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My Theory On USO/UFO Propulsion

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posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 11:13 AM
I was just watching an recently DVR'd episode of 'UFO Hunters' regarding USO's. While the discussion on the show was focused on the actual entry of the [let's call them] craft into the water, without apparent disturbance to the water, I naturally started to think about all of the 'common' stuff that we take as given. Things like mass, displacement, pressure, etc.

Then something occurred to me; perhaps these craft wheren't 'traveling' as we know it. Just maybe, they're 'surfing' a time-space wave that, depending upon the craft's location on the wave [peak vs. trough], they could actually 'eliminate' any and all turbulance [aquatic, atmospheric, or otherwise] by simply not being there when we observe them.


posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by billybobh3
I was just watching an recently DVR'd episode of 'UFO Hunters' regarding USO's. While the discussion on the show was focused on the actual entry of the [let's call them] craft into the water, without apparent disturbance to the water, I naturally started to think about all of the 'common' stuff that we take as given. Things like mass, displacement, pressure, etc.

Then something occurred to me; perhaps these craft wheren't 'traveling' as we know it. Just maybe, they're 'surfing' a time-space wave that, depending upon the craft's location on the wave [peak vs. trough], they could actually 'eliminate' any and all turbulance [aquatic, atmospheric, or otherwise] by simply not being there when we observe them.


MMM, I am kinda following you on this.

What I have seen, UFO wise, or at least the one that gave the biggest impact, didn't look like it belonged up in the sky, and to this day I still cannot explain it right, I would say it didn't belong in this dimension or our WORLD, to put lament. I have seen others that just look like a star floating getting dim and bright, blah blah, not as impressive. My hunch is they're or again the one I saw, that gave the biggest impact, I think it was multi dimensional. The dog I had at the time, was barking at it first but its barks were unnatural for her, never heard her do that again, I think she could hear something a sound it was making or something that was hurting her ears or something I dunno. My theory time and space and multi dimensional. Hopefully I don't sound to crazy, that was a long time ago and I am over it.. Good thread, cept I don't like UFO hunters to corperate and mainstream I can assure you in my opinion they will never make breakthru.
MMM HMM I have really seen one..

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Adrifter]

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 02:44 PM

You get the gist of my theory pretty well.

I am by no means an expert (or even a novice, for that matter) in physics; be it conventional, theoritical, or otherwise.

But it does make sense to me that, if space-time could somehow be manipulated in such a fashion, the 'craft' could seem to 'appear' at any given location at any given time, the premise being that we, as observers are merely seeing a 'snapshot' of an event that A.) has occurred, B.) is occurring, or C.) will occur at that particular location in space. I believe that 'travel' via this means could explain the lack of USO 'splash-down' effects, the lack of sound [particularly sonic booms] by UFOs, and the reason why UFOs may be witnessed yet not appear on radar etc. on some occassions and do so on others.

I know that this seems a lot like the Infinite Improbability Drive from Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, but who knows?

Yesterday's science fiction often becomes today's science fact and then becomes the stepping stone to tomorrow's science future...

[edit on 10-4-2009 by billybobh3]

[edit on 10-4-2009 by billybobh3]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:18 PM
I remember reading some form of "description" of a UFO propulsion system, can't remember where!

Basically it consisted of a triangular arrangement of "magnet" type spheres, which could be focused on the desired destination. Once focus was achieved, space/time was warped, or folded if you prefer, so that the two points were touching, and the UFO just "hopped" across. This would cause it to disappear and reappear, don't know how plausible it sounds, it kind of makes sense to me and it seems a more elegant and efficient way of travelling vast distances. But for short distance??

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:20 PM
How about this, instead?

Your existence (including "where" you are) is determined in part by where you perceive yourself to be in a holographic matrix of wave-particles. That's your individual point of view. But you also have an imagination that works outside the matrix, and can actually manipulate energy within the matrix to produce physical effects. (Out of essentially "nowhere," you think about typing a keyboard letter, and it happens.)

Now, what if you had some kind of machine that could amplify your imagination and your perception to the point where you could actually change the wave matrix you're in to something (somewhere) completely different? You imagine yourself on another planet on the other side of the galaxy, and the machine rearranges spacetime around you so that you are actually there. It's not exactly travel from Point A to Point B, so there's no problem with relativistic limits. You're just manipulating and re-arranging spacetime to change your perspective, your point-of-view. An amplified version of something you do all the time.

The strangest of the eyewitness reports suggest UFOs work more like this than like a boat or a car or a rocket.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Nohup]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I have a hypothesis about sound, light and gravity. I believe sound, light and gravity are all on the same spectrum of waves moving at different frequencies. I know I'm gonna get flamed for this but it's an interesting thought.

What if they are all connected.

It has been long theorized that gravity is a wave. We know waves vibrating at certain frequencies can produce an anti gravity effect. I thought maybe gravity produces an opposite effect because of it's frequency. Sound light and gravity are all the same thing only moving at a different frequency. Which produces effects, and although they are different they the waves act in a very similar way.

I do know that sound does function differently since it is not pure energy and does not move as quickly. Sound requires matter to travel. I personally think this is due to wavelength and frequency. Energy at a lower frequency will not have the gumption to power itself therefore requires matter to travel, however light vibrates at a much higher frequency taking on a life of it's own and therefore functioning differently than sound. There would be no way to see this because you cannot hear light. Even at it's lowest frequency if it where compared to sound it would still be well above our range of hearing.

An example of how light is similar to gravity (although not as powerful) would be that light arranged in a certain way will bend space time just like gravity does. The light (in the form of lasers) are arranged in a spiral pattern which causes a rift in space time. (this also lets a particle sent through this device to accelerate passed the speed of light without breaking the laws of physics. There is a video on youtube about it called "the first time machine" that was broadcast by the discovery channel) So why can light bend space time? An even bigger question would be at what frequency do gravity waves travel? (The graviton is not a real thing, but if it is the theory still fits since it would be vibrating to create the wave ergo creating the effect) I would say it is lower than sound since it requires matter to generate gravity. However like ultra high frequency waves, ultra low frequency waves like gravity can also bend space time.

Every atom and every particle vibrates to a certain frequency. This vibration (in my opinion) could be what generates gravity as well as all the other forces. Photons for example also vibrate which creates light. An energy particle that is similar to an electron vibrate to create a light wave. The frequency in which these particles vibrate cause light. This would create the much sought after unifying theory. It would explain everything and would mean that Gravity, Light and Sound would be the same thing moving at different frequencies which in turn cause very different effects.

Lastly the connection between all of them would be amplitude. You can make light of the same frequency brighter, sound louder, and more matter equals more vibrations which equals a higher amplitude creating a heightened effect.

Sound travels slower because it is a lower frequency, light travels faster because it is of higher frequency, and gravity travels at the speed of smell. Which would explain it's fairly weak effect (all you have to do is jump to break the gravity field).

This theory would also explain black holes. We know gravity bends space time correct? When a star becomes so dense it's gravity collapses on itself therefore bending space time to form a black hole right? Here's how i think that goes down. Take a glass for example. If you sing at a certain frequency that matches the glass it shatters right? Lets say you where to do that in a very large space, you would make the glass vibrate but it would not cause it to shatter correct? Now do the same thing in a 6'x6' room. The glass of course shatters. A star takes up a huge space therefore vibrates but does not shatter. When it looses energy it becomes dense and therefore smaller with the same amount of matter. Smaller until it's own frequency causes a gravity overload therefore creating a black hole

It's just an idea, whether it is true or not is up to science, but it does make sense. At least to me.

Edit to add more information: re-read if you didn't already see it.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by DaMod]

[edit on 10-4-2009 by DaMod]

Edit to post that video I described earlier so people don't have to look it up. Here it is for those who want to watch it.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:55 PM
I like the idea of somehow enhancing your perception, and creativity to manipulate the reality surrounding you. But would that really be travelling as such, or "just" creating an alternate reality around you? We all percieve things in different ways, colours are subtly different to you as opposed to me for example. What you seem to be describing is more akin to "astral" travel, not to belittle your idea in the slightest, I agree with it in principle. Perhaps a combination of your theory with Damods ideas, and a development of the device I described, could make inter galactic travel a possibility, unless of course such technology already exists?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:59 PM
Just a though that occurred to me, can anyone remember "Quantum Leap"? Wasn't the theory of time travel in that show, that you could travel within your own lifetime, because time was like a ball of string all tangled up, where points you could "time travel", so where sound, light and gravity "touch" travel of some sort is possible. Only a thought, I'm off to watch the new Red Dwarf!!!

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:09 PM

I see the problem with regular linear propulsion. Regular propulsion will give point based transportations that server an exhaust on one site and the rest having nothing, thus creating ridiculous turning circles much like over 95% of all human transportation.

I assume just for boxing out that we are talking short distance flight, as in transportation within a single solar system and not long range? Ridiculous as it may sound, extreme long range is much easier to explain then short range.

Planets have magnetic fields, all of them have, some are strong and others are weak. Earths magnetic field is strong and we can all thank the almighty goddess of sheer luck for that, or maybe the laws of physics whatever you like. But magnetic fields of earth are by no means strong enough to make heavy spacecrafts elevate on themselves, if it would then we would be doing it right now as well.
The real trick in short distance flying around a planet is the ability to create a strong magnetic field that will more or less let you glide over the earths field. If you can cause equally directed magnetic fields in strong enough quantities you can cause instant directional change by temporary amplifying it in one side to move towards the other side. Thus causing the movements we typically see in orbiting U.F.O's.

I will not go into shielding (such powerful magnetic fields really shorten lifespan) but I will tell this; U.F.Os using that type of propulsion are not designed for combat because magnetic fields can be to quickly disturbed.

On top of that earth as a particular planet is very vicious because the earth field is strong and it's fluctuations in the field erratic. While we might not notice it directly, the magnetic field jumps with big waves that are difficult to find in such wave quantities on other planets (not in space in general, just other planets). Any pilot using magnetic field based propulsion will see earth as a very dangerous and challenging place to surf.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by AncientShade]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:14 PM
Roger Shawyer, the inventor of a microwave warp engine with no moving parts, says that he was told to abandon his invention. I suspect that this is the same technology used by UFO's based on their spectacular flight characteristics. Roger Shawyer claims that he has been ordered to cease and desist from his experimentations by unknown parties.

Basically this invention relates to a device that alters space with opposing electro-magnetic fields of unequal power densities that causes a distortion in the fabric of space in the vicinity of the vehicle allowing it to 'fall' through between the two fields, hence the propulsion.

The link to the pdf below is to his theory paper.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:19 PM
WOW, we got some smart people here... You have no idea, how much I appreciate intelligent people... Especially in this age we live in.. I will be one of the first to bleed to protect such virtues of man...


[edit on 10-4-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by masonwatcher
Roger Shawyer, the inventor of a microwave warp engine with no moving parts, says that he was told to abandon his invention. I suspect that this is the same technology used by UFO's based on their spectacular flight characteristics. Roger Shawyer claims that he has been ordered to cease and desist from his experimentations by unknown parties.

Basically this invention relates to a device that alters space with opposing electro-magnetic fields of unequal power densities that causes a distortion in the fabric of space in the vicinity of the vehicle allowing it to 'fall' through between the two fields, hence the propulsion.

The link to the pdf below is to his theory paper.

Yes, you are right. The named articles are the same of the technology I am talking about.

Sight..I feel another few nights of bad sleep coming up for what I just told. Good thing that killing me doesn't mean the end of me otherwise I would have vanished from earth a long time ago.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by masonwatcher
Roger Shawyer, the inventor of a microwave warp engine with no moving parts, says that he was told to abandon his invention. I suspect that this is the same technology used by UFO's based on their spectacular flight characteristics. Roger Shawyer claims that he has been ordered to cease and desist from his experimentations by unknown parties.

Basically this invention relates to a device that alters space with opposing electro-magnetic fields of unequal power densities that causes a distortion in the fabric of space in the vicinity of the vehicle allowing it to 'fall' through between the two fields, hence the propulsion.

The link to the pdf below is to his theory paper.

Very interesting read.
I wonder if others have duplicated the described experiments/demonstrations and, if so, why hasn't it gained more scientific and/or public recognition? If not, why not?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 08:11 PM

Very interesting read. I wonder if others have duplicated the described experiments/demonstrations and, if so, why hasn't it gained more scientific and/or public recognition? If not, why not?

Sure you can experiment and play around with the technology but the moment you publicise or try and profit from your handiwork, men in dark suits will start appearing and intimidating. If that doesn't work then a heart attack would straighten things out.

[edit on 083030p://pm3030 by masonwatcher]

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 12:50 AM
Our growth into higher sciences is really stunted right now. Just think if every basement chemist / physicist actually had their works known by all! We would see things we cant even imagine.

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