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So, Alex Jones was right?

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posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:54 PM
I'm furiously thumbing through the "Obama Deception" movie looking for where Alex Jones was talking about how Obama will soon urge people to refinance their mortgages and start investing again only to get screwed over for a second time. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Anyway, I wouldn't have cared if I didn't see this headline yesterday. Because, I did watch the documentary, it was still fresh in my mind (keep in mind that it came out in January and it's now April):

Obama says timing right for millions to refinance

"WASHINGTON – Declaring "good news" in the midst of an economic meltdown, President Barack Obama on Thursday urged families to take advantage of near-record low mortgage rates by refinancing their home loans. "We are at a time where people can really take advantage of this," Obama said, seated with a handful of homeowners who have already lowered their bills."

[edit on 10-4-2009 by LiQuiD_FuSioN]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 02:08 PM
Well yeah, but that wouldn't be a very hard prediction to make. Rates are at a decades-low level. Anybody would tell you, now IS the time to re-finance.

I don't see any premonition or conspiracy here.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by MajesticJax

The conspiracy is that he fails to mention the hyper-inflation that will inevitably follow from the rampant printing of money. (Money out of thin air).

It is only a matter of when, not if... When hyper-inflation takes hold of the US economy, and as peoples mortgages come up for renewal, they will be forced to refinance at MUCH higher interest rates. Leaving them with payments they can no longer afford.

Very similar to what happened after the artificially low rates after 9/11 induced many people to purchase homes, only to find that a few years later, they had to refinace at higher rates, causing their monthly payments to increase substantially.

The only difference this time, is that the refianced payments will be MUCH MUCH higher. Leaving us with a whole new round of home forclosures.

I think that about covers it. lol

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:56 PM
MOrtgages up for renewal- man, that's 25-30 years down the road. What they're trying to do is bolster the banking industry with new fees. (i.e. closing costs, etc.) The probelm is credit's so tight right now, half the people that WOULD qualify for a refi 2-3 years ago, now can't buy a thing.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by LiQuiD_FuSioN
Yes, I just got done watching the video, and it is in there! Alex states that the federal reserve will sucker people into refinancing their homes and taking what money they have left and reinvest it into the stock market! Then, when the bankers have made all the money they want to again, pfffffffft, another banking crisis, more tarp funds, but the next time may be the last time before foreclosing on our national debt! But yes, that info you're looking for is in there!

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by LowRiderrr
reply to post by MajesticJax

It is only a matter of when, not if... When hyper-inflation takes hold of the US economy, and as peoples mortgages come up for renewal

What are you talking about? I currently have a 30 year mortgage. If I do not want to I do not have to do anything about my mortgage for 30 years and guess what happens after 30 years....I OWN my house...

they will be forced to refinance at MUCH higher interest rates. Leaving them with payments they can no longer afford.

Forced to refinance? How? Are you talking about Adjustable Rate Mortgages?

Very similar to what happened after the artificially low rates after 9/11 induced many people to purchase homes, only to find that a few years later, they had to refinace at higher rates, causing their monthly payments to increase substantially.

Wow, I suggest you KNOW what you are talking about before speaking mate.

People are not FORCED to refinance.

What happened with the current bubble was SUB-PRIME mortgages being dumped on the masses whether they needed them or not. These SUB-PRIME mortgages are ADJUSTABLE-RATE mortgages which means as the market fluctuates so too does the ADJUSTABLE-RATE of your mortgage.

The only difference this time, is that the refianced payments will be MUCH MUCH higher. Leaving us with a whole new round of home forclosures.

I think that about covers it. lol

You really have no idea what you are talking about and are doing a poor job of regurgitating the talking points you herd. . .

And NO AJ was not right until the second half of what he predicted comes to pass...

[edit on 13-4-2009 by Animal]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Animal
Sorry mate, but aparently you don't understand much about hyperinflation. When hyperinflation hits, this means that a major currency change will indeed happen. Then, when the bank that's gonna be controlling the new currency, which in case will be the imf, that banking entity will demand that all people with loans, whether it be for homes, automobiles, credit cards, etc, refinance all their debt, or lose what they have put up for collatoral that secured those debts. So yes mate, this will force you, me, and anybody else in debt to "refinance" whether we like it or not, and at the interest rate the bank sets. As of last night, in global trading, the dollar again silently slid further into the abyss!

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by LiQuiD_FuSioN

Does Alex mentions who handles Obama?

Does anyone actually listen to Alex (no judaics here) Jones anymore?

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by SylviaPlath
Yes, alex tells who is handling obama, and yes, I listen to jones daily. You can watch the video online if ya like and don't want to buy it, but I suggest that you purchase it because you'll wanna watch it many times so you can break down all the info.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by thewind
reply to post by Animal
Sorry mate, but aparently you don't understand much about hyperinflation. When hyperinflation hits, this means that a major currency change will indeed happen. Then, when the bank that's gonna be controlling the new currency, which in case will be the imf, that banking entity will demand that all people with loans, whether it be for homes, automobiles, credit cards, etc, refinance all their debt, or lose what they have put up for collatoral that secured those debts. So yes mate, this will force you, me, and anybody else in debt to "refinance" whether we like it or not, and at the interest rate the bank sets.

This has NOT happened, and my critique of the previous poster stands. The comments I made were in context to the PAST not the theoretical future you are setting up for us in your post.

Comprehend the difference?

I have no problems with the concept of HYPERINFLATION, the ills of the IMF or the idea of a changing currency.

Speculate away, but I will not buy into your paranoid delusions until they actually HAPPEN. Just because AJ says somehting is going to come to pass does not mean it will.

As of last night, in global trading, the dollar again silently slid further into the abyss!


posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by LiQuiD_FuSioN

Why does any of it matter?

If the situation improves (unlikely scenario) then these people will not be in any more difficulty than previously.

If the situation doesn't improve (more likely) then the $ will collapse, financial stability as we know it will cease, and there will be no other option than to wipe such debts and start again.

If the president of the US is advising people to do this, and then it all fails, there is high probability that people can claim for having received bad financial advice

What will the government and financial institutions do if the vast majority cannot honor debt?

Money doesn't matter, debt doesn't matter. In such numbers an economy will not gain from enforcing such laws of reclaiming debt. It just wouldn't be possible.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Before the Federal Reserve Bank came into the game , people DID NOT have to FINANCE a house at all.

Try asking your grand parents (or grand-grand parents , if you have any still alive...).

Maybe we will have to finance our food too 40 years from now? Not that far fetched at all...

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual
Here's why it matters. First of all, we will not just collapse and start over with a new currency. What do you think is propping up our currency and debt right now? Bonds are, and they are bonds that china and other foreign countries have purchased, and if the usa defaults on it's debt, what do you think the usa "guaranteed" those bonds with? Real estate, that's what. So, if, or when we do collapse, then our bond holders call in the debt, foreclose on us, then they step in and take over whatever land, buildings, lakes, national parks, or whatever our gov't promised them and seize it. Then, they rent it back to us, or use it in whatever way they wish, to include bringing their own people here to live, for you see, once they own the land, our national sovereignty is totally dissolved! So yes, it's a big deal if the usa and the dollar collapses! Wake up people, this is no game we are in!

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Animal
Yeah, I am sure they were laughing to back in 1929, and then again in 1933 when fdr closed the gold standard, and again in 1936 when the usa was declared "bankrupt". Ever since then, the fiat currency has been backed by social security, and now that there are more people on social security than are paying in, the next step is to collapse the economy so the elite don't lose anymore of their money. This is a fact and was just reported on the other day by the congressional budget office. Right now, social security pays out 959 billion for the year of 2009, but it's only taking in 953 billion. So keep laughing it up and having a good time, and when it falls, I'd love to be there looking you in the face and see if you're still laughing! America will exist as long as the bankers think they need us.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by thewind

talk to me when you want to stick to an issue, i don't care to do the 'crazy dance' with you from one topic to the next.

you criticized my post for a set of reasons which i exposed as inaccurate and plain wrong, ever since you have responded to me with flights of fancy that do not stick to the topic.

your ranting not debating.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Animal

Sorry but I wasn't ranting, that's what you considered it to be, but I wasn't the one who hollered
h no the end is nigh, the end is nigh, and then started laughing now was I? Umm, it seems that you were the one ranting while I displayed the facts, and it is a fact that after 1913, the newly established federal reserve took only 20 years to crash the american economy, thus giving the elite what they wanted, total control over our currency forever. I just watched alan greenspan say outta his own mouth on a video tonight that nobody controls the federal reserve, except the people who own it! Umm, and the people who own it are none other than the Rothschilds, and I have already proven that to be a fact also!

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 11:21 PM
What Alex Jones claims in his recent film was also discussed in the Movie Endgame.

In this movie, they all go to the Bilderberg meeting. Then Jim Tucker, Alex Jones and Daniel Estulin are shown back at the hotel discussing what they were told was discussed in the meeting. In this movie Daniel Estulin is discussing EXACTLY what you have seen over the last year, as well the section you are asking about in Jones's new film. The info itself is not as new as AJ's new film. It was discussed in 2007 in Endgame as well.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by MrWendal]

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