posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 12:19 PM
I don't see any bigger picture to this story at all. While it's slightly underhanded, it is the same old underhanded. Vehicle recalls are very,
very simple. Automobiles have flaws and defects... sometimes these defects are on an individual basis and sometimes they are a design problem and
fleet-wide. As these defects come to the surface, sometimes they have disasterous results. Accidents, especially fatal ones, must be investigated
and lawsuits generally follow. The automakers usually settle these lawsuits quickly and quietly, never letting them get to trial; but they also
meticulously track them, looking for patterns and trends. They have a very sophisticated set of formulas and can determine, down to the dollar, what
their most inexpensive option is... continued settlement or a recall. Recalls are very expensive and while they DO help to make your vehicle safer
(or at least remove the potential for that specific disaster) they don't do it out of the goodness of their hearts. Recalls are done based on cold,
hard dollars and cents and not on lives lost.