posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 11:41 PM
I personally think that the relationship between the Catholic Church and modern Freemasonry is in one of the following directions:
First, the Catholic Church publicly denounces and forbids the Catholic laity from joining Freemasonry. They also denounce homosexuality as well.
Yet the Catholic Church hierarchy has a major problem - and has had for many decades - with homosexuals in their celibate priestly ranks, as well as
major issues with child sex abuse.
These are well-known, well documented public facts about the Church, and one that causes many devout Catholics consternation over these issues ("Am I
supporting an evil institution engaged in child abuse?" etc.).
Remember, however, that the Catholic Church is huge. It is a massive religious organization. I cannot tell you with any certainty as to whether the
child abuse statistics for the Church are comparable to other churches, schools, etc. But child abuse is, most definitely, a well known problem that
the Church has been trying to rectify and take proactive action to address.
Secondly, there are rumors - via Fr. Malachi Martin I believe - that the upper echelon in the Catholic Church hierarchy is replete with Freemasons at
the Cardinal level. Whether this is true or not, I have no supporting documentation nor evidence to provide.
Like all global institutions, there are major political factors involved. I think that the edicts against Freemasonry are historical in nature, and
frankly, a major power play by the papal authority to condemn threats to the Church's power structure.
I think it's politics pure and simple. Here is a generally secretive fraternal organization that could supersede the Church's authority by its
power and influence, as well as its notoriety for attracting politicians, businessmen, etc.
Now, the question that I have is this: Why doesn't the Church condemn other fraternal organizations? Why just Masonry? What makes Masonry so
special? Why not condemn Rotary International, Scientology, the Church of Latter Day Saints, etc.?
I do honestly believe that all of the major power brokers on the world stage are very familiar with Masonic ritual. You don't get to a very high
level of authority and power in this world without having some kind of ties to the fraternity in some shape or fashion - consciously or
I also believe that many priests have studied Masonic ritual as well. In fact, the whole concept of Masonry centers on King Solomon - a Biblical king
that many priests would have studied about during their seminary years.
Where does Freemasonry fit in? If it does at all, it is aligned at the top levels of the Catholic Church. I think you have to consider power
structures and power politics when looking at this situation. The Catholic Church - for all the good it does in the world - has a long, long history
of power politics on the world stage.
One the one hand, they denounce Masonry because they recognize its inherent power and secrecy as a tool of revolutionaries (think the Founding
Fathers, the French Revolution, etc.).
On the other hand, they embrace it at the top levels to try to control it and influence it. They turn a blind eye to the top leadership at the
Vatican that may engage in Masonic ritual.
For the laity, one set of rules. For the Church hierarchy, a whole other set of rules. Hypocrisy? Yes. But the point is not to be a hypocrite.
The points is to have ultimate power and ultimate control over as much of the population as possible.