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Proof that the Pyramids produced electricity

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posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:49 PM
I came across this thread from another author(not my research)... but
I thought is was really interesting and a very well thought out theory.
Makes alot of sense to me...I just want to know what everybody thinks about this theory and if it could have been possible?

...sorry if previously posted......

Some highlights from the thread here.....

Lets do this. Lay down a couple million or more two and half ton boulders and beat lead (Pb) around the walls of a sealed chamber deep inside and fill that subterranean chamber with this electrolyte compound. Now suspend large gold and copper rods down through the stones, making up the ceiling and walls into this electrolyte, and simply pour a golden trench to connect the top of those rods and another trench to connect to the ground base of the lead-beaten wall. Just reach out and touch one trench, then the other and LOOK OUT, Mr. Edison. Were talking about a LOT of power, not just a bushel basket of left over lip puckering produce. Think about that for a moment. This is much like the same principals used to make a car battery. A generator is nothing more than a coil of copper wire being rotated within a magnetic field. The battery will naturally build up that charge, as it?s applied from that source. It isn?t as complicated as it seems.

All forms of electrical wiring would have been made from gold, silver, and copper, gold being the easiest to form. All such precious metals disappeared from the pyramid structures long before the demise of the early dynasties of the ancient Egyptians. Most had been turned into idols, as a 'key to the old ways' or a 'doorway into the afterlife' and then left in this 'now become tomb', and buried with the Pharaohs to succeed. Then of course, stolen by grave robbers later. In life the Pharaoh?s immediately following Cheops began to consider electrical energy, which they and their advisors had once witnessed, as magic from the gods and decided to worship the precious metals in hope to regain the use of this power. So, why would we find any evidence of wiring? It's simply long gone, scrapped.

The pyramids created a less-negative potential high in the sky and provided a current path to it, made from gold beaten down on the outside of the pyramid and poured within as well. This massive display of capacitive reactance simply used the atmosphere, the earth?s core, and a chemical equation, allowing the chamber to absorb electrical boosts. It stored mega amounts of coulombs of charge in a natural electrolyte, contained within that sealed lead-walled acid filled limestone basin. The induced electrons traveled a golden path between the tip of the pyramid structure, the controlled electrolyte and the ground potential, charging this battery or voltage source, ZZZZPPOOWW lightning strikes. Do research thunderstorms, positive ionic atmospheric relationships and such. Lightning is a natural discharge from buildup over distances and differences of the earth?s electrical potential. Now consider what a great lightning rod this pyramid would have been.

The ancient Egyptians did much more than just make simple batteries and build colossal monuments. The ancient Egyptian riddle says 'everyone fears time, but even time fears the eye of the pyramids'. You want to know why? Ancient Egyptian legend says the pyramids were built to store knowledge. They did all right, and they still do. However, there's a lot more to the story then the simple handwriting on the wall. So much has been forgotten and a LOT has been lost, but maybe not forever. NOTHING can be hidden from the ?eye of time?.

(SOURCE) The full thread page here....

If or when you have time to read the whole thread, you will see how much
sense this theory makes!

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 09:22 PM
This is interesting and I'm surprised I have not heard of this before.
This could be the thing that connects the dots.
Third line

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:25 PM
I think someone would have noticed the lead lined chamber and the two column of gold leading into the electrolite.

I have never heard of any of these things being properties of a pyramid.

I doubt you would need the electrolite. Tesla's tower apparently generated enough power to send sparks off the wings of butterflys five miles away, and he used a pole sunk into the earth which reached up a tower, and terminating in a sphere to power that.

It's a fantastic concept but bares no resemblance to any reality I have ever known.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 04:34 AM
The guy that wrote it 'isn't convinced' that the Egyptians built the pyramids. He denies that hieroglyphs were on the Rosetta Stone. He says that our technology today is barely able to build the pyramids. He claims that the Egyptian Government has uncovered 'Cayce's Hall of Records' and have the knowledge of a 'timedrive'...

He's a little bit fringe. Why would the 'mystery' builders require vast batteries? With their 'knowledge of the speed of light', mass of Earth and suchlike, why were they using stone age tools to construct stone monuments?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:47 PM
I know 1 thing, you can't cut and shape granite with extreme precision with copper tools or diorite balls. Chris Dunn of proves advanced power tools had to be used. Saw marks etc. in photos.
Drunvalo Melchizedek in his 2 books "The Ancient Secret of the Flower Of Life" gives a ton of secret info. I haven't seen anywhere else.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:04 PM

The pyramids created a less-negative potential high in the sky and provided a current path to it, made from gold beaten down on the outside of the pyramid and poured within as well.

Where did they get they were covered in Gold? And poured through it?
The outer facing was originally Tura limestone, there is only a bit left on it, and maybe the cap was granite.

This theory get's
from me, sorry.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by kyleplatinum
I came across this thread from another author(not my research)... but
I thought is was really interesting and a very well thought out theory.

I'm afraid the author is WAY off track and has no idea of what the interior of the pyramids looked like or how much the stones weighed. I'll guess he's thinking that only 3 pyramids were ever built (this is wrong...there are over 110 in Egypt.)

... beat lead (Pb) around the walls of a sealed chamber deep inside and fill that subterranean chamber with this electrolyte compound.

...and promptly die of oxygen starvation. Seriously. Here's what the Great Pyramid looks like in cross section (the rooms are tiny):

Now suspend large gold and copper rods down through the stones, making up the ceiling and walls into this electrolyte, and simply pour a golden trench to connect the top of those rods and another trench to connect to the ground base of the lead-beaten wall.

At this point, we're probably talking about more gold than the Egyptian treasury had. Once they've spent the gold on that... how are they going to buy goods (wood, among other things) and pay their mercenaries?

Were talking about a LOT of power, not just a bushel basket of left over lip puckering produce.

Volume does not equal power. It means that the battery will last longer, but more liquid plus more metal doesn't equal more power. I can put a huge bar of zinc and a huge bar of copper into a gallon of lemon juice (or a swimming pool full of it) and I'm still not going to get much of a zap from it. I might be able to run my digital clock off the electricity it generates for a few years, however.

All such precious metals disappeared from the pyramid structures long before the demise of the early dynasties of the ancient Egyptians.

...mainly because they never were used in pyramids.

Most had been turned into idols, as a 'key to the old ways' or a 'doorway into the afterlife' and then left in this 'now become tomb', and buried with the Pharaohs to succeed.

"...idols..."? (insert long suffering sigh. The writer doesn't know anything about Egyptian culture, how statues of the gods were made, where the wealth was stored, what metals they used, etc, etc. This information is all over the internet (Wikipedia and encyclopedias and so forth) but the author apparently didn't check facts first.

In life the Pharaoh?s immediately following Cheops began to consider electrical energy, which they and their advisors had once witnessed, as magic from the gods and decided to worship the precious metals in hope to regain the use of this power.

The author isn't aware that the Egyptians were literate and wrote about their gods and so forth. There are well over 100,000 manuscripts, wall paintings, books, scrolls, ostrika, etc, etc, with hieroglyphic writing that we can read. They left prayers, festival records, genealogies, letters, poetry, catalogs of supplies, and a lot of other material.

They never worshiped metals, precious or otherwise. The idea of "power"/"magic from the gods" isn't part of the Egyptian concept of how the world worked. The kahunas of Hawaii (some 3,000 years later) had the concept of spirit power (like electricity) and so did some of the Eastern cultures (the martial arts, with the concept of "chi" is close to this.) The Egyptians believed in a 5-part soul, but did not really believe in a "power" in the way it's being described.

The pyramids created a less-negative potential high in the sky and provided a current path to it, made from gold beaten down on the outside of the pyramid and poured within as well. This massive display of capacitive reactance simply used the atmosphere, the earth?s core, and a chemical equation, allowing the chamber to absorb electrical boosts.

The author doesn't understand storage batteries, capacitive resistance, and electricity. Or lightning (electricity, but... the subsequent comments show that the author doesn't know about electricity or weather or lightning.)

If or when you have time to read the whole thread, you will see how much sense this theory makes!

If you take the time to read up on batteries, electrical circuits, and some physics, you will get some insight on just how truly awful the "theory" is. I'm not going to be mean and pick apart more of the detail, but I would encourage you to start reading pages on the "how stuff works" site and start learning about electric circuits and so forth.

The "Stuff" site is well written, and the videos are pretty cool. And the pyramid site above has some neat and interesting stuff about the Great Pyramid, too.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Byrd]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:35 AM

'sealed lead-walled acid filled limestone basin'

Anyone spot the deliberate mistake :-s Anyone know what acid does to limestone? Or lead for that matter? Especially acid strong enough to act as a potent electrolyte.

Myth busted!

I find the whole thing about the pyramids maybe generating electricity fascinating - but if it happened, this isn't how.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Thanks for the input, you do make some good points!
Here is another theory....., that is also interesting.

The Great Pyramid:
Fits the Profile of a Chemical Laser

Components of a Laser:
Source of Power
Optical Source
A Mixing Vessel
Separating Chamber
Exhaust System
Oscillating Chamber
Downstream Mixing Chamber
Gas Source
Continuous Wave Output Beam

It is my theory that when the pyramids were ready and a major celestial event took place the world's largest power plants went into operation. The granite vessels inside the chambers could have been loaded with the appropriate amount of raw elements, many elements were known and used by the ancient Egyptians, to create a chemical reaction, so that when the water was forced up the ascending passage using Bernoulli's Principle the energized granite plugs locked something into the water molecules as they passed by similar to static electricity. Then, the electrified or energized water flowed into a holding area, also called the Upper Temple, where it could be stored and accessed. Larger quantities could be released to flow down the causeways and into the lower holding area, and could be loaded into special containers like amphorae (pottery with a rounded or pointed bottom) and taken by boat anywhere up or down the Nile. The excess could have been allowed to flow into the Nile to strengthen and energize the Egyptian workers whom I read could "work all day" drinking only the water from the Nile.

Source, full link here.....

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:53 PM
(insert sounds of someone stomping off to the educational system and snarling, "DOESN'T ANYONE BOTHER TO TEACH SCIENCE ANY MORE???")


Sorry about that. Okay... so we go off and look at the page.

The first thing we notice is that the writer doesn't check sources. He states:

Reports by ancient historians indicate that workers at the pyramids could work all day taking no other nourishment than "water from the Nile."

This contradicts records at the workers' village right there on the Giza plateau, which has communal kitchens, breweries, ovens, living quarters, etc, etc. The remains of the fish they cooked were found in the kitchens.

He continues with

I will show you why they were not tombs, over and above the fact that they were never found to contain mummies, treasure, or even decorations on the walls, which are characteristic of all royal Egyptian tombs

...blythely unaware that a mummy was found in the pyramid of Menkaure (smallest pyramid)...

And then makes the bold statement

The Great Pyramid:
Fits the Profile of a Chemical Laser

This works only if you have read diagrams (as the writer said he did) without actually understanding the physics and chemistry. (Water, by the way, does have a dipole moment , but the amount of "energy" is virtually nil. It doesn't matter how much energy you put in or around it, it's still not going to be energized (otherwise, all the water that falls through our modern hydroelectric plants would be "energized" and everyone and everything downstream from the hydroelectric plant would have special... powers and all that stuff.)

But the writer is unaware of this. I don't think he took any chemistry classes (I did, but I'm no chemist.)

So... moving on... He makes his "source of power" a mysterious and unmeasured "pyramid power" that is somehow gathered by falling on the surface of the pyramid ... and it's apparently done by some sort of miraculous process that was able to be made by wooden hammers and copper chisels (Egyptian technology).

He then claims

The air vent to the exterior allows lenses to manipulate sunlight into the so-called "King's Chamber." Various crystals could be used to alter natural forms of energy, and adjust the heat, sound and light frequencies in the chamber.

He is apparently unaware that the end of the shaft is horizontal, preventing light from entering the shaft:

He has little idea of how an actual laser is constructed... and frankly, given the nature of the chemicals used to make modern chemical lasers, the traces of these things (like iodine) should be all over the insides of the pyramids:

They aren't.

It is my theory that when the pyramids were ready and a major celestial event took place the world's largest power plants went into operation. The granite vessels inside the chambers could have been loaded with the appropriate amount of raw elements, many elements were known and used by the ancient Egyptians...

(sorry... I just had to add "no they weren't." Atoms and elements weren't described until 600 BC, first by the Indians and next by the Greeks)

... to create a chemical reaction, so that when the water was forced up the ascending passage using Bernoulli's Principle

I'm pretty sure he doesn't understand Bernoulli's principle or how weak the effect is with an incompressible flow.

the energized granite plugs locked something into the water molecules as they passed by similar to static electricity.

Granite (being a blend of a lot of different minerals and elements in a very patchy and non-uniform rock) is not a conductor of anything. Although water is dipolar, you can't magnetize a liquid (it requires everything staying absolutely still and all the molecules lining up. If they keep shoving each other around and bumping against each other, they get out of alignment. That's why, when you want to demagnetize an iron or other magnet, you heat it up.)

Then, the electrified or energized water flowed into a holding area, also called the Upper Temple, where it could be stored and accessed. Larger quantities could be released to flow down the causeways and into the lower holding area, and could be loaded into special containers like amphorae (pottery with a rounded or pointed bottom) and taken by boat anywhere up or down the Nile.

Amphorae are Greek manufacture (900 BC or so.) The Egyptians didn't use them.

...and so on and so forth.

I'm not going into the issue of the power of the energy of the sun falling on the side of a pyramid would be (I'm not in the mood for the math and discussion of the angle of the sun and all those calculations. Let's just say that his estimate is wildly optomistic). Nor am I going to go into details on "the construction of the chambers in the other pyramids was different than Cheops' Pyramid"... you can look that up for yourself.

Those are the highlights. You could spend a lot of time pointing out the many other errors and assumptions he makes.

One other tiny point... he seems to talk about the sky and universe as though we're living in some sort of dome and angels or other powers "suddenly" make things happen. We are a small planet in a smallish solar system in one of the galaxies in a universe well over 156 billion light years

Planetary and stellar motions and actions are perfectly describable by physics. The Egyptians weren't very concerned about these things, but the Babylonians and Sumerians kept accurate records and were able to predict events like eclipses. They really don't happen "miraculously."

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:34 PM
I met a guy once who was convinced that electricity, through the use of monotomic gold helped move the giant stones up the pyramid.

Although he also told me he was a vampire and the goverment was after him...

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