posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 09:51 AM
So after reading and watching a lot or documentries about life and the universe, and how it happened and where were going, this is what I think is
going on.
The big bang happens...a finite amount of matter explodes and starts travelling away from the explosion...
we are talking about all the matter and dark matter in the universe expanding away from the single point where the explosion took place, the centre of
the universe....a black hole of enourmous size is left behind, initially the energy released from the explosion is enough to counter the newly created
black holes pull (we loop back to here later)
during the expansion matter is in chaos, colliding coming together to create eventually the planets and galaxys etc.
the expansion continues planets and galaxys drifting further and further apart, but as everything is made from the same base matter I believe this
expansion will continue untill the very smallest of molecules/protons of what makes up the universe will start to move away from each other, human
kind has no worries here we'll be extinct long before.
Eventually these tiny pieces of matter will slow down as the energy from the big bang is finnally used this point the pull from the black
hole (see told you we'd loop back
) will cause the matter to reverse course and start racing back towards the centre...
the black hole will now start to grow in size and power as all matter and light are sucked in untill the energy created by everthing being forced into
such a relatively small space causes an implosion that result in us going back to the very start of this post and it starts all over again......
So have fun whilst your here as its gonna be a few hundred trillion years before were coming back this way again.......