posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 01:40 PM
when I do a trcroute, and ping to here is what I get. I didnt put in hope 1 or two as 1 is my unroutable IP address, and number two
is my WAN address that is direct connected to my router/firewall
hop#3-7 go through my ISP's various hops to their point of presence, and then links up to the trans - Atlantic fiber 0C-12 line (622 mbps) hop 8 is
where it get's interesting.
hop 8. RT(ms)=163 Network=Level6-CIDR
hop 9 name = Level3-CIDR
hop 10 lc-org-arin
hop 11 level3-cidr
hop 12 - 14 go to the ATS hosting servers I believe.
I live in Germany, everytime I perform these checks, I come up with the same thing. Geographically speaking, those washington servers are in
Washington DC exactly. Does anyone know if there are any main routers that are in the DC area that make that trans Atlantic cross? Does anyone else
get this when they ping the ATS site that is living in Europe? I was a network admin a few years ago, and hopefully in that time I've learned a
thing or three. Now if anyone is familiar with the PPP (Point to Point Protocal) it is designed and programmed to find the quickest route between the
request made, and the server answering that request. Why is it then that every single time I ping this it goes through these same servers...what's
up with that?
On several different instances I've had different WAN IP addresses ping this, and gotten the same thing. Anyone have any ideas what is up with this?
is this coincidence or is something going on?