posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Originally posted by stereovoyaged
it seems LATELY, everyone is getting more critical, apathetic and mean.
beat to death like a dead horse.
LOL I have to agree a bit here. I'd say 'touchy' is a good word, but not 'lazy'.
I'm still relatively new to discussion boards, with ATS being one of my first. And as a prehistoric dial-up blogger, believe me, I'd post more, if I
weren't always waiting several moments after each click. Often times, I can't even get the site to work during peak hours; so I'm on here in the
wee hours, where there's less traffic!
In other words, I have only limited hours to pop in, when I'm not busy with my life, so I take in what interests me, and sort of wish I had more time
to check it all out! And grateful for a free site like ATS that contains my kind of topics! And grateful when my weak little computer allows me to
function here at all!
(I like your four horsemen, btw) Now, let's see if this post takes, or if Microsoft will shut me down to that annoying "Page cannot be