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All of these shootings lately......leading up to gun bans?

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posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:14 AM
I have noticed ALOT of shootings going on in the country lately, and I can only correlate these with 1 of 2 things......

1) The economy

2) Barry pushing for gun controls, what better ammunition(no pun intended) than to have all of this going on at the same time.

Now I dont know if it is a False Op or not, it would be hard to coordinate that, but It could definatly be used to push the agenda.


posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Cha49

For years, I've been thinking the same year. These incidents sound too coincidental.

To go with the tinfoil hat conspiracists, perhaps some group is using the mind control programs that were developed in the 60s and 70s.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:28 AM
Of course they are.

Pelosi went back on her original stand against an AWB just yesterday because of the recent failures of idiot control.

If a plane hitting a building can get a nation of idiots to rally to invade a country that had nothing to do with the plane then a few crack-head Koreans shooting some people can definitely rally a nation of idiots to impose bans upon themselves.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:33 AM
I think they actually forsee an increased number of these kind of gun freak-outs as the economy goes down the tubes.
They are afraid of a desperate and an armed populous.

Face it, the government wants to ban your bullets or take your guns because they are afraid for themselves, not you.
And from what I hear here, stores can't keep bullets in stock fast enough.

I don't think these incidents are false Ops, just a taste of exponentially more to come.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:01 AM
And here I was having second thoughts about ordering a DPMS, but if Pelosi has changed her stance then I hope the bonus comes in soon cause there are some last minute pieces I need to acquire to complete my collection in time to be grandfathered in.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:13 AM
They want to ban guns and will "stage" any means to do so. For all we know the peoples' that are doing the shootings could very well be brainwashed mind controlled humans.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by bobbylove321

Even if they're not 'mind-controlled' MKULTRA slaves doing their pre determined jobs we still have politicians dancing in the blood of the victims to further their aspirations of power and money.

Every time someone is killed by a gun a anti-civil rights politician smiles and claps. They're endless crusade against liberty has skewed the reality so badly that upon hearing of the same crime a pro-liberty individual will first cringe and be distracted by thoughts of "how are they going to use this against us" before thinking of the victim and the victims family.

What if freedom from quartering soldiers had to be fought for like this?

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 07:32 PM
There has been a lot of shootings outside of the USA too, in Europe.
France, Germany, even in Greece where such thing's are unheard of.
And if memory serves me right, Finland too.

I think maybe it's just a bunch of copy cats? Last year I recall all the beheading's that occurred. One guy cut off that kids head in a supermarket, another guy cut off his girlfriends head, then some other guy tied a chain around his neck and the other end to a fence and sped down the street and his wife saw his head 'bouncing' down the road, then in Greece some guy cut his girlfriends head off after a fight and was walking around a village with it.

Weird stuff.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 01:54 PM
There so called gun bans might work in the short term, but after a few shoot outs with the thugs from the government ...all gloves come off and it breaks loose...

Way to many people own guns and are really not going to just give them up with out a good fight.... and if the govt. wants a war they cannot win... I say bring it on and take the country back for people and build a common sense type government...

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Cha49
I have noticed ALOT of shootings going on in the country lately, and I can only correlate these with 1 of 2 things......

1) The economy

2) Barry pushing for gun controls, what better ammunition(no pun intended) than to have all of this going on at the same time.

Now I dont know if it is a False Op or not, it would be hard to coordinate that, but It could definatly be used to push the agenda.


I think its a bit of an over statement that Barry is pushing for control. From what I have seen, he is indifferent.

Even Holder when asked said "We're not contemplating any legislation for guns at the this time, but I think it's permissible to.." Its not a direct quote, but a summary

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