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Kerry and Colonel caught in a lie

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posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by junglejake

Originally posted by Colonel

Bill did some of the worst damage to our inteligence and our military infrastructure. However, I will give him credit, while on his watch, several terror attacks were averted. But several were not, we got hit more times while on his watch then any other president. Cole, WTC (first time, not the time that brought it down) and Oaklahoma City to name 3.

Since 9-11, we haven't been hit. I find that interesting...

We haven't been hit because Al Queda is too busy hitting other people to get them to disassociate themselves from isolation tactic: Bali, Madrid, Saudi Arabia,...

Finally, we'll be all left alone.

[Edited on 26-4-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by astrocreep
Bout Time, I don't think anyone is questioning your need for the vehicle you prefer. Those rules are for the rest of us because our transportation needs could not possibly warrant such a vehicle. Your vehicel, Kerry's vehicle, Babs vehicle...none of my business because you all have the right to your privacy and reasons for needing them. Who am I to have an opinion? Of course, I on the other hand and the other 75% of the population who fall into the non-elite catagory can rest easy knowing that the rest of you are perfectly capable of making the rules that we abide by. No one expects you all to keep to the same standards. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a trip planned for today (work related) and my 4 banger awaits.

How did I get to be an elitist? I have a "4 banger" that I use for the bulk of my driving .....I highly recommend the Saab 4 cyl. in a 9000 or 9-5, hella fun to drive & you STILL get 30 mpg.
Most people I see driving trucks are blue collar.
Sure, you have your soccer moms, but the bulk are dual duty trucks.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 07:17 AM
Thats the problem. Most of the people bitching about other's owndership of large vehicles somehow excuse themselves when they are the ones just using them because they're the in thing. I don't have a utility vehicle because I don't do utility work but I'm not bitching about those that do because I hardly think its practical to haul 3 hundred pounds of tools in the back of a Yugo with a ladder strapped to the top.

The hypocrisy that burns my ass is that these people will go and have rallys to criticize others and leave in their SUV because, as an elitist or a wannabe, they are somehow excluded. The same sort of thing happened in Lexington, KY. People built sub-divisions on what was once horse farms and then decided since they had theirs, we should preserve large farm and enact legislation to prevent land owners from selling unless approved by some self-appointed high lord and master. Its the old, "I got mine so screw the rest of you" mentality and I'm not accusing you of it. It sounds as if you aren't out there trying to force your will on others for "their own good".

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 07:45 AM
Personally, I think the people who drive their Hummers from the suburbs to the city and back every day for "work" and never utilize the utility of their viechle are jokes. They're wasting money, and they're wasting gas. I don't own an SUV, I own a Camery I bought from my parents, and I'm replacing it with a hybred asap ($1.92 for gas!). I do, however, have uncles who drive SUVs. But they use them. They hunt in the north woods, and to get to their stands, you have to go through mud, slush, and snow. Otherwise, they're all driving corrolas or Saturns. SUVs serve a function.

Now my question is why do the Kerrys need a fleet of SUVs for a presidential run? I've watched the history channel special on armoring a car, it doesn't have to be an SUV. I'd also be curious to see what kind of car Kerry took to the earth day rally.

Kerry is a sleeze ball. This guy supports the environment, unless it puts his rich, snobby friends (read Kennedys) out a few bucks. I'm refering to Robert Kennedy sueing Mass. to prevent a wind farm from coming up behind his property. It would lower his land value, and Kerry has said that he won't take a stand on that until the Kennedys take care of the wind farm. If they lose, Kerry is probably going to come out and say how great wind power is, and look, the Kennedys have put up a windfarm in their back yard.

If they lose, Kerry will be out there yelling, just like Robert Kennedy was, that wind power is great...As long as it's off shore. Would hate to lower someone who is a friend's land value just to save (in his opinion) the environment!

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Who cares. Nobody got killed. But with Bush & Co., they'll lie and lie so thousands die. Ask questions about all the deaths and what does they say?

"Just send us your kids. You don't need to know what happens to them."

"Just send us your dont need to know what happens to them..." Said all the liberal morons as they swept our children off to public school.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Seapeople
"Just send us your dont need to know what happens to them..." Said all the liberal morons as they swept our children off to public school.
I'd laugh, but it isnt' funny.

Kerry and his veHICles, round three.
Today, Wednesday in Detroit, Kerry was again asked what he drives. He said he drove a Chyrlser that was about 20 years old, and the had a PT Cruiser and a Crysler van. Other family memebers had other various vehicles.
He also made a point of saying they were all American made cars.

I have yet to find this in writing, but I saw the local newscast out of Detroit.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

I have yet to find this in writing, but I saw the local newscast out of Detroit.

I'm sure some sites and papers will carry it soon, and others will choose to ignore it. People call his lies unimportaint, that they haven't killed anyone. He has, however, established a precident. He has no qualms about lying, and no problem with doing it poorly.

Yes, all politicians lie. However, people like Bill Clinton did it very well, to the point where you could suspect, but couldn't prove. Kerry is different. He says one thing and 2 months later contradicts what he said. World leaders will notice this just as we have. You think the US has bad foreign relations now? Picture this:

Kerry, April, 2006: "I have met with Castro and we are well on our way to lifting sanctions against Cuba."

May 2006, Castro does some horrible thing to his people, as he is want to do.

Kerry, May, 2006: "I have never met with Castro in person, and think his acts are deplorable. I am for strengthening sanctions against Cuba."

For those of us who didn't fall asleep durring his brief statement, we'd see the aparent lie. So would the rest of the world. How could some foreign government take ours seriously with such blatant and poorly crafted lies being told by the leader of the free world? Studdering and masacreing the english language is one thing, but Bush sticks to his story, at least. You know where he stands. Kerry would increase the distrust felt towards the US ten fold, IMO.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Originally posted by Seapeople
"Just send us your dont need to know what happens to them..." Said all the liberal morons as they swept our children off to public school.
I'd laugh, but it isnt' funny.


You're right. It isn't funny. Its stupid, trying to copy what I wrote. What i wouldn't give for some of you repugnants to have an original idea.

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