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has there been anymore reports of menacing ufo's since colares, brazil 1977?

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posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:38 AM
alot of people think aliens are here to observe us and are harmless. i think they're here to find a way to interbreed and to take control of our world. i'm sure you have all heard of what happened in colares which is why i'm not going into all the grizzly details. my question is has anything like that happened since?

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:52 AM
i find it amazing that nobody is touching this thread. ok, i'm off to try and find more information about ufo's that attack

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:53 AM
Please do I've never heard of this incident. Right now I don't feel like googling.... give me some grizzly details

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Estharik

It depends on what you consider to be hostile. For instance, I consider Rendlesham to be hostile because the 'craft' disabled warheads according to the story. Sure they didn't fire a weapon at us but you'd have to be a fool not to entertain the worst case scenario for them disarming us and testing our defense systems.

Taking people from their beds (if stories are to be believed) against their will and shoving things into their orifices is somewhat menacing if you ask me. It's kidnap and rape amongst other violations of our individual rights. If we were to hold them to the same set of laws to which we abide; they are dangerous criminals. Just food for thought.


[edit on 8/4/09 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan i googled rendlesham, that was interesting, thankyou. i found quite a few sites where people felt threatened from seeing ufo's not to mention the sites on abductions which can be overwellming. what i find fascinating about colares is the amount of people that seen the ufo's who were running and hiding from them to keep from being "lasered" (for lack of a better word), the 35 who did get serious burn marks and the two who died from it. the whole island was under attack from these flying bright balls and they still bear the burns on there skin. this subject has already been discussed here on ATS, forum thread 271992. i'm leaning toward the fact has anything like this happened again? i've read where our government has signed treaties with these aliens. are we really giving them humans to appease their dna appetite? sounds more like the sacrifices to the ancient pagan gods.

[edit on 8-4-2009 by echodogene]


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