posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 08:10 AM
~ Larger Overview ~
Every Quarter, the Gov't/the Market, has at least one official 'Day-Off'
in the 1st Quarter, we took off the MLK day, instead of Washingtons birthday.
in the 2nd Quarter we got Good Friday, instead of Arbor Day or Law Day,
in the 2nd Quarter we will also get Memorial Day
in the 3rd Quarter, expect Labor Day, but not Patriot Day or POW-MIA Day
in the 4th Quarter expect, Thanksgiving & Christmas Days, but we will forego Columbus Day & NationalBoss Day
all these shortened weeks are there to accomplish things like:
1. over-time pay available for the working schmucks like myself,
2. time for the elites to jet off to vaction homes or have some Yacht time,
3. long weekends for the representatives to fly to home districts and solict contributions, hire on pretty interns etc