/suicide bombers.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Goldbugg8
The whole Iran/Isreal thing is the obvious choice, it won't happen. It's always the thing that you don't expect that happens. Iran just as North Korea did will get nuclear weapons. They're too far in bed with Russia and China for the West to do anything.

True -there is no way and China/ India/ Russia all have far too much invested to allow this too happen. Further India as already made it abundantly clear that any strike on Iran would send a radio active cloud straight over their population centres which would kill millions and would be seen as a Direct Act oF War - do not underestimate India - massive capability.

The reason for the Rhetoric on Iran is very simple let me explain -

The world is moving towards nuclear power as the next phase of work wide energy provision which will last for about 30-40- years Of global supply from current reserves of uranium (Australia is gunna get rich) - the US and UK have been developing what are called Black Boxes which are small fully self contained nuclear reactors which can simply be shiped in and plugged straight into the grid - they are completely tamper proof and last something like 12 years. The US / UK are looking to control the world wide distribution of Nuclear Energy and DO NOT want countries like Iran providing energy independence to Islamic nations, third world etc.

There is a genuine desire to end nuclear proliferation as major world powers have come to realise the madness of it (pun intended) - however I genuinely believe that Iran has no intention of developing one whatsoever as it is diplomatically far more powerful not to, it is economic madness, and goes against their entire doctrine - not that anyone here can see beyond parochial american solipsism.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 05:44 AM
Another media article, not from DEBAKfiles this time but Times Online

The Israeli military is preparing itself to launch a massive aerial assault on Iran's nuclear facilities within days of being given the go-ahead by its new government.

“We would not make the threat [against Iran] without the force to back it. There has been a recent move, a number of on-the-ground preparations, that indicate Israel's willingness to act,” said another official from Israel's intelligence community.

Article source

The problem with a nuclear strike (jericho) is the fallout of course which means they have to use conventional weapons, ground and air etc.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 04:02 PM
And Iran knows it will happen any time soon so thats why they are allready taking western people of the street and kicking them in prison for being spies for the US . Just like that female journalist who has been thrown in prison for being spy.
That all in the hope that Israel or US will not attack because of there political hostages.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 04:48 PM
For anyone who thinks Israel must have the cooperation of the US or anyone else to do what they determine as a military necessity, is to delude yourself.

When Israel attacked the reactor in Iraq, I guarantee you that the US wasn't in on that!

I forgot who, but one of Reagan's staff ran into his office, yelled that Israel had taken out the Iqaqi reactor, clearly angry himself, and it was Reagan who replied, "well, boys will be boys!"

In 1973, it was the US, pushed by the Soviet Union that was putting pressure on Israel to stop kicking Arab ass, even though the Israelis were initially attacked.

In 1967, same thing. The Israelis were flying French stuff, and their tanks were WWII Shermans that had been upgunned and modified, and British Chieftans.

So, if Israel elects to go, it won't be with any US help.

Each time, Israel astounds friend and foe alike.

They follow no anticipated line of expectation, and they never come in the front door.

Whatever is being done, is mostly being done right now, in Iran, on the ground.

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